Thursday, February 16, 2012

Mr. Happy Man

Hooray! It's Friday!

I hope everyone had a wonderful week and some plans for the long weekend (if you get to take advantage of the extra day).

My weeks been super long, extremely hard, and exhausting. But I've made it through!

So if you've had a week like mine, just remember, Mr. Happy Man loves you.

Mr. Happy Man from Matt Morris Films on Vimeo.

What a fascinating man!

I wish I had someone like this to drive past every day on my way to work - it'd make my mornings great. So much so, that I'd actually look forward to them. I know Bermuda theoretically isn't in the Caribbean (even though it is in the Caribbean Community - CARICOM), it perfectly encompasses what the people of the islands stand for. What a wonderful place.

I like this man. I hope you do too. Johnny seems like a great man, who carries an even greater message.

I love to too Johnny!

1 comment:

  1. YOU, my sweet boy, are my Mr. Happy! What a beautiful and heart-warming film.

    And as for saying I love you everyday - I think the world knows, I LOVE MY BABIES!

    ieyu, ilys! (Does that count as an I Love You?)
