Thursday, February 23, 2012


So the following video may seem a bit creepy to some - because, well, it kind of is.

Sure, its all computer animated, but there is still something about spiders that can make your skin crawl in any form. I'll go ahead and give the animators credit, but saying it is how lifelike the creatures in this piece are.

Also - I have to point out why I enjoy this so much. First, it feels like something David Fincher would have done. It's dark, technologically advanced, and not exactly happy. I also really enjoy the music and how it is used in the piece. It isn't the typical score you'd expect in something like this - the modern, almost digital sound really contrasts what is being shown. But overall, my favorite part of this is how we get to see what happens inside of the moth as it is consumed by the spider. Sure, in the real world the venom doesn't make the moth break down into tiny little digital prisms - but roll with it here, this is art after all.

I'm sorry if this makes anyone squeamish or give them nightmares later in the night (sorry mom) - but the quality of this piece is well above that of many other videos currently circulating on the internet.


1 comment:

  1. EEEEEuuuuuwwwwwww!!!!! OK, I agree with you - it is incredibly made. I wish I hadn't watched it right after I had my lunch!

    I will be checking for spiders in my bed before I climb into it tonight!!!

    ieyu, ilys!
