Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Night Moves

Ever since he was a kid, he had always played the game. It didn't start out as fun though. As a child, he always spent time at his mates' flats. Playing, laughing, general tomfoolery, but when it came time in the evening to walk home alone, dread began to creep in.

He didn't grow up in a bad neighborhood - far from the ghettos that littered the outside of London, but his mind always got the best of him. He was fine when he was between the street lights, illuminated by their dull green light and ever present hum. It was once he stepped out from the pool of light below them that his mind really began taking advantage of the dark.

He grew up reading books, watching television, and movies. When his mind kicked into overdrive, every little sound became something horrendous, lying in the shadows, waiting to pounce on him. He'd always have that feeling that something was behind him, eyeing up and down. It certainly put a spring in his step.

Even today, much more mature, and living on his own, he'd still avoid the shadows when he could. His new mates never understood it, believing that it was a game he had created when he was a child. He was glad they believed him.

As long as they walked slower than him - they were the easier target.

1 comment:

  1. This had my mind drifting back to American Werewolf in London - "don't walk on the moors..." - We will have to remember this when we get to Ireland!

    ieyu, ilys!
