Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Oh Blinky

Yeah - it's a disturbing film. I'll agree to that. But it looks pretty!

And it has the kid from Where the Wild Things Are.  I don't think you could logically ask for more.

I knew about this short film for a while, so I've been itching to see it. I hope you enjoy it too. But, like I said, it is a little disturbing...

Blinky™ from Ruairi Robinson on Vimeo.

Hopefully with my Tax return(s) (if I get any) I'll be able to get a camera and start shooting films much in this same style. No...not disturbing, or full of great amateur CGI - but indie short films.

I really really really hope I get some cash back because I really really really want a camera.

I've been dying to shoot stuff recently.

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