Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A Story for Tomorrow

So this was a three day weekend (hence my lack of posting last night or today). I apologize. I didn't mean to throw any of you off - I really just didn't realize it.

So today I have something that I consider special. I was browsing my usual sites today and I stumbled upon this gem. At first I didn't know what to make of it. Whether it was purposeful in how it was composed, or a product that was born during its editing stages. After watching it a few times, I think since the voice over matches the footage so well, that it had to have been pre-planned. Yes, I'm aware it'd be extremely, if not even more so, to just shoot the film, edit it, and record the voice over after, but there is just something so genuine about the narrative that leads me to believe it had always been planned this way, from day one.

This piece is the total pacakge. I love the story. The visuals are outstanding and I'm just absorbed every time I watch it. I really can't help it. And that damn narration - so silky smooth, almost like a hispanic Morgan Freeman. Oh, and did I mention how powerful the message is? I'm not going to spell it out for you, but I think it carries with it something all of us should appreciate and try to follow. Even if you don't get from it what I did, I hope you get something from it. It should move you in your own way.

It's just a great piece.

Love film. Make good art.

1 comment:

  1. "Is it possible to be happy with this life?" How could my life not be happy when I have the two most incredible human beings on earth as my children?

    Drew, this is beautiful - the cinematography, the narration, the message. Beautiful - just like you.

    My favorite line in the entire video? "Where sunlight grows from the ground." You and your brother are the sunlight in my life. Thank you, my sweet man!

    Can you make a film like this after we go to Ireland?!?

    ieyu, ilys!
