Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Angry Ape

Alright - bare with me a little more. I know this is another video, but I've been trying to draft something to post that hopefully will fulfill the lack of stories lately.

Works been tough, with long hours, so by the time I get home I don't even think about writing (sorry).

So hopefully tomorrow I can post what I've been brain storming - assuming the creative juices are flowing.

In the mean time - I hope you enjoy this angry primate.  Just imagine if the glass was not there. That dude would be knocked the f*ck out.

Damn apes be crazy!

1 comment:

  1. I had seen this last week, and find it amazing. I LOVE the height the monkey gets on his swings on the rope!!!

    I think it would be great to go to a zoo today - but I guess I will just need to go to campus instead :)

    ieyu, ilys!
