Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The bins were still empty. The lids remained shut. They hadn't been rooted through yet for the seagulls were not around.

The air was still cold. Too cold for any gull to playfully laugh in - their heads still white to match the frigid temperature.

The beach was barren. No tracks except the occasional few, treading near the water, only to wind back up through the dunes.

It was almost time though. The clouds were beginning to thin and the sun was starting break through. Day by day the air was getting warmer.

Soon enough the gulls would be back to claim the beach as theirs.

It was just the beginning of Spring, but they could taste Summer in the air.

1 comment:

  1. OHHHH, I want to taste summer in the air! I miss the gulls, and their laughing!!!

    ieyu, ilys
