Tuesday, February 7, 2012

They've Done It Again

Well, as the title says - they've done it again. As marvelously as last time.

I really don't know where these ideas come from (some say it's the kid sister of one of the members of the band), but regardless, I'm always left stunned at what OK Go is capable of pulling off.

We've seen videos with dogs, Rube Goldberg machines, mirrors, treadmills, and now a car + 1000 instruments.

I'm sure some of you had seen the Chevy commercial during the super bowl that eluded to this music video - but, like all corporate machines, Chevy just wanted to showcase the car and tease the video, which thankfully is now online in its entirety. I do want to stress though - this is a real video. Everything you see is done practically. No CG or other effects were used. If you look closely at the car, you can see microphones all over it, as well as spread throughout the course. And as some of you probably are doubting - don't worry, the lead singer actually is driving during the video. If you follow their youtube page, you can see them all taking stunt driving lessons.

Best part? The lead singer actually singing the song inside the car, while driving, as the music is played outside the vehicle.

So, in a way did OK Go sell out by doing this for a Chevy commercial? Sure. Would I usually mind? Absolutely - but not in this instance. Yes, they are doing product placement, but its so far from what the video is about - music and creativity, that I don't even pay attention to it. I'm too drawn into what it going on in front of me to know it really is a car commercial. I'll also agree with that obviously it doesn't sound nearly as good as the studio recording - but I'm damn surprised they got everything to sound as good as it did considering what they actually attempted to do.

This just makes me want their next video even more...

So here is the studio version of the song - give it a listen as reference to the music video:

And now their newest music video:

Absolutely nuts right!?

1 comment:

  1. This is SOOOOOO cool - if I hadn't seen their other videos, I may have doubted the authenticity of this. BUT...knowing what they have done before, only adds to the creativity of this one.

    I wonder how long it took for them to compile the footage!


    ieyu, ilys!
