Monday, November 29, 2010

Oh..Yeah, I Forgot

This is the video they showed in 3D at the concert!!

OK Go - The Adventures

Well, Thanksgiving vacation sure was nice. For a couple of occasions.

First, we had a four day weekend (much needed after a month of 50+ hour weeks). Secondly, I got to cook, as you saw in the last post. Third, we hosted a dinner party - yes, we're officially "adults." Fourth, Rob and I rotted our brains on video games for literally  whole day - from when we woke up to when we ate dinner. Fifth, we got to see OK Go in concert at Club Nokia.

Let me sum up OK Go based on UrbanDictionary's description of the band: the perfect blend of sex and nerd a band could ever have.

Well, isn't that just lovely! They're a great band, with even more incredible music videos - if you have a chance, youtube anything by them (videos) and you will be amazed. I promise.

The night itself was guaranteed to be awesome from the start. I hadn't seen Rob so excited in a long time and when he gets excited, you know its going to be an interesting time.

I'm doing my thing and getting ready, and he comes into my room and asks "what do you want to drink?" I really didn't care and assumed I'd be the one driving, so I said "whatever, it's up to you." Ok, that was a big mistake.

Our plan had always been get to the theater, drink a little in the parking lot, so we wouldn't need to drop a serious amount of money at the overly-priced bad inside. Rob's plan was to bring a flask to the concert - I wasn't feeling the straight whiskey that night as my body was still semi-aching from it from the prior night. Instead, we leave the apartment and he has a nalgene with him. I'm instructed to stop at Ralph's so we can get ginger ale and we'd be good. Along with the soda, I bought a raspberry lambic (a dutch beer which is awesome and I haven't seen since shopping in Wegmans. Yes, I indulged).

Driving there, I wanted to open it to smell it - since it is a flash fermented beer, which has a tangy, fruity smell to it - right up m alley, if you know what I'm saying. But, since it had been such a long time, I forgot it is bottled with a cock. Well shit - I only have a bottle opener, so I proceed to smash the cork into the bottle, which eventually worked, but it was a bitch to drink, since every time I tried to sip from it, the cork wold just re-plug the neck of the bottle.

I know, I know, not the smartest plan I've ever hatched, but it was kind of on a whim, so cut me some slack.

And so you don't think I was doing this WHILE driving, Rob drove to the concert, I drove home.

So after I succeed in my cork adventure, I decided to mix the ginger ale with the whiskey. It didn't look good. It didn't smell good. Hell, the concept of it didn't even sound good. I loved a good whiskey ginger, but not when the proportions are as messed up as they were that night.

Anywho, we park in some underground garage and begin sippin' on our dranks. My lambic was good - and after drinking a whine bottle full of beer, I was feelin' tipsy. Yay - perfect concert mode.

Rob then taps me on the shoulder and passes me the nalgene. By God, that shit was devil water! It didn't even taste like whiskey, but it just burned! Pure swill. Ugh, disgusting.

Regardless, being who we are, Rob and I finished it and away we went! Both feeling happy, we were walking through the empty garage, singing to the Michael Jackson song be played on the radio (I believe Smooth Criminal), dancing, grabbing ourselves, twirling, and letting out the "ooooohhh!" "blanket!" and  other random MJ noises, "ch-ch-chowww, don't metcha don't chaaa."

We must of looked like assholes - simply, because, we were.

The opening band sucked. Pure garbage. The woman had a great voice, but she didn't sing into the mic. Honestly, what the fuck to you think it is there for? Look? We can't hear you if you don't use it!

But, to sum them up, we knew they ere going to be bad when she played a song or two, then walked up to the mic and said "so...I hear it's raining outside. Here's out next song"

Simultaneously, Rob and I both though, "shit, we have to deal with another 7 songs."

Um, yeah, it's raining. Whoopidy fucking do. Deep thinker we had in that one.

Anywho, OK Go was awesome. They came into the crowd a couple times, had laser pointers strapped to their guitars, and even showed one of their music videos in 3D - after handing out and blue old school 3D glasses!  Totally awesome.

Oh, right, they also had confetti cannons which they used the. whole. show.

Check out some pics...

Oh - and we made gingerbread cookies!  Rob's company, Bad Robot, had put together gingerbread making kits as a holiday gift.

The company logo is:

And my "Bad Ginger Bot" is:

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Turkey Day

Today was a success. It was my first Thanksgiving on my own. While it was weird, it was also great. It was strange not being at home, but we invited a few people over and had a semi-"potluck" dinner.

I'm currently in a food coma, so this will be a pretty short post, but I will share our turkey extravaganza.

Rob and I bought a 14 pound bird - and we went to town stuffing it with all the best things.

Our bird was stuffed with: oranges, rosemary, cranberries, onions, garlic, and carrots.

It. Was. Phenomenal.

                                                Waiting for the oven

                                                 Crispy goodness

                                                Our grande buffet


Overall, a great success!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

My Best Friend At Work

So I did a lot of driving today. Three times to Fox, once to a cake store, another time to Sherman Oaks. To be honest, it gets boring.

Luckily, I had a companion along for the ride.

On the way to Fox Studios, I looked at the top of my windshield and there was a bee sitting there looking, rather, well, dead. I sped up a couple times to see if it would fall off but it didn't. I thought it was dead, but after watching it for a bit, it was most certainly alive, moving ever so slightly.

Duhhh, I forgot that bees enter a state of suspended animation when it gets too cold for them (in this case, the 60's - kind of like my mom I guess). So, I made him my friend and named him Gunther. Gunther the bee. Doesn't have any meaning behind it, but it's the first name that popped into my head - so if you don't like it, too bad for you. He shall be known as Gunther - although I don't know where he is anymore.

Anyway, I figured as the day went on and the sun began warming things up, he'd become more active. I was wrong. He just sat in the same position all day. He was one boring ass bee. I hit the windshield, tried to scare him, and he just sat there. I even sprayed him a couple times with my windshield fluid. Other than moving slowly away and brushing it off his face, he just sat there. I even pulled out the big guns and told him a joke:

What kind of bees make milk?                     Boobies!  

He still didn't react.

Oh well, I still enjoyed his company, as inactive as he was.

To my surprise, on my third trip to Fox, Gunther became super active and spread his wings, but with his butt pointed in the direction I was driving. I honestly don't know what he was thinking since more people want to point themselves in the direction they are traveling, but we are talking about a bee after. I kept asking him what he was doing. I apologized for spraying him. I tried to talk him down, but with a sudden gust, he was gone from my windshield. Never to be see again.

The rest of the day was bittersweet. I was glad he wasn't cryogenically frozen anymore, but my companion had left me.

Maybe he'll come back someday.

                                            I miss you Gunther  :(

It's Catching Up To Us!

Oh cow!

This is mind blowing. Check it out - the video below is 100% CGI.

If I wasn't told this before watching it, I simply wouldn't believe it to be true.

Basically, all this makes me want to say is..."Suck it James Cameron."

Silestone -- 'Above Everything Else' from Alex Roman on Vimeo.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Tool Bag Of The Day

Well, it finally happened. I encountered the first tool bag situation at work. Actually, I ran into it - head on. I'm not going to discuss or describe it, but gee-golly-willikers, it was fucking ridiculous.

Single handedly, I got ridiculed, chewed out, hung up on, and talked about within earshot in one day!

And believe it or not - it wasn't even remotely my fault (and I bullshit you not - I'd own it if I were to be in the wrong, but in no way, shape, or form, was I anything but innocent).

I got blamed for someone else's mistake. It gets worse. The person who blamed me for the incident, was the person who made the mistake! Come on - are you fucking kidding me?

Don't mess up and then try to turn it around on the lowest level employee you have - just own up to it. A simple "whoopsie" would have been fine.

It all boils down to going power crazy. This person is high up, I'm down low, they likes being up top, they'll abuse it however they see fit, which include placing their mistakes on other people.

Gahh - I'm not mad, I'm not upset, I actually laughed it off, as I am now.

Seriously though, you're what, 35 years old and one of the highest positions? You think a tiny mistake isn't worthy of admitting?

Perfect example of what I will never be when I have people working below me.


On a side note - it's been in the 60's here and people act like it's a blizzard - which, means one thing.

You should know, because it makes me cringe and shudder. guessed it right. The goddamned Uggs are coming out.

The only thing worse than them is leggings and if the temp dips anymore than it already has, I may have to deal with both of once!



On another grrat side note - we brewed some holiday beer this past weekend! My first foray into the art of home brewing - so we hired a friend who knows his way around the process and brewed a holiday beer. It's a heavy malt beer, with a little hops, orange, ginger, cinnamon, and nutmeg. It smells delicious. Currently, it's sitting in my closet with some yeast fermenting. It should be ready by X-mas.

Science moment of the day: The beer is currently mingling with a bunch of yeast, slowly fermenting. The yeast is eating all the sugar in the brew, digesting it, and releasing carbon dioxide - creating the carbonation and alcohol. Yup, in about 3 weeks, we'll be getting drunk off of tiny creatures' farts.

Yay science. Yay beer.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Beat Me To It

Ok - I like to think I have a creative mind. I'm not Picasso worthy, but I do have my moments.

When in school, I had this idea for a cool film about people skateboarding and depending on what they do a trick on, it explodes. Sound cool right? Well, it sounds cool, because it is cool.

But, behold, someone beat me to it!

I'm not upset since someone very prevalent and inspiration in my "film" life shot it before I could - damn you Spike Jonze!

Regardless, I think it's pretty damn awesome.

Fully Flared Intro from K05T0N on Vimeo.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Let's take a photo.


Write about it.

Let's take this one.

        It was a briskly cold autumn day. The kind that the dew appears only to quickly crystalize and crinkle under your feet as you walk over the frosted grass that is waiting for you when you wake up. The kind of day when you breath in deep, you feel like you're lungs are the size of ziplock sandwich bags, struggling against the crisp air expanding in them. The kind of day that if you dare to breath through your noise, your hair inside feels like it will snap off with the next breath. Its cold enough that there is no smell. Autumn is pungent with the ripe smell of trees and leaves rotting on the forest floor - but not today. The air smells cold - that clean, sharp, numbing smell. Your eyes want to water, but they are afraid too - they know all to well that your tears will only streak and freeze to the side of your face.

       He was miserable. Of course he was. How could he not be? Kyle was a runner. Well, he thought he was. Other people thought so as well. But really, he did it because he enjoyed it, not because he was good at it. Today, he hated it. He gambled and he had lost.

       There was no telling how far away from the base camp he was. He ran out with his watch on his wrist as he always did, but he lost track of his time. There simply was more pressing matters on his mind. Usually he could determine based on how long he had been running how far he had gone, but not today. The elements had gotten the better of him. He didn't even care that he was numb to the core anymore. Sweatpants were never an option. He thought they got in the way. He's rather wear shorts, regardless how cold it was out. If you were running hard enough, you'd generate enough heat and you'd be fine. Plus, he had a nice layer of hair on his lower half to help insulate him from the cold Berkshire air.

       He was hurting. Not emotionally, not physically - he just was. He was limping, but not because he had pulled a muscle, rolled an ankle, or broken a bone. He was trying to hold it in.

       Kyle was a cross country runner. He was committed to the sport. It's nothing but you, the trail, and nature. What more could someone ask for? In this case, Kyle only wanted a little relief. Other than being a cross country runner, Kyle was also a notoriously late sleeper.

       On this specific day, Kyle woke later than planned and scrambled out the door on his way to early morning Saturday practice. He was well ahead of the pack when he heard the whistle rifle through the trees. Whistle blows, you turn around and run back to wherever you started from. The team and coach would be there, waiting. Unfortunately for Kyle, on the way back, the scrambling out of bed, down the stairs, into the car, all because of sleeping in, came back to bite him in the ass. Literally.

       Kyle was a man of routine. As many men are - he needed to do his business in the morning before he could start his day. On the run back, it hit him like a ton of bricks - or in this case, maybe a sack of potatoes. Not a problem at all. This had happened before. Simply run off the trail, squat, find a good large beach tree leaf, and shaboom, good to go, back on the trail, as if nothing had happened at all.

       Unfortunately for Kyle, the leaves were all frozen solid. He had no where to go, nowhere to turn, nothing to use to wipe. He tried dried leaves on the ground, but they just crinkled to pieces and got stuck. The frozen leaves made him jump. Birch bark was too rough.

       So here is where we find Kyle. Walking back to the meeting point, defeated, lost, miserable.

       He'd have his proverbial tail between his legs, but not this time, since he didn't want it covered in shit.


Alright - did I catch you off guard with that one? I tried to start it in one direction and keep you (the reader) occupied with a certain thought in your head, to only turn you completely 180 degrees and end with something (hopefully) humorous and crude.

Did it work?

Tehehehe. Maturity is not something always present in my blog.

And if this was a disappointment based on where you thought I was headed or offended you, I'm sincerely sorry, but lets be honest about something...

Everyone loves a good poop story.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Ireland + HD Footage = Beauty

This post is to my mom. Keep lookin' towards that PhD! You'll see this in person!

Friday, November 12, 2010


Ok, forget the name of the website I posted below.


It's making fun of everyone who doesn't think Obama has done anything.

AKA I like the website and I support Obama!

I didn't think it'd be that hard to follow.

Stick It To The Man

Simply. Awesome.


The End to Piece One

Ok - well, I'll go with the first comment - which was a twist. Let's see what I can do.

Eyes wide, Nick trips on an upturned root, slamming into the ground. Rolling over onto his back he searches the woods for the figure.

The Figure lands on top of Nick, pinning his shoulders to the ground. Struggling, Nick cannot break free of the Figure's grasp. The figure locks eyes with Nick, staring at him, breathing hot, moist air onto his face. Its mouth open, inches above Nick's face, drips saliva down onto Nick's brow. Oozing down the side of his face, Nick shutters.

As the Figure's jaws close around Nick's face, he closes his eyes and let's out a blood curdling SCREAM.

Opening his eyes, Nick sits up in bed, drenched in cold sweat. Moonlight shines in through his bedroom window, dividing his room in half with a white line.

Shaking his head, Nick shivers, wiping the sweat off his brow. He throws his covers off his legs, attempting to cool off.

Sitting on the edge of his bed, Nick rubs his eyes and yawns. Blinking, Nick rubs his eyes again, wiping something out of them.

Nick stares at his hands in the dark. Leaning over, he flips on his bedroom light.

Nick looks down - his hands, legs, and feet are covered in mud, fragments of leaves, and dried blood.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


It may have taken longer than I had hoped and it is pretty skimpy compared to what I ultimately wish I could someday have...but after many hours of building (by yours truly), behold my baby!

I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

Let me know what you think!

I'll keep updating it as I go - with more photos and films as they become available!

Fight or Flight

Charging into a cabin at the base of the hill, Nick scowers the single room. Grabbing the cabinet to his left, he throws it in front of the door.

Backing up from the door, Nick runs to a boarded-up window at the back of the cabin. Prying off one of the boards, sunlight bursts into the exposed slot. Dust floats through the air, obscuring the sunlight as it pours into the cabin.

A THUD on the front door startles Nick. He begins ripping the boards off the window as quickly as possible.

Turning around, Nick now sees that the door has a large hole in in - the figures arm clawing at the stale air. Without thinking about it, Nick looks around the cabin and spots an old fire poker in the corner of the room. Picking it up, he runs at the door, swinging at the arm halfway through the hole. He makes solid contact. The arm tries to retreat but the elbow gets stuck. Nick keeps swinging. Thud after thud after thud. Each blow is causing the figure to howl in pain. Turning the poker in his hand, Nick thrusts it into the arm, piercing the flesh with the pointed end. The arm immediately disappears.

Nick stops. Waits. Nothing comes from the other side of the door.

Slowly, he creeps towards the hole, listening, silent, waiting to hear breathing, crinkling leaves. Nothing.

He leans even closer, squinting one eye, inches form the hole to see outside. He can't see anything except the empty forest.

Suddenly the figure steps in front of the whole and thrusts its arm back through the space, smacking Nick and sending him sprawling on the ground.

Stunned, Nick struggles to his feet, drops the fire poker and runs back to the window. He begins ripping the boards off the window as quickly as possible. Breaking the window with his elbow, Nick falls into a pile of wood stacked behind the cabin.

Getting to his feet, Nick begins running away from the cabin. The front door to the cabin SPLINTERS inward and a ROAR echoes through the auburn forest.

Now running even faster, Nick glances over his shoulder to see the back of the cabin SHATTERS in an array of wood and nails.


Ok - maybe one more post before it ends. So Friday will be the revealing of the final piece. Screw options, what do YOU think should happen?

Ultimately I get to choose this path, but suggest something good and I'll certainly consider it or use it!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Add A Lil' Somethin' Somethin'

Well, I got a wide array of responses for what I should do with the story. The best bet? Combine them if possible and keep on truckin'.

Eyes widening, Nick quickly scrabbles up what is left of the ravine, throwing as debris as possible below him. Rocks, logs, leaves, and dirt cascade onto the figure at the bottom of the creek. A SNARL stirs the forest.

The figure below glares up at Nick, lowers itself onto its haunches and rockets off the muddy creek bed. Flying through the air, fur matted down, ears lowered, and lips curled back, the figure grabs hold of Nick's ankle. Letting out a whimper, Nick thrashes at the beast below him. Flailing, his free foot catches the figure in the face, causing it to crash back down to the bottom of the ravine. With one final stretch, Nick grabs the top of the creek and pulls himself out.

Crumpling to his knees, Nick looks around the forest. Eyes darting from tree to tree, he runs towards a large birch off the trail and slumps against it. He listens. He hears nothing at first, but slowly heavy breathing is becoming louder and louder as the seconds pass by.

Edging around the side of the birch, Nick sees a shape amongst the trees on the trail, looking back and forth, nose in the air. Picking up a rock lying next to him, Nick throws it back through the forest towards the creek. The rock bounces off a tree and nestles itself in the fallen foliage. The figure is on the spot in a heartbeat, burrowing feverishly at the ground where the rock landed. Lunging to his feet, Nick stumbles back to the trail and continues his way up the mountain.

Slowing to a walk, Nick bends over, placing his hands on his knees, breathing heavily. Sweat drips off his forehead onto the leaves, PITTERING and PATTERING like rain.

Suddenly, Nick is thrown to the ground, sliding to the edge of the trail. The figure hunches where Nick just was. Crawling backwards away from the figure, Nick edges off the trail, sliding down a hill. Behind him stands an old cabin.


Should Nick A) Scream for help  B) Run past the cabin  C) Barricade himself in the cabin  D) Fight the figure.

Random Shots

Do-It-Yourself Story

Nick, an 18 year-old boy, dressed completely in camping gear runs up a trail on the side of a mountain. Leaves fall through the air, nature's confetti, celebrating the arrival of Autumn. The sides of the trail explode with reds, yellows, and browns as Nick races up the mountain. The wind blows through the bare tree limbs, howling.

Early fall sunlight shines through the forest life, leaving streaks of light littering the trail ahead and behind Nick.

Looking over his shoulder, hair plastered to his forehead with dirt and sweat, Nick's face drains of color. A THUNDERING GALLOP echoes behind him.

Detaching his backpack from his shoulders, Nick drops it to the forest floor and continues running. Next comes his canteen, his flashlight, and sleeping bad. All littering the ground as he continues. Rounding a bend, Nick shutters as the canteen CRUNCHES under the enormous weight of his pursuer.

Ahead, Nick sees the crest of he trail. Running forward he scrambles up the slope, trying to reach the top as quickly as possible - unaware of the steep drop on the other side.

Nick tumbles down the sloping path, into a ravine. Landing in the semi-dried bottom of a creek, Nick lays face-first in mud.

Coming to, Nick lifts his head out of the brown, lumpy substance, gasping for air. Propping himself up on his knees, Nick wipes the mud off his face, flinging it towards the bank of the creek. Pausing, Nick tilts his head towards the way he fell down the slope.

Silence. All that reverberates through the forest is the rustling of dead leaves and an occasional cackling crow.

Nick rises, walks to the bank of the creek and begins climbing the ravine. Reaching up to grab a root, a THUD shakes the creek below. Glancing down, a FIGURE is thrashing in the mud.


Ok, so now it's your turn. What happens next? A) Nick scrambles to climb out of the ravine  B) Nick throws objects down at the the figure below him   C) When trying to climb out, Nick falls to the bottom of the creek   D) The figure grabs hold of Nick's leg.

Let me know where it should go and I'll keep going. If there aren't many responses, then it'll fizzle. No big deal.

I'll find something else to right.

And as if you can't tell - this is kind of written in a film style.  

Monday, November 8, 2010

Some Perks

Well, being a driver has some perks...

It's a sunny, breezy 75 degree day in LA. It's nice - feels tropical, is not a little cool. It's nice not always being stuck in the office. It is a great day to cruise down Sunset Blvd.

On a side note...

CONAN is back tonight! Make sure you tune in to support his return to TV!

Team Coco!

Let's Try Something New

Alright - it was a standard weekend. Nothing crazy, nothing special. Just plain old, home brewed fun.

We ate, we drank, we relaxed, we napped, we laughed, we watched a lot of TV. What else would you want out of a weekend? Nothing I suppose?

I got my roommates to start watching AMC's "The Walking Dead" and I recommend it to anyone out there. It's a show about zombies - but it's incredible. Even if you don't like horror-themed shows, this is still amazing. It's shot beautifully, acted great, and believe it or not, has a ton of character driven drama in it. Plus, Frank Darabont (director of "The Shawshank Redemption" and "The Green Mile") helped write it, produce it, and direct the pilot episode.

Get out there and watch it.

On a side note - Carlos just completed his training at Panera and will be working there soon (until he lands a cushy government position) - but he's doing such a great job there and the company likes him so much, he's meeting the CEO tomorrow! Way to go Carlos!

Also, if you want to follow his blog, check it out here - he's much more insightful on the world than I am. Great writer too.

So, lets shake things up here. I like writing and keeping you all current on my life - as mediocre as it currently is, but I need to remain creative and practicing my craft.

So this is whats going to happen - I'm going to try a write a new story every week, with YOU telling me the direction it should go in. I'll list some options and depending on your responses, I'll continue it in whatever way people want it to go.

So, I NEED responses. Comments work or email me them. If people don't partake in this, it'll be a failed experiment and I'll go back to another style of writing.

To beging, what genre do we want? A) Comedy  B) Horror  C)Drama  D)Humor  E)"Dark/Artsy"

Friday, November 5, 2010

Celebrity Citing!

Same old week - 17hrs of overtime ughhh so tired.

I'm also on call this weekend, so if trailerpark needs me, I have to go in, but I get paid for 8hrs regardless. So, if I don't go in (which I'm hoping I don't have to) I make moneys anyway! Wahoo!

Tonights a gonna be quick. I want to eat and shower.

I did 11.5 hours today and was in the car doing runs for 7 of them! Gah!

But cool moment of the day...

I was walking through the Fox lot when I passed someone I thought I recognized. It was Jason Segel (from How I Met Your Mother, I Love You Man, and Forgetting Sarah Marshall). He looked up and saw me staring at him and he said "How's it going." I responded and went on my way. When I walked back to my car, he was still there and he saw me and told me my shoes were "fly."

Pretty cool shit if I say so myself. But not in a boasting or bragging way.

East vs. West

This is going to be a quickie again since I had a 13 hour day - but I'll do what I can!

I love CA. It's a wonderful place, it's beautiful, vibrant, warm, but mainly, the people are friendly. Super friendly. The kind where a random person has no issue with talking to you about how your day is going, introducing themselves, becoming quick friends.

The issue though - the suck ass at driving.

I mean holy cow. The people in LA (and i'm using a broad brush here since I'm declaring all of CA on this issue) are to bad driving as what the tourists in Branson, MO are to rednecks.

Now, I don't mean to be harsh, I know we all have stereotypes.

-New Yorker's may very well be packing heat, so if you mouth off or flip someone off, you may get shot at.

-Massachusetts drivers are assholes - where does the phrase "driving like a masshole" come from? hmmm.

-New Jersey people speed EVERYWHERE.

-Florida drivers are old and slow - have bad eyesight and are probably deaf (all the retirees).

But, by far, California has the worst drivers on the road.

Would you like some examples? I'm sure you would (even if you don't care, too bad since I'm in charge).

- Blinkers don't exist. If they do, it's ok to use them for .0001 second.
- People will cut you off without hesitation and then yell at you like it's your fault.
- Buses merge lanes regardless if they're going to hit you. They simply don't give a fuck.
- If you wait more than a second to move after a light changes, you will get honked at.
- Holy shit cell phones. Dear god. Especially teenage girls. Put the phone down and drive. I don't want to die because you're breaking up with your boyfriend for the 8th time this week. I wish I could slap them.
- It is legal for motorcycles to drive between stopped traffic. This isn't so much an example of "bad" driving, but it's scary as shit! I've almost has my arm ripped off on so many occasions. They don't cruise by your window either - they haul ass.

The worst thing though, is that everyone freaks out when it rains. Two drops can fall and people drive like they do in New England during a blizzard. LA driving comes to a dead crawl during any form or precipitation.

Ugh - so dumb.

Just a heads up to anyone who may venture this way and will be driving. You've been warned.

On a side note - it's be super hot this week (three days of 96 in a row) and you know what that means...

Lots of eskiho sightings!

For those of you who don't know - that's when a girl wears really short shorts, like booty shorts, or a tiny skirt and Uggs.

One of the dumbest styles EVER!

                                                   Point and case.

Make up your damn mind! Is it super hot and you want to show leg, or is it cold enough that your need fur boots on?!

When it's 96 degrees out and you wear uggs, you're a moron.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Sooo Tired

I'm tired.

I did of 50 miles of runs today throughout LA and logged 12 hours of work (yay overtime) - and as a result, I'm mad bushed.

We're trying to shop around some company holiday gift ideas for our clients - i'm suggesting...

1. Snow globe with either our building with the sign on top of it in the middle or a giant trailer.

2. Large pressed metal sign of our trailer - for decoration

3. Picture of our building with the sign or our logo made into a large jigsaw (child friendly).

4. A nice track jacket or fleece jacket with our logo embroidered on the breast.

5. A wine set with laser etched company logo or martini set laser etched.

6. Wooden or metal flash drive with trailers loaded onto them - maybe use all the 2010 trailers to cut together a "mega trailer."

8. Gift gourmet chocolate carved or modeled after our logo.

9. Leather portfolio case/laptop case with logo pressed into the front of it.

10. Donate money to a charity of client's choice.

Do you like any of these?

Anywho - here on some new pics from the trip!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Use it Whenever You Can

I love this website. It's simple. It's to the point. In a way - it's perfect.

I'm trying to use it once a day and you should too, because, well, everyone has one of these moments every day.

What moment do you ask? You'll know once you hear it.

This site should put a smile on your face. If it doesn't, you should probably go to the doctor - because you must be broken.

Sad trombone

As for a cool thing...enjoy this...

Favorite quote of the week, heard in a studio office while discussing advertising for a new children's animated movie coming out - the conversation was between a man and someone else on a phone, "No, listen, I love the work you did on the posters. It all looks great - it's absolutely beautiful. But, let me ask you something. If this is a children's movie, why behind the man character, is there a building with a sign that advertises 'Proctologist Office & Power Tools?'"

True story - I saw the poster.

I wouldn't be able to sit for weeks.

Work Work Work

My desk!

And I was uber flattered today - I was invited to a Skype date from Spain!


Thanks technology for letting me stay in touch with my friends!

Slowly More Trickling In...

So, a few more photos from the trip are starting to trickle into my possession. I'm still waiting on most of the black and whites though - hopefully they will come soon. I have the hard copy of them and they are incredible - now just waiting on the damn digital copies.

I totally forgot I shot a roll of color too - hot damn!

Work was slow today - only 3 drives, twice to Fox and once to Paramount. I have to say, Paramount is awesome. The lot has such character and its cool walking from a parking lot, through Brooklyn, into the Upper East side, into Chicago, then past a bunch of stages to get to where I need to be. Its my dream place to work.

At work I've been devoting myself to building a website when I'm not busy. It's not going to be anything special, but at least a place to show my photos and films. 'm struggling with choosing the design I want. It's hard when I have so many options. What will make my site the most badass!?

God! Decisions decisions! Gah!

Hopefully it'll be up by the end of the week!

And for those of you waiting... here is the infamous costume