Monday, March 21, 2011

Sucker Punch

So there is a movie coming out by the name of "Sucker Punch." I'm sure a lot of you out there have seen commercials for it and are wondering "what the hell is this movie?"

Fair enough. It does seem strange and very out there - but I have to tip my hat to the director, Zack Snyder. He is one of the true visionary directors of today. He has an extremely keen eye and sees things in ways many of us don't. You don't believe me? Go ahead and look at his roster of films, which include, 300, Dawn of the Dead, and The Watchmen.

Watch ANY of those and tell me they aren't visually stunning or stimulating. It's impossible.

Anywho - his new movie is weird - I'll give you that. It involves nazi zombie soldiers from world war I, dragons, orcs, robots, and giant (literally) samurais. Will it all tie together? Probably not, but I hope it does. The story revolves around a young woman sent to an asylum where she must escape before her stepfather has her lobotomized. To escape, she must collect a few things - a map, fire, a key, etc. But, all of these things are found in her imagination (where the dragons, soldiers, and samurais come in). While she is in this "dream world" she is actually doing things in the real world...get it? If you don't, watch the trailer and hopefully you'll understand.

I'm excited for this movie. It looks amazing (visuals-wise). The story may not all be there, but my eyes will be pleased.

But to the main point -Trailer Park (my place of work) was the company that was lucky enough to have been chosen to cut all the trailers, so I've been engulfed in everything "Sucker Punch." One of my final duties as the vault manager was to make a DVD cover for a reel that contained all our trailers for the film.

I knwo I've discussed how I've enjoyed messing with Photoshop recently and how proud I am of my 'fake' album covers - but may I present to you my magnum opus...(imagine it folder as if it were in a DVD case/sleeve -  also the back cover doesn't have a list of the spots yet)

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