Wednesday, March 23, 2011


He wasn't sure what as out there, but he could feel the ground shaking as it approached. It was coming towards him fast. The Earth was constantly rumbling and the giant stride of whatever was on the other side of the mist was beating rhythmically.

Fear wasn't even on his mind. He was curious what it could be. Where it was from. What it - whatever it was, looked like.

He couldn't make out anything through the fog yet - no shadows or outlines. Nothing.

The air was becoming thick and moist with it's breath - heavy and pungent with a smell very similar to the fall foliage rotting on the forrest floor.

IIt was growing stonger as it was getting closer.

1 comment:

  1. The hair on the back of my neck stood up as I read this one...

    good suspense!
