Thursday, October 10, 2013

Song of the Day (Sittin' on the Dock of the Bay) 10.11.13

Well it's that time. Fall has arrived. The heavier winds are blowing in, leaves are starting to fall off the trees (even though they're still green) and it's cold enough that I can bust out my 'soft pants' (sweat pants).

Oh right - and it's Friday. So chalk another one up.

This has been a hell of a week. One of the worst I can remember but thankfully it's over. And I have the perfect song to kick off the weekend. It's one that I'll always link to my summers spent on the Jersey Shore. Back when I was a kid, without a care in the world - playing in the waves, digging in the sand, when all that mattered was having fun. And after this week, I could use a few of those moments. But hey - the weeks over and behind us. Hopefully as you listen to this, you'll join me in imagining the shining sun, laughing gulls calling in the distance, and the salt of the ocean in your nostrils. This is Otis Redding's "(Sittin' on) The Dock of the Bay."

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