Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Under the Weather

Look at that, I get on a roll, get back to a story I had seemingly abandoned (hopefully surprised some of you) and I feel like shit. Literally. Well, ok, maybe not shit, but the possibility of feeling like it.

I'm on the fence of becoming sick. I can feel the tickle in my throat, but I'll be damned if I didn't try my hardest today to fight against it - loaded up on vitamins, drank some emergency, and sucked on a bunch of Coldeeze lozenges. What else is there to do? Get a good night's sleep! So that's what I'm going to do. I'm calling it quits early. Not because I don't love you and don't want to write for you, but so I don't feel like death tomorrow at work.

In the mean time, enjoy these videos :)

This Is My Home from Mark on Vimeo.

What a sweet old man! If I ever see his home, I'll certainly enter it (after asking for his permission first).

I am SO thrilled for this movie! I know it looks like Borat but slightly different, but trust me, based on what I know about it, it is a fictional, narrative film. And let's not forget how visibly pissed Ryan Seacrest was by this - because he had NO clue what was going to happen to him. Oh Sacha, how I love thee.

Barstool Condolences Pt.6

As he sat there on the corner of the bed, his mind was empty.

He knew there was plenty to be thinking about - that a lot had transpired in the last couple hours. Things he had never thought would be possible.

He was sure he had lost her forever. Gone. Somewhere in the sea of people that populated the planet. Yet by some stroke of luck or serendipity, last night happened.

The sun was beginning to crest in the sky - that awkward period when the body wasn't ready to be woken, but the birds made it impossible to just roll over and fall back into a dream. They had spent the night chatting at the bar, leaning closer to one another as the night wore on. Not because the the music at the bar was getting louder, or that each drink made their speech a little less audible. Because of gravity.

There was no denying that it was still there.

Just siting next to her, he felt the energy from her body, as it graced his. It made him nervous. Sweaty. Gave him goosebumps. Yet, through it all, his core was at peace. As calm as it had been in a long time. His brain was over analyzing, brooding and storming like a dark nor'easter battering a coast. His heart knew to remain calm, like a lake in the early hours of he morning, before the world began to stir, when the water was as smooth as glass, rippleless. Pure.

They had just talked. Caught up with one another. Friends on their own journeys, reunited to share life lessons. He offered to walk her home and she reciprocated with inviting him in. He wasn't expecting much, anything to protect him from venturing out into the cold alone.

When they walked in, he was surprised that the apartment was empty. He had noticed the ring on her finger. Yet, there was no other car in the driveway, no extra set of keys hanging on the hooks by the door. It was just them. And as much as he loved that thought, it angered him. They had discussed the encounter with her partner during dinner. The scene he caused in the resturaunt. How he had made a fool of her, embarrassed her, abused her.

When he heard he had raised his hand to her, things changed. Deep within him, something broke loose. A thing that he hadn't know existed - waiting to be released. Pleading for it. It wanted to protect her. To pummel him into the ground, leave him as the shell of a man he was - in pieces. It wanted to break him.

Hearing her in the bathroom did not help. He could easily make out her sobs and noise of her ring as it slid off her finger and began bouncing on the porcelain of the sink - lost and frantically looking for a digit to anchor itself on. He just wanted to burst in, pick her up and hold her close. Tell her that it would be ok. They were all that mattered. Embrace her. Let her empty her soul. He'd listen. He was there for her.

But thats when he heard it. The squeak of the bottom stairs that led up to the apartment. Heavy, unbalanced, inebriated footsteps began climbing their way to the door. He swore he could already smell the alcohol, seeping in and infecting the apartment.

She must have heard it too, because she had stopped sobbing and the bathroom door was now open. Theirs eyes met for just a split second and within that second, he could register the fear in her.

He looked away quickly, for he didn't want her to see the fire that was glowing behind his eyes, deep, and churning. Both hands were already clenched into fists.

That thing, deep within him was rising and he knew he wouldn't be able to control it.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Angry Ape

Alright - bare with me a little more. I know this is another video, but I've been trying to draft something to post that hopefully will fulfill the lack of stories lately.

Works been tough, with long hours, so by the time I get home I don't even think about writing (sorry).

So hopefully tomorrow I can post what I've been brain storming - assuming the creative juices are flowing.

In the mean time - I hope you enjoy this angry primate.  Just imagine if the glass was not there. That dude would be knocked the f*ck out.

Damn apes be crazy!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Must Watch

This film looks incredible.

Very inspirational.

And a topic we all really need to address.


So the following video may seem a bit creepy to some - because, well, it kind of is.

Sure, its all computer animated, but there is still something about spiders that can make your skin crawl in any form. I'll go ahead and give the animators credit, but saying it is how lifelike the creatures in this piece are.

Also - I have to point out why I enjoy this so much. First, it feels like something David Fincher would have done. It's dark, technologically advanced, and not exactly happy. I also really enjoy the music and how it is used in the piece. It isn't the typical score you'd expect in something like this - the modern, almost digital sound really contrasts what is being shown. But overall, my favorite part of this is how we get to see what happens inside of the moth as it is consumed by the spider. Sure, in the real world the venom doesn't make the moth break down into tiny little digital prisms - but roll with it here, this is art after all.

I'm sorry if this makes anyone squeamish or give them nightmares later in the night (sorry mom) - but the quality of this piece is well above that of many other videos currently circulating on the internet.


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A Story for Tomorrow

So this was a three day weekend (hence my lack of posting last night or today). I apologize. I didn't mean to throw any of you off - I really just didn't realize it.

So today I have something that I consider special. I was browsing my usual sites today and I stumbled upon this gem. At first I didn't know what to make of it. Whether it was purposeful in how it was composed, or a product that was born during its editing stages. After watching it a few times, I think since the voice over matches the footage so well, that it had to have been pre-planned. Yes, I'm aware it'd be extremely, if not even more so, to just shoot the film, edit it, and record the voice over after, but there is just something so genuine about the narrative that leads me to believe it had always been planned this way, from day one.

This piece is the total pacakge. I love the story. The visuals are outstanding and I'm just absorbed every time I watch it. I really can't help it. And that damn narration - so silky smooth, almost like a hispanic Morgan Freeman. Oh, and did I mention how powerful the message is? I'm not going to spell it out for you, but I think it carries with it something all of us should appreciate and try to follow. Even if you don't get from it what I did, I hope you get something from it. It should move you in your own way.

It's just a great piece.

Love film. Make good art.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Mr. Happy Man

Hooray! It's Friday!

I hope everyone had a wonderful week and some plans for the long weekend (if you get to take advantage of the extra day).

My weeks been super long, extremely hard, and exhausting. But I've made it through!

So if you've had a week like mine, just remember, Mr. Happy Man loves you.

Mr. Happy Man from Matt Morris Films on Vimeo.

What a fascinating man!

I wish I had someone like this to drive past every day on my way to work - it'd make my mornings great. So much so, that I'd actually look forward to them. I know Bermuda theoretically isn't in the Caribbean (even though it is in the Caribbean Community - CARICOM), it perfectly encompasses what the people of the islands stand for. What a wonderful place.

I like this man. I hope you do too. Johnny seems like a great man, who carries an even greater message.

I love to too Johnny!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


I like the universe,
But she messes with my words.
I'm not talking planets or galaxies,
And the distance just makes it worse.
I know what you're thinking,
This probably sounds rehearsed.

Night Moves

Ever since he was a kid, he had always played the game. It didn't start out as fun though. As a child, he always spent time at his mates' flats. Playing, laughing, general tomfoolery, but when it came time in the evening to walk home alone, dread began to creep in.

He didn't grow up in a bad neighborhood - far from the ghettos that littered the outside of London, but his mind always got the best of him. He was fine when he was between the street lights, illuminated by their dull green light and ever present hum. It was once he stepped out from the pool of light below them that his mind really began taking advantage of the dark.

He grew up reading books, watching television, and movies. When his mind kicked into overdrive, every little sound became something horrendous, lying in the shadows, waiting to pounce on him. He'd always have that feeling that something was behind him, eyeing up and down. It certainly put a spring in his step.

Even today, much more mature, and living on his own, he'd still avoid the shadows when he could. His new mates never understood it, believing that it was a game he had created when he was a child. He was glad they believed him.

As long as they walked slower than him - they were the easier target.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Sunrise Exodus

There really are no words for this image.

Just looks at it and absorb it.

Riding the Crest

It was something about not always being in control that drove him. He could feel it below him, the water gliding propelling him forward. The vibrations from it as it slid over the waxed bottom of his board would travel from the tips of his toes, up his legs to his core. He swore he could hear it when it was under him - even over the roar of the collapsing tunnel of liquid behind him.

It was like playing chicken. Sure, he could ride the crest safely to the end, avoiding the dead zone that churned and spit at him. But where was the fun in that? It was a complete risk reward. He'd hunker down and reduce his speed, sliding into the mouth of the monster, inching his way, pumping his board back and forth as he went, just enough to maintain control and not tumbled back too far to where he couldn't return.

At any moment, the wave could shift - the water increase, a slight bit of chop could rattle his board, the wave could collapse on him, driving him deep below the surface, chewing him along with the sea foam - tossing him along the ocean floor like a doll - eventually spitting him out to float back to the surface. There were the times that it'd hold him under as the wave rolled toward the shore, dragging him along for the ride. His lungs would burn - wanting the sweat air that was awaiting him above the waves. His body would ache as it bounced off the sandy bottom. He knew to go limp - there was no use in trying to fight it. Once you were down there, below the waves, it was in control, to do with you what it pleased.

Just go with the flow.

As deeply as his lungs burned for the surface, as much as his eyes would burn from the salt, or no matter how much skin the sand would scrape off his body, he knew his place. The ocean reigned.

Other's through he was crazy - to temp the waves as much as he did.

He just liked knowing he wasn't invincible

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Happy Video Fridays!

Well Happy Friday everybody! I hope this week flew by for everyone and that you all have some fun plans laid out for the weekend. I myself don't - but thats ok, the roommates and I never have an issue finding something fun to do.

So it's Friday (I guess right now its Thursday - but when you read this... alright, you get the idea) and as you've all come to know and love me - I tend to get a bit lazy by this time of the week. No, it's not because I don't like writing, or that my brain isn't functioning, or that I'm too tired to write (I will admit though, at times that is the case) - but let's be honest, we should have some fun on this blog right? Right.

Ok then - I'm going to post some videos that I've enjoyed this week. Some that are cool, others that are deep, maybe a bit somber, and maybe one or two that are just a lot of fun.

So, without further delay, lets have at it.

I love this man. Not only as my president, but also as a human being. He's so genuine and friendly. I can't get over how well he interacts with Joey:

Just a straight up fun, creative video that took a lot of planning to shoot:

I love Jeremy Renner. I love this series. Oh wait, you say Edward Norton is in it too? Alright, I didn't think I'd be able to get over Matt Damon leaving, but this certainly hooked me:

This message moved me. I'm a sucker for ad campaigns like these (just think back to the Stop the Bullet, Kill the Gun):

Glassboy from roni kleiner on Vimeo.

Stumblin' Home

It was one of those nights that moved by in a blur. He thought he would remember it all, but he was really struggling to understand how he got where he was.

Everything was spinning. Not in the vomit inducing - drank too much kind of way, but like everything was riding on a wave, rolling through the night, care-free and free from gravity. The colors were bright, the air warm, and the wind was blowing just enough to brush his face in a  way that made him smile.

He didn't know where he friends were. He didn't even know where he was. On his breath he could taste the remnants of the beer and whiskey. The occasional burp reminded him that at one point in the evening, tequila had joined the party. His stomach was warm and his head was fuzzy - but thats how he liked it.

As he strolled down the street, it no longer felt like he was riding a wave but rather trying to walk the distance of a boat in the ocean. Every couple steps, he wanted to lean another way, rolling back and forth - t alcohol driving him in a zig zag pattern down the sidewalk. As long as he didn't fall over, he didn't mind. Everything a head of him swirled and split apart. He saw two of everyone, of everything. The lights in front of him shown brightly and littered his view like a technicolor star scape - illuminating the path he was forging one step at a time.

At this point, it didn't even matter where he was or how long it'd take him to get home.

For the first time, in a long time, he was happy.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Web Slinger

Ok - don't get me wrong, I'm still iffy about this damn movie, but I will admit that after this new trailer came out, I have a little less doubt. But it is still there.

I'm not going to dissect the whole thing for you, but I will briefly cover why I am still doubting this movie (and why I am now looking forward to it a little bit).

1. Sophomore effort by the director. Please understand that I loved Marc Webb's first film, 500 Days of Summer, but come on now, it was a small romantic indie film with a budget of 7.5 million dollars. This new SpiderMan film is sitting atop a budget of at least 80 million (with some reports saying it is as high as 150 million). I think Webb is an extremely talented guy, but I'm worried that this film is so far from his last in both topic and scale, that the characters and story run the potential of becoming lost.

2. We've seen it all before. Come on, the first spiderman film came out in 2002 - thats only ten year ago! How can you say you need to reboot a series that is still that fresh? Ok, I know they did it with Batman, but with the original actors (Toby!) still in our minds, do we really want or need to see a new Peter Parker? Sure, I can get over that - actors become older, so it must happen. But my problem is, do we need to see the birth of SpiderMan, the loss of Uncle Ben, and Peter adjusting to his powers again? At this point - it may just be a bit repetitive.

3. People were talking so much about the CG - how it looked so much better than the last films (which already looked great) and that a lot of the web slinging was actually done practically with stunt men. Well, after watching this - it still looks straight from a computer to me. Maybe thats just my eyes, but oh well. It's a gripe I have.

4. Emma Stone. I know I've written about her before. But to reiterate. I think she is breathtakingly beautiful and extremely talented. She will be the perfect fit for Gwen Stacy (Peter's first love).

5. I was hesitant of Andrew Garfield as Peter - and I still am, but after this trailer, I can see he fits the wise-ass aspect of the roll well. For my taste, he is a little too "troubled teen/punk" instead of the geeky uncoordinated kid we all loved in the comics. I won't really be able to decide if he will fit Toby's shoes until the film comes out.

6. I heard and saw pictures of concept art of the bad guy "The Lizard" before this trailer and I was scared. It seemed he wasn't going to be big enough, mean enough, and too humanoid. I was wrong. He's big, he snares a lot, and he is more reptilian than I had hoped (except for his head - would it have hurt to give him more of a snout?)

So, pros and cons? Absoslutely. I still think the cons outweigh the pros, but I'll be the first to admit it. I'm super ephin' biased. I would give anything to be SpiderMan. Literally. Anything. I grew up with him. He was my hero. Hell, he still is. Always will be. Regardless - I'm still going to give this film as much of a shot as it deserve - because the moment it comes on the screen, I'm going to be a kid again - whether it is good or bad. I'll at least get to see my favorite character up on the screen again.

Let me know what you think:

They've Done It Again

Well, as the title says - they've done it again. As marvelously as last time.

I really don't know where these ideas come from (some say it's the kid sister of one of the members of the band), but regardless, I'm always left stunned at what OK Go is capable of pulling off.

We've seen videos with dogs, Rube Goldberg machines, mirrors, treadmills, and now a car + 1000 instruments.

I'm sure some of you had seen the Chevy commercial during the super bowl that eluded to this music video - but, like all corporate machines, Chevy just wanted to showcase the car and tease the video, which thankfully is now online in its entirety. I do want to stress though - this is a real video. Everything you see is done practically. No CG or other effects were used. If you look closely at the car, you can see microphones all over it, as well as spread throughout the course. And as some of you probably are doubting - don't worry, the lead singer actually is driving during the video. If you follow their youtube page, you can see them all taking stunt driving lessons.

Best part? The lead singer actually singing the song inside the car, while driving, as the music is played outside the vehicle.

So, in a way did OK Go sell out by doing this for a Chevy commercial? Sure. Would I usually mind? Absolutely - but not in this instance. Yes, they are doing product placement, but its so far from what the video is about - music and creativity, that I don't even pay attention to it. I'm too drawn into what it going on in front of me to know it really is a car commercial. I'll also agree with that obviously it doesn't sound nearly as good as the studio recording - but I'm damn surprised they got everything to sound as good as it did considering what they actually attempted to do.

This just makes me want their next video even more...

So here is the studio version of the song - give it a listen as reference to the music video:

And now their newest music video:

Absolutely nuts right!?

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Crack the Surface

I know. I know. I've posted videos like this before. But hey - this one is different! It may actually be a sequel to a piece I've shared before, but, to be honest, I can't remember if it is or not. Whoops.

I've said it before - I'd never be able to do this myself, unless I was with one of these "semi-professionals." Everything below us looks super cool, but I can enjoy it from a distance, through photography and video. There is no need for me to actually go down there.

This piece is cool for the fact that it lets the urban explorers explain why they do it. What their reasoning is, when they started, etc. Oh and it shows how all of them are a bit crazy. I will admit though that I appreciate and sympathize with the guy who explain that by nature, humans are curious. I mean, look at me. I've always been super curious. I just don't need to climb down into drainage ditches to feed my curiosity.

And who would have thunk that below Las Vegas, there is a series of drainage tunnels that really just look like a giant parking garage that you'd find at a mall.


Crack The Surface - Episode II from SilentUK on Vimeo.

Groundhog Day

Damn! Phil saw his shadow today - so we have to deal with another six more weeks of winter.

Ugh that really blows.

Well - not for me! Hooray for California sunshine!

But seriously, if it's cold for everyone, I'm sorry, I really am. To warm you up, here's a scene from an appropriately titled movie, with one of the funniest men alive in it (and arguably one of the best moments in the movie...angel food cake).

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Salty Cemetery

They said there were sailors here. From the past - who walked the shore. Lost. Wandering. Looking for a way home.

He grew up hearing the stories while sitting on his grandfather's knee, looking up at him in awe. Ships had sailed. Come and gone. Some travelled safely, while others were not so lucky. Instead of finding their way home, they had found the jagged rocks of the reef that grew not far off the shore. Many said the sailors couldn't have had any idea what was about to happen. Back then the ships were fragile, made of wood. The jutting rocks would cause them to splinter under the weight of the waves pushing against them. Maybe some were asleep, never waking - just floating to the bottom of the sea. Others may have had the time to fill their head with thoughts of their loved ones.

Grandpa had always said their belongings were never found. Tossed amongst the waves, scattered along the sea floor - treasure for those lucky enough to find it.

Once he was old enough, he would wander the beach in the evening, looking among the wrecks that had been pushed ashore - water logged and bleached from the years of laying in the blazing sun. Some of the wooden pieces had almost rotten completely away, while the metal hulls were brown and red with thick layers of rust. He'd scour the sand during sunset - hoping the red orange glare of the sun would reflect of something - a watch, a gem, anything from the ships.

He was never so lucky.

Yet today - he ran home, his eyes lit with amazement.

He had been alone, of course, he was certain of it. But he swore he had heard a voice over his shoulder when he was inspecting a pice of a ship. Of course no one believed him. His mother, his father, not even his grandfather.

But he knew they were real. Right next to his foot prints, so fresh that the water was still seeping from them back into the sand, was another pair, the size of a man's - stretching back a far as his.

One of the sailors had joined him in the search to find his belongings.