Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Well, the technological world did it again. Duped me. Kind of like Apple, or any other phone company out there that has the habit on introducing a new product every year, but only changing it ever so slightly, GoPro, the camera company, just did the same thing.

Did what I just say make any sense? Ok - let me try again. A lot of these companies release new products on a two year schedule. The iPhone 5 came out last Sept 2012, and the iPhone 6 will launch in 2014, but a few weeks ago, they released a slightly updated version - just to make a little more cash. You know, to draw in those people who always need the newest and best things (I almost fell for it...but I'll just wait a few more months for the brand new model). Why is this relevant? Well, it took me a long time to finally commit into buying a GoPro and I dove in head first, buying the newest, top-end model a few months ago. And what do you know? Yesterday they released an "in between model"and I'm a little bitter. My major concern with GoPros has always been their rather poor battery life. Well guess what one of the major issues addressed in this new model was? Bingo.

Anywho - it doesn't matter because mine is still one hell of a camera and I'll get much more use out of it before I upgrade again. But that being said - GoPro released a new video shot with their new tech and it couldn't be more drool inducing. Lately I've been playing with the idea of moving. Possibly North up to San Fran and trying to get a job with them. Not in the engineering or designing department, but maybe as an editor or someone out in the field shooting footage. How cool would that be? I'd be able to travel to all these exotic places, doing what I love - shooting and being paid for it. Oh right and I'd be living in San Francisco. Count me in. That's still just a thought though...nothing concrete.

So back on track. No, I'm not writing a story tonight. This video is just too fun and beautiful to ignore. You can be the judge of it yourself, but hopefully you appreciate the imagery, the scope of each shot, the editing, the music, the colors. God. It's so gorgeous.

Yes...and there are lions.

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