Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Under the Weather

Look at that, I get on a roll, get back to a story I had seemingly abandoned (hopefully surprised some of you) and I feel like shit. Literally. Well, ok, maybe not shit, but the possibility of feeling like it.

I'm on the fence of becoming sick. I can feel the tickle in my throat, but I'll be damned if I didn't try my hardest today to fight against it - loaded up on vitamins, drank some emergency, and sucked on a bunch of Coldeeze lozenges. What else is there to do? Get a good night's sleep! So that's what I'm going to do. I'm calling it quits early. Not because I don't love you and don't want to write for you, but so I don't feel like death tomorrow at work.

In the mean time, enjoy these videos :)

This Is My Home from Mark on Vimeo.

What a sweet old man! If I ever see his home, I'll certainly enter it (after asking for his permission first).

I am SO thrilled for this movie! I know it looks like Borat but slightly different, but trust me, based on what I know about it, it is a fictional, narrative film. And let's not forget how visibly pissed Ryan Seacrest was by this - because he had NO clue what was going to happen to him. Oh Sacha, how I love thee.

1 comment:

  1. This is my Home -

    I don't know why, Drew, but I flashed back to walking into Andy's at the lighthouse, when you were filming your documentary. Warm memories. There was something about this guy's voice that reminded me of Danny DeVito and also of Chuck! Go figure :)

    OK, as far as Sacha is concerned - Ryan looked pissed! Loved that security jumped in. He is quite a character, no matter the character he is playing!!!

    I hope you are feeling better soon - maybe you are catching a cold because of your COLD weather in LA - I heard it was 46 degrees! I mention this as I am at my desk, on my second snow day in Massachusetts!!!

    ieyu, ilys!
