Thursday, March 17, 2011

Remember That Time I Said Super 8 Was the Movie to See This Year? About That...

Ok - I knew this was happening. It wasn't a secret to me, but I didn't know it was going to be like this.

An Oscar winning director? Check.

This is my most important film of you year. Why? You'll know why when you see the trailer below.

I'm seriously stoked for this film. I don't think I can describe it. Go ahead and be honest with me - when was the last time I was excited for a documentary either? Um...I don't even think I could answer that.

The best part about it?

The buzz it's been getting has been HUGE. It hasn't be released yet, but the early reviews say it's amazing. Am I biased? You bet your ass I am, but I'm not the one reviewing it - lots of people are, and the consensus has been good.

Hell - the trailer looks amazing!

1 comment:

  1. Ha - I bet you will see this a bazillion times!

    Looks great - I will definitely see it as well.
