Friday, March 18, 2011

Say Whaaa?

I'm in a goofy mood. So this calls for a goofy video.

Say what? A goofy video.

What the hell?

Words cannot describe this...

Is it awesome? You bet your ass it is! Can I do it? You bet your ass I can't!

I have some musical talent - I'll give myself that, but I can't do anything close to this! I wish I could. It's one of those useless skills thats someday at sometime when you least expect it - it'll come in handy.

I guess if I really want to learn how to do the hambone kneeslap (what the f*ck kind name is that anyway), I can just hang out with some hill billys or red necks. I come!

1 comment:

  1. OK, first off, this guy looks like a Prince William wannabe!

    And, Drew, Branson, are you kidding me? This is WAY worse than anything we saw in Branson!

    ieyu, ilys!
