Friday, March 4, 2011

Sunsets on the shore are not like any other sunset in the world. They're different from the rest.

Everything goes quiet in the moment(s) leading up to the disappearance of the sun - nature seems to know of the sacred moment that is about to occur. There are no gulls laughing, crickets chirping - just absolute silence. The only noise is the swirling wind, which in a strange way, intensifies the lack of all other sounds.

It's like a void is created - separating the real world from that one particular moment.

When the sun begins to fall, the view is just astounding. The bright white light that was once illuminating the sky slowly and steadily begins its decomposing to yellow, orange, pink, and finally red. It will always appear that the sky is on fire - the clouds appearing to be smoldering ashes left behind as the remaining light burns off over the horizon.

The most miraculous part is the water. It doesn't change color - no, it does something much more spectacular. It knows of the end of the day. The lower the sun dives , the smaller and more docile the waves become. They know their day is over and it is time to calm down.

The whole experience is something that everyone should be lucky enough to view in their lifetime. As beautiful and mesmerizing as it is - it's over in an instant - only lasting a few mere minutes.

As quickly as it begins, it's over.

But, luckily, that's when the twilight begins and more magic occurs...


  1. You are a magician with words. You can make a reader feel, see, and smell a shore sunset.

  2. why doesn't my selected photo show up when I am here?

  3. I am counting down the days until I can experience a sunset at the shore - but your story has me there already, in my mind's eye.

    ieyu. ilys!

  4. So, this sunset is on YOUR shore - not mine!
