Thursday, March 3, 2011

New Phase

Do I love telling stories? Absolutely. Do I enjoy writing? Of course.

It finally clicked to me why I love this blog so much - I get to do both.

One of my main concerns out here was that I would lose hold of my creative side. Sure, I'm always imagining things, but with work and long hours, it would have been easy to stop the creative process. Originally my two roommates and I were planning on writing a web series (so 6-13 half hour scripts) to shoot and put online. What happened to those plans? We all work and we're all always bushed when we get home.

So I decided after this failure, that I'd try to write a script. Did this happen? Nope. I realized this the other day and got upset with myself. How could I forget/give up on a goal so easily?

But then it dawned on me - I've been writing creatively on here, almost every day for the last month. This has been my easel. My imagination. My playground. And frankly, it's been awesome. So thank you for sticking with me since each story is written on the spot and not really edited.

With that said though - I need to break tradition for a day. While I do have more stories I want to share - I'll share some of my other creativity that has been boiling over.

Recently while at work with nothing to do - rather than surf the web or eat (yes, I'm one of those people who will eat out of boredom - fatty at heart), I have been practicing my graphic design skills, specifically in photoshop.

What have I been doing? Creating t-shirt or album cover designs for bands I like.

Take a looksy and let me know what you think...

Do they make sense? No not really. Do I make sense? Not most of the time.

Yay art.

Yay creativity.


  1. Yay - YOU!

    My fave - OK GO.
    I think you should do something with a coffee pot for the Foos - well, OK, for David Grohl.
    The one I was naturally drawn to - Weezer. Hmmm, I wonder why! And, I can hear them singing to us across the country...

    ieyu, ilys.

  2. YAY. Loved all of them. I agree with ejob, my fave was OK GO. But we are genetically related.

    Fat at heart. Ya, I might still love you.

  3. awesomeness. I'm super impressed! you are overflowing with creativity. im jealous. xo
