Monday, October 7, 2013

Falling Up

It had happened so fast. Before she could even comprehend the situation.

She had just been walking along. Like any other morning - iPod in her ears, grooving to the sweet rhythm N.E.R.D., sipping on her iced coffee. All throughout the park other people were indulging in the same activities. Walking their dogs, jugging down the winding paths - soaking in the fresh morning air. At first she thought it may have just been a passing tremor. One that had occurred far away - sending a few aftershocks or ripples their direction. It didn't last long nor was it that strong, but she had noticed it. Enough that she had to check her footing. But then came another. A little stronger than the last and a little longer. She could tell after the second one it wasn't far away. It was much closer than she had anticipated, but she paid little attention to it. All the lessons back in elementary and middle school were popping up in her mind. She was out in a field, not inside - there was little to worry about. There was nothing around that could fall onto her and it clearly wasn't strong enough of a quake to split the ground beneath her like she had seen in a cheesy sci-fi movie.

But as the second tremor was beginning to subside, she was taken back by the amount of pollen that had been shook lose from the ground. Throughout the park, large plumes were spreading out into the air. Unlike anything she had ever seen. Each mass just hung in the air and continued to rise rather than dispersing back down towards the grass. It was as if something was slowly pulling it skyward - in no rush.

Thats when she heard the first scream.

Looking off in the distance she could see where it was coming from. When she was able to make out what she was seeing - she froze. On the other side of the park was a lady, looking around frantically, yelling out loud. Nothing in particular, but just making noise. In her hands was a leash that was pointing straight into the sky and on the end of it was her dog - suspended in the air and continuing to rise. She could see the woman fighting against whatever force was trying to rob her of her pet. Little by little she was losing her footing - almost pulled onto her toes. Before anyone was able to reach her - she was off the ground herself, floating into the blue morning sky.

And thats when all the other screaming began.

All around her people were beginning to literally take off. Pulled from the ground - along with any other loose objects. Back in one of the parking lots she could see a few cars beginning to rise, blades of grass littered the air around her, even loose dirt was beginning to brush against her face and invade her nose. Not knowing what to do, she threw herself down and dug her hands into the soil. Grabbing as much grass and sod as she could. As much as she fought it though, she could feel her legs lifting up toward the sky. It didn't take long before she was completely vertical - holding on with all she could. And at one point, with one final shutter from the Earth, she could actually feel a shift in the planet. She couldn't explain it, but it no longer felt like she was being sucked up. Now she felt like she was holding on from falling. That if she let go - she'd fall forever, into the sky, until she finally broke through into space and drifted away.

She could feel the grass straining in her fingers - each blade slowing uprooting itself against her weight. All around her people were struggling as well - but failing. Every couple of seconds she could hear someone else fall - their screams echoing out. She couldn't look. Refused to look - holding her eyes shut. She could feel her knuckles beginning to throb, arms start to quake. It wouldn't be long before she fell herself. And at the very last moment before she did - she opened here eyes and looked around. She was all that was left. Everyone else had gone. Fallen down, into the sky. The bright blue abyss below.

When the grass finally did give in, she barely even noticed. It felt as if she was flying. Zooming away from the planet. Even though it felt like she was falling, her mind told her she was taking off like a rocket - blasting into the stratosphere. Everything looked so beautiful - so tiny and minuscule below. It was amazing watching the planet shrink before her eyes the further she fell. It felt like she had been falling for years until it suddenly stopped and everything was plunged into a brilliant white.

As she sat up, she was confused. Almost disappointed it was over. Her entire body was tingling. Each breath she took was more refreshing than the last. She felt wonderful. Light and free. The ground below her feet felt soft and squishy. It wasn't until she felt the condensation collecting on her arm that she realized where she was.

Lost in the clouds.

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