Monday, July 30, 2012

F Is For Friends Who Do Stuff Together

What is the definition of a friend?

According to the English dictionary, a friend is: a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard. A person who is on good terms with another.

Would you agree with this?

I suppose you would. It is straight forward and to the point.

I remember one distinct evening, in the summer, after coming back home from college, I had a discussion with my mother. At the time, I was a little distraught and annoyed because I could not get in contact with my old high school friends. We had always caught up during the summers. Yet, for some reason, that summer was different. No one seemed eager to reunite. 

That's when my mother gave me one of the most important pieces of advice she has ever offered me. She simply said, "high school is when you form some of your first friends, while college is where you make friends that will last a lifetime. This is the time where you will meet the people that will matter most to you."

To this day, that advice has always stuck in the back of my mind. But, to be completely honest, I never really had to opportunity to witness said advice first hand.

Not until two weeks ago.

Throughout school, I had a friend. Someone that I met from literally day one, at orientation. Right off the bat, I knew it would be something special. At the time, I didn't know what it was really or why I had this notion.

Fast forward six years and I now know what that feeling was. I don't know if it'll ever happen again for me with anyone else - but I had the opportunity to reunite with one of my best friends from school and travel throughout the state of California. 

Whats so special about this? 

After school, I almost immediately moved to Los Angeles and she moved to Spain. Other than the occasional Skype talk, we hadn't seen each other for over two years.

When I first saw her again two weeks ago, I knew exactly what my mother was talking about that one summer night. Nothing had changed. We picked up exactly where things had left off. There was no awkward "hi," no awkward beats or moments. It was if those two years apart hadn't occured. Life had continued, but somehow, our friendship had been suspended, ready to continue at any moment, and luckily for me, it began again.

So back to what is a friend. Do I agree with the definition? Sure. On some primal level.

What is a friend to me? Well, thats another story.

I need to be able to laugh with my friends. Full out, stomach hurts, tears forming at the corner of the eyes laughing. You bring this to me. I can't remember the last time, I laughed as hard, as often, as long as I have over the past three weeks. But more importantly, a friend teaches you how to laugh at yourself. If you can't laugh at yourself, life is going to seem a whole lot longer that you'd like. 

They need to be able to bring joy to your life. I'm not going to lie - LA has been tough. Work is tough, the life style is tough, everyone I care about is back on the East Coast - as much as I push through with a smile, I was breaking down. This trip re-energized me. Got my head straight. Reminded me that with a simple conversation, some thrown together plans, and a plane ticket, I can be right back with the people that matter most. I can't remember the last time I've been to happy, carefree, or relaxed.

You have to just be able to get along. This part is real simple. I don't have to try with you. I just exist when I'm around you. I say what I want, do what I want, think what I want. There are no barriers, no walls. Of course there used to be, but you've helped me get over them and rip them down. You've gotten me out of my shell, helped me realize it's important to just live life and not sweat the small stuff.

A friend is the type of person that at any moment, I can call, text, or write, and know they'll be on the other end. I know you're there, regardless of the time zones.

Most importantly though, a friend is constantly teaching you things. About life, yourself, the world. Always helping you grow. And thats what you've done most for me. Opened my eyes to so many new things. New places, people, experiences, thoughts. I'm forever grateful.

So what does this all mean? Now that the trip is over?

Absolutely nothing. Because our friendship will once again suspend itself and allow life to let us grow and mature. Ready to pick up where we left off at the next opportunity.

Before when I left school, I thought I would lose these people that mattered most in my life and saying goodbye this time, I was scared for a moment, because the same feeling came back over me, but I realized it had no place in my mind. This trip proved that. Life always continues and along the way you find your friends, ready to hop on the trail with you. I had assumed this would be somewhere near the middle of my journey, but it is clear that this is only the middle of the beginning.

I was lucky enough to cross paths with someone recently and experience a chunk of their life with them and them with me. Will it happen again in the future? Who knows. I hope so, but at least I now know that if it does, it'll be as easy as it ever was.

I heard another quote today, that rang true to me, "friends are those who you chose to become part of your family."

So, welcome to my family - I'm glad you're a part of it.

Thanks for all the memories thus far.

Here's to many many more.

Back Into The Swing Of Things

Well, here we are.

Back into the swing of things. My vacation is officially over and while I am super bummed about it, I've walked away with so many memories, I can't help but smile when I think about it.

So, I thought today that I can recap the trip, by location/stop/prevalent story, each new day.

What exactly does this mean? Each post from here on out (following today) - will be a little recap of events, whether it be San Fran, LA, Yosemite, Sonoma, the PCH, etc.

But those will come later, because I have some things I need to write about first.

So what is the first thing? Not really writing I guess...but a brief recap of the trip through some photos (don't worry mom, you'l see ALL of them).

So until I make a giant album of all 600+, enjoy these next few.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

I Haven't Forgotten

No worries everyone (especially you mom) - I'm still here.

Just been busy and my vacation is still in full swing. While I am back at work, I have the privilege of coming back home to my friend, who is in LA until next week.

So, bare with me - I'll upload a ton of photos soon and share some stories with you.

It's going to be a bit of a media overload - so be prepared.

It'll be worth it.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Sany Fran

Well, by the time you are reading this - I'll be on my way to San Francisco. I know I've been talking about it for a while, but I am so stoked because it is actually happening.

Along with San Fran, I'll get to indulge in Sonoma and finally make it to Yosemite.

But of course, most importantly is being able to catch up with one of the most important people from Ithaca. Shit - I can't believe its been over to years since we last hung out.

So, bare with me if my posting gets a little stingy over the next week and a half. I'll try to post a often as I can and share the adventures with you. Just look at it this way - the less I'm writing, the more photos there will be for you to look through when I return.

Now - I leave you with a video that involves San Fran. Sure, I'm not going to be driving around like Ken is, but hopefully I'll be able to at least see most of the sites he zooms by. I've stated before how much I admire Ken's skills with a car and have posted videos of his driving before - so I thought it'd only be appropriate to post this as I head up to the Bay.

Talk to you all soon!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Sudsy Life

Got to play in a pickup ultimate frisbee game tonight with a friend and boy was it exhausting. We've been playing recently on Sundays - with a group of less experiences, novices - so its been fun and much less competitive. But tonight - man, these people were good! Not like, out of my league, or above my skill level, but much better than what I've been playing with the last couple weeks.

Nonstop running for an hour and a half. Yup - I loved every minute of it.

So ecuse me for being a little tired and fried tonight - but I was looking through one of the websites I check daily (an art blog from France) and I saw the most stunning photos. So stunning, that I actually questioned if they were real.

The best part about them? With my new camera and new macro lens - this is completely doable. So, my new goal is to maybe not copy...but in some way replicate these following photos.

Seriously - I can't get over them.

So awesome.

Monday, July 9, 2012


Two weeks.

Only two weeks until the biggest movie of my generation comes out. You know what it is.

The Batman.

Obviously I'm massively excited for this film. It's going to be an absolute spectacle. Out of this world - unlike anything we've ever seen before. I've been working on it and with it for months and I still don't even know what to expect. We've received such little footage, that I am still as excited as I was when I first heard the announcement regarding the film.

Christopher Nolan is thee director working today. I don't know of anyone who has his talent for story telling. Sure, I think someone like David Fincher has a better eye, but Nolan is really the complete package. It isn't about anything other than the story. Everything comes after that. And of course, as a filmmaker - story matters most. It sucks us in. Transports us to a new world - suspends our disbelief. Nolan loves the art. His passion is unparalled. Overall though, I respect him because he respects film. He doesn't believe in digital - choosing film as the dominant medium - the tool to capture the best quality image. Not only that, but he shot over a third of the movie in IMAX format - which is a staggering feat.

Simply put, he's a magician with celluloid.

If you've followed my blog at all over the last two years - you'll know I'm a big fan of behind the scenes footage and snippets. So when I stumbled upon this - I thought I hit the jackpot.

Not only do you get to hear from everyone in the film, you get to see the sets being built, the crew preparing for shots, b-roll footage. It's amazing to see how such films are made. It also is nice to hear from the cast a crew how much they enjoyed their time with the film, how excited they are for it, and how incredible they all think it is.

I hope this gets you as excited as it made me.


Friday, July 6, 2012

Backyard Fun

So sorry for missing yesterday's blog post!

We hosted a little Fourth of July shindig at our house and the typical things were consumed: food, beer, snacks, more food, red meat, liquor, more beer, etc.

Oh and of course there was one giant mess to be cleaned. Not to mention that after all this, I still had to go to bed and wake up in time for work, hopefully with no hangover. Thankfully, this all worked out according to plan and I survived, feeling as wonderful as ever this morning.

So, between cleaning up, winding down from the days events, and cooking the roomies late night fried egg burgers (yes - when I am back east I will bring said technique with me...literally fried egg, easy medium or well done, on a burger...mmm), I crashed in my bed, hard. Hence, the lack of a blog post.

And as a result, here I am, trying to ramble on and make it up to you. Sadly, I realize I can't, so I guess I'll just post some more pictures that I took while playing out in the yard recently. Nothing too special, just the typical "oh look, flowers!" My green thumb has finally paid off.

Oh and fun fact about Los Angeles? Something that I didn't expect?

I should have known better, I feel like I've let Jack Hannah down...

We have black widows!

I discovered this guy - or I guess in this case, gal, in our back yard tonight.

No worries though - they aren't a threat to us really and with them being around the area, all hospitals are ready to treat any bites (which don't occur that much apparently).

Scary little shits...but damn cool at the same time.