Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Web Slinger

Ok - don't get me wrong, I'm still iffy about this damn movie, but I will admit that after this new trailer came out, I have a little less doubt. But it is still there.

I'm not going to dissect the whole thing for you, but I will briefly cover why I am still doubting this movie (and why I am now looking forward to it a little bit).

1. Sophomore effort by the director. Please understand that I loved Marc Webb's first film, 500 Days of Summer, but come on now, it was a small romantic indie film with a budget of 7.5 million dollars. This new SpiderMan film is sitting atop a budget of at least 80 million (with some reports saying it is as high as 150 million). I think Webb is an extremely talented guy, but I'm worried that this film is so far from his last in both topic and scale, that the characters and story run the potential of becoming lost.

2. We've seen it all before. Come on, the first spiderman film came out in 2002 - thats only ten year ago! How can you say you need to reboot a series that is still that fresh? Ok, I know they did it with Batman, but with the original actors (Toby!) still in our minds, do we really want or need to see a new Peter Parker? Sure, I can get over that - actors become older, so it must happen. But my problem is, do we need to see the birth of SpiderMan, the loss of Uncle Ben, and Peter adjusting to his powers again? At this point - it may just be a bit repetitive.

3. People were talking so much about the CG - how it looked so much better than the last films (which already looked great) and that a lot of the web slinging was actually done practically with stunt men. Well, after watching this - it still looks straight from a computer to me. Maybe thats just my eyes, but oh well. It's a gripe I have.

4. Emma Stone. I know I've written about her before. But to reiterate. I think she is breathtakingly beautiful and extremely talented. She will be the perfect fit for Gwen Stacy (Peter's first love).

5. I was hesitant of Andrew Garfield as Peter - and I still am, but after this trailer, I can see he fits the wise-ass aspect of the roll well. For my taste, he is a little too "troubled teen/punk" instead of the geeky uncoordinated kid we all loved in the comics. I won't really be able to decide if he will fit Toby's shoes until the film comes out.

6. I heard and saw pictures of concept art of the bad guy "The Lizard" before this trailer and I was scared. It seemed he wasn't going to be big enough, mean enough, and too humanoid. I was wrong. He's big, he snares a lot, and he is more reptilian than I had hoped (except for his head - would it have hurt to give him more of a snout?)

So, pros and cons? Absoslutely. I still think the cons outweigh the pros, but I'll be the first to admit it. I'm super ephin' biased. I would give anything to be SpiderMan. Literally. Anything. I grew up with him. He was my hero. Hell, he still is. Always will be. Regardless - I'm still going to give this film as much of a shot as it deserve - because the moment it comes on the screen, I'm going to be a kid again - whether it is good or bad. I'll at least get to see my favorite character up on the screen again.

Let me know what you think:

1 comment:

  1. I fully understand each of your points, and agree with most of them. I am not so sure about Andrew Garfield, though feel better after seeing the trailer.

    Emma Stone - glad they have her as a blonde - it fits better, and doesn't have me thinking about Kirsten Dunst.

    I couldn't make out the reptile - either my eyes are slowing down, or the filming is getting faster. I can tell you I saw his tail, but his face? Not so much!

    You didn't say the movie has some eye candy for us old folks - LOVE that Dennis Leary is in it.

    I bet you will see this movie about a million times. I know I will go to see it, just so I can think of you. I can NEVER think of Spidey without thinking of YOU!

    ieyu, ilys!
