Thursday, February 9, 2012

Happy Video Fridays!

Well Happy Friday everybody! I hope this week flew by for everyone and that you all have some fun plans laid out for the weekend. I myself don't - but thats ok, the roommates and I never have an issue finding something fun to do.

So it's Friday (I guess right now its Thursday - but when you read this... alright, you get the idea) and as you've all come to know and love me - I tend to get a bit lazy by this time of the week. No, it's not because I don't like writing, or that my brain isn't functioning, or that I'm too tired to write (I will admit though, at times that is the case) - but let's be honest, we should have some fun on this blog right? Right.

Ok then - I'm going to post some videos that I've enjoyed this week. Some that are cool, others that are deep, maybe a bit somber, and maybe one or two that are just a lot of fun.

So, without further delay, lets have at it.

I love this man. Not only as my president, but also as a human being. He's so genuine and friendly. I can't get over how well he interacts with Joey:

Just a straight up fun, creative video that took a lot of planning to shoot:

I love Jeremy Renner. I love this series. Oh wait, you say Edward Norton is in it too? Alright, I didn't think I'd be able to get over Matt Damon leaving, but this certainly hooked me:

This message moved me. I'm a sucker for ad campaigns like these (just think back to the Stop the Bullet, Kill the Gun):

Glassboy from roni kleiner on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. Super way to start my morning - thanks!

    The President - I think what we see in this video is really him. Not too different from when we heard him a few years ago, huh? Something tells me that there just may now be an air gun in the White House!

    Mattstache - SO creative. I watched this one several times - my favorite few seconds are 2:47-3:01. This must have taken an incredible amount of footage and editing - I am impressed!

    Bourne without Matt? I don't think I could have bought it until I saw the trailer - this is one I might just see :) LOVE Renner, and also Norton. I can tell you now though, that the head of the agency will ALWAYS be the attorney in Erin Brokovitch to me.

    Glass boy - Powerful. I wish there were more like this for texting while driving. And if there is, please post it!

    Enjoy your weekend, DrewDrew.

    ieyu, ilys!
