Thursday, May 31, 2012

That Smell

Today while driving home from work, I was cruising down the 10 towards Santa Monica and the beach, with the windows down and I caught a wife of the water in front of me. Cool, inviting, invigorating. But, I found my mind wanting more. I felt disappointed, as if something was missing. And sure enough, it was.

That tangy scent you get when you're headed to the beach as you leave Manahawkin and cross the bridges towards LBI. The salt is stronger and the mud just invades your sinuses. It just overwhelms you. At first, if you aren't used to it, you'd probably find it too strong, but for me, it is welcoming.

Once I realized my brain was missing that, I began to miss the other parts of LBI. The sun coming in through my windows in the morning, the crinkle of the bagel bag, the humidity that made breathing hard, cruising down the boulevard, cursing at the tourists, hearing the time clock punch my card as I checked in, the carousel music playing over and over, the whoosh of the sea dragon, the laughter of the kids in the park, running every night with Kevin from 1-2am to get ready for the tennis season, yogurt parfaits, killer bee sting making my lips tingle, waking up to breakfast at Wimbledon.  There was so much more behind that.

And it made me sad. But, it also made me smile. I have a wonderful place to return to, and I know it'll always be there for me.

I know it's been a while - but I know I'll return soon.

And I can't wait for that tangy mud to welcome me back.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Creation and Destruction

So these next two vids are pretty much polar opposites of one another.

While we have one that shows the creation of a beautiful instrument (hopefully those of you in Spain can appreciate this) - the other shows a generic European city rioting and being torn apart.

Why did I choose these tow you ask?

Well, I love the videos that showcase things being made, especially if they are made by hand. So, the piece about the flamenco guitar plays right into my wheelhouse. The music that plays the whole time is also soothing and extremely moving. It just puts you in that certain kind of happy mood.

As for the second video, No Church in the Wild, everything falls apart. Fires burn. Streets riot. Police fight against those attaching them. Windows are smashed. It is the complete opposite, yet the visuals are just as beautiful as in the first video. The desaturated tones, the slow motion, the flames licking up the sides of the bottles. All lovely - just for different reasons.

Far from the spectrum from one another, both these pieces are still able to grab hold of me.

Gosh - film is wonderful.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Its official, we made it back from the desert.

I'm bushed - burnt out. Straight up tired.

So, I'm not going into detail about the trip tonight. You all can wait for that tomorrow - so what will I offer you in the mean time? How about a bunch of people being morons and hurting themselves in the process?

Sound good to you?

Great - because thats what you are getting.

FYI - there are some cringe moments - but lets be honest, most of these people get what they deserve. Such. Idiots.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Off Into the Desert

Well, we all knew it'd only be a matter of time.

Yes. You are correct.

We are returning to Vegas this weekend. And by us, I mean a total of 11 of us. All guys. All friends. All extended weekend. Oh. Yes.

It's one of my roommate's birthday and much like the house humored me and went to my favorite lunch spot, we are humoring him with a stay in Vegas. Of course we are doing the obligatory bottle service/VIP table at a club (XS at the Encore), walking the strip, gambling, eating at a bunch of nice restaurants, and lounging by the pool.

I'll be leaving tomorrow night after work, so sadly this is my last entry for the week, and to be honest - I'm a little scared. I don't know if I can handle Vegas for four days. The longest I've been is two. If I make it through this, I'm going to certainly be broken. I'll return to work Tuesday a shell of the man I used to be. But, as long as it was worth it, I won't have a problem with it.

And don't worry - this won't go undocumented. We're bringing cameras to capture some moments - but the big plan is to bring 3 flips cams with us. Our goal? Set up a closet/the bidet room (yes we have a bidet in our suite) as the "confessional" and shoot the entire weekend like a MTV Real World / Jersey Shore show. Brilliant right? With the other two flips cams, we'll document our time in the casinos and drunkenly stumbling around. Why will this work? All of us going went to school for some sort of production - whether it be film or television, and, I'll be the one editing it (since I have all this practice). Oh, right, and who doesn't like a bunch of drunken idiots goofing off in front of a camera?

Once it is done, we'll slap it online and see if we garner any attention from it. So don't worry, assuming we fulfill this plan, you all will see the weekend first hand.

But, on another note, I'll leave you with something visual.

We just released a another trailer, one that will surely be big. Yes, they've made versions of this film before, but this is a little different. A bit edgier, a bit more "fun." Faithful adaptation? No, I wouldn't say so.

But from what I've seen it's very enjoyable.  What do you think?

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Welcome Back

It had been so long since she last felt the waves beneath her. Cool. Deep. Powerful. She had missed the ocean. The smell of the salt against the roof of her mouth, the sea foam drying on her bare shoulders. There was something about taking the initial plunge into the water every summer that made her feel so alive - unlike anything else in the world.

The weather had turned sour quickly. Earlier than previous years. Clouds formed. The air no longer was bright and clear. Grayness ruled the sky for almost an entire year, unlike anything she had ever seen before. Storms rolled through, hail fell. On a few occasions, snow even blanketed the sand. The dune grass shriveled and died. The gulls stopped laughing. Streets became vacant and businesses went into hibernation, waiting for the tourists to return with the warmer weather.  Throughout it all - she always heard the waves, always churning, ever present. She waited for her moment. It would come - it was just a matter of time.

When she had run down the beach, she barely felt how cool the sand still was beneath her feet. All that mattered was that the clouds had parted and the sun had come out from hiding.

The plunge into the water ripped the air from her lungs. It shocked her to the core. She had waited so long for this. Her skin welcomed the cold - the moisture. Her pores breathed it all in.

When she surfaced, body shaking, and teeth clattering, she knew she was the only one. It was still too early for everyone else - the water too cold. It was. Even for her. But it didn't matter.

She belonged out amongst the waves.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Oh Bill Murray

I know I said I would get back to writing this week - but I have to postpone for this trailer.

I just have to. Everyone knows I love Bill Murray - from The Life Aquatic, to Rushmore, Ghostbusters, or Lost in Translation.

I know he started early in comedies, but now he's transitioned into more serious rolls. Sure, he still loves those quirky parts, but he's really evolved in the last couple years.

He's only been nominated for one Oscar thus far - but I feel this film could nab him the coveted prize.

Historically accurate, charming, quirky, and uplifting?  And Bill Murray!? Umm yes please!

Thursday, May 17, 2012


Today was a long day. A hard day. To say it was busy would be the understatement of the year. I'm burnt out. The manager of the assistant editors has been out the entire week and his duties have fallen on my shoulders, during one of the busiest weeks in recent memory. Oy vey.

But I get through it because of my coworkers. They make the days easier, faster, more enjoyable. SO thanks guys, you are all incredible.

Even when I leave work, I'm not really capable of just letting work go - leave it at the office. I carry it with me. The feelings, the axiety. The burden. It all sits high up on my shoulders and it sucks. I have to work on that.

WHen I walk through the door at home though - my roommates are there, waiting for me. Just like my coworkers, but at home, they help me get out of my funk. Thanks guys!

And finally, what else gets me out of my funk?  This next trailer. Sure, it seems like a pointless movie - but it seems like a fun pointless movie. Great cast. Looks like great interviews. A pretty unique topic if I say so myself, and it is directed by the same guy who did Super Size Me and The Greatest Movie Ever Sold.  I watched this a little bit ago and it just lifted the weight off my shoulders. Put a smile on my face, and it's a documentary!

Damn, this is why I love cinmea. It just moves me in ways I never thought possible.

(And starting next week - I promise I'll get back into the "normal" routine).

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Across the Ocean

I can't write too much about this piece because it moved me so much.

It struck me in a way that I know if I open the flood gates and begin writing, I won't be able to stop. I'll get existential, go to dark places, happy places, and everywhere in between.

I'll be honest. This video is somber. Very. Very. Somber. But completely worth the watch.

As strikingly beautiful as it is, with the hues and camera movements, it is one thousand times more haunting and lasting.

As somber as this is - it easily is one of the most powerful pieces I can remember seeing in my lifetime.

It makes you feel for them and what they are going through. But if one thing is certain, they carry on and will rebound, stronger than ever.

What Makes You Go?

This next piece is just beautiful. For its own reasons of course - but what do you think of it?  What stands out for you?

The couple? The scope of the shots? The desaturated tones?

I'm drawn into that everyone seems to be on the move. Why? I'm not exactly to sure. Yeah, I guess some make sense, but not all of them do. Everyone seems to have their own agenda.

What makes you go?

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

House of Celluloid

I dont' have to be behind a camera to love it.

Everything about them fascinates me. Their smell, the film that goes inside of it, the touch of the cold steel body, the intricacy of the lens. It all does it for me.

It's wonderful being able to see them being built. While I will admit this brand is well out of my price range - some day, I will own one.

Friday, May 11, 2012


So so tired. Long day. But I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Almost. There.

Let's depart this week with another period piece, shall we?

I love the cast. Huge ensemble. It looks promising (and trust me - it is). Sean Penn? Josh Brolin? Ryan Gosling? Emma My Girl Stone? Nick Nolte? Pssshhhh going to be awesome!

Any gangster movie, when done well, is good.

How does it look to you?

Oh right...happy Friday!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

What In The Hell

Alright, I have to post this. I mean, I have to. Get it? HAVE to.

I'm not really sure how this animation is done. It's so complicated - it is 100% beyond me ability. More like 1000% beyond it. Ok, realistically? I don't think I could do this at all. I've tried my hand at the whole stop motion aspect of film making, and I usually succeed on some level. While it isn't a complete failure, I certainly don't think it is something I'd be proud of showing other people.

But this guy, below us, took something so unique - hand crafted styrofoam and animated it. So sit back and reflect a moment before you watch the piece below. Everything is carved from the firm white stuff. The skill and artistry involved in this is staggering. Sure, some piece can be reused if carefully bent/manipulated - but almost everything had to be remade, for each shot. And believe me, thats a ton of work. Let's say he shot it as 24 frames a second. The piece is almost 9 minute long. So  24fps x (9 x 60) = 12,960 frames. Daunting already. But then add to that having to carve everything numerous times? Oh. My. God.

A ton of work. Yet I think it paid off wonderfully.

Don't get me wrong, I do think this piece gets a little ahead of itself in terms of "how deep it tries to go" - but I can easily drone everything out and just stare at the magnificent movement(s) before my eyes.

Give it a go and see if you're as fascinated by it as I am.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

PES Imposter

Long day. Per usual.

I gotta take it easy or else I'm going to get burned out! All these hours really makes finding time for this blog challenging.

But no worries, I shall continue on!

Anyway - I digress.

I have another video for you (don't worry, some stories are coming - I just have to get the right amount of time to sit down and write). And seriously,  how many times have you heard that before? HAH! I'm like a broken record.

So you all know how much I love the director PES - whose done some great work such as western spaghetti, roof sex, etc. But today, I found a piece that seems so much like something he would do, yet it isn't. The animation is strikingly similar, but be aware - this piece is a bit morbid and attacks your childhood games.

Gross? Maybe. Still fun? I think so.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


This past week, the music industry lost one of the founding fathers of rap/hip hop, Adam "MCA" Yauch of the Beastie Boys.

Back when they first came on the scene, well before my time, they were the first real white group to cement themselves in what had always previously been considered black music. They made it cool. They fit in. They really crossed boundaries and broke down walls. Even though I wasn't around to witness it first hand, I've read about it and appreciate what they did for the industry.

While I was a late bloomer for the Beastie Boys fan base, I LOVED them. Hello Nasty was one of the first CD's I ever owned and I just pumped it on repeat over and over and over. I knew I wasn't as cool as them, but damn, I tried hard and knew all the words. I thought I was a stud.

But lets fast forward a bit into the future, to high school when the film bug really bit me in the ass. Ever since I found my passion to be in images, film or photography, I've wanted to focus on music videos. What just happened to be one of the first videos to really grab me and never let go? The Beastie Boy's "Sabotage." It was directed by Spike Jonze and is considered one of the very first, if not the pioneering video that had nothing to do with the actual song. From start to finish, the video tells its own story, self contained and free of the lyrics in the song.

It really stuck with me.

This is why I fell in love with music videos. They gave me the ability to do whatever I wanted for four minutes (give or take). Enter my own dream world. Create my own reality.

And to be honest, I haven't stopped trying to obtain that dream ever since.

So I'd like to just say thank you to the Beastie Boys and spend a minute to remember what they gave me.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Special Day Shoutout

Today is a special day. A day of birth. For a man who watched me grow from a baby into what I am today, took care of me when my parents weren't around or able to, who inspired me in so many ways - boy scouting, integrity, my education. He was always there for me when I needed advice. Always there for moral support and comfort.

He's a great man, and I have much to thank him for - mostly in helping shape me into who I am today.

So here's to you, the day is yours.

Happy Birthday Uncle Billy!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

In A Perfect World

Everyone knows I love music videos and thats essentially why I went to film school and moved out to LA. Everyone should also know that the music video world, while still alive and kicking, it not at all what it once was and is quickly dying, much to my dismay. I was taught this when I spent my first semester in LA and have pretty much accepted it to this day.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not giving up on my dream. I am however being a realist regarding it. So, I still plan on getting my camera package, a couple lenses, and flooding my youtube account with material, but that is still down the road and bit. Hopefully that will bare some fruit and someone will notice me. Fingers crossed.

Wow. What a long winded explanation to something that could have literally lasted a sentence or two.

In a perfect world - I'd be a music video director by now, or even a cinematographer. And in that perfect world, I would make a video for the following song.

It's haunting. Melodic. Touching. Deep. Really everything I could ask for from a song when I need to add visuals to it. Every time I listen to it I have the images in my head, the film stock I'd use, the color gradient, the movements - everything.

Best part? I would show exactly what is depicted in the song. Much like the Beatles Rocky Raccoon, this is a story in and of itself.

Give it a listen and see if you can picture it as well as I can - except with your own twist.

Let's Have A LIttle Fun

Today was a good day. Much better than yesterday. It blew buy, I had a nice dinner, got a lot of work done, and the garden looked wonderful.

Yay in all those regards. Yet, it was such a good day, I really don't want to write.

So lets have some fun shall we?

Everyone knows I like Conan. He's a standup guy, who I think has an incredible sense of humor, and I really respect how he kept his entire staff from NBC and gave them jobs when he walked away from the network. Anywho - this video, which was from a recent show, shows a little glimpse of who he is. I know I've posted his commencement speech before, so this is in the same boat, kind of, but instead of speaking at graduation, he is just speaking to a local college in CA.

Nothing deep or meaningful, just some laughs, and a good deed.

And the last video - is one of those "cool" ones that I try to post at least once a week.

I've sat here, trying to figure out how I would have done this myself, and I'm still not entirely sure, since I'm not super savvy with my iphone yet.

All I do know is it took the guys behind it 238 attempts before they nailed it.

Let me know if you know how they did it...(I have my theories...)

Insta Date

Wooooh - what a long day. One of those that just dragged on by.

Coming home, all I wanted to do was curl up and sleep. Not interact with the roommates, not relax. Just hibernate. Not that I was in a bad mood or anything, just literally spent.

But, I love the internet, and all the creative people that live out there, sharing their work with the world. Before I cooked, exercised, and began winding down, I surfed some of my favorite video websites and stumbled upon this wonderful piece by the group "Improv Everywhere." I'm not going to get into a long-winded explanation about who they are and what they do - since I believe all of you are intelligent enough to get a sense of their motives based on their name.

While the are primarily based in NYC - don't be surprised if you see them anywhere else, like Boston, Phili, LA, Houston, etc. They seem to have the ability to pop up everywhere.

Anywho - moral of the story, this is a great little sketch and thing to do for people and at the end of a long day, it is wonderful to come home to something like this and end up with a smile on my face.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

How Is This Real?

Again - short and sweet, but I add this because I couldn't leave you with just one quick post.

As the summer road trip approaches, I swear Yosemite just keeps popping up in my life here and there. As if it were some kind of sign as to what was to come.

I love it. I want more. More excitement. More buildup.

I can't wait to see Yosemite in person - its beauty. Just take a look at this film. I know it is real, but everything seems so perfect, it almost feels fake.

God damn, I want August now. Countin' the days Ms. PB!

The Fire RIses

Short and sweet.

It was an honor and a privilege to be able to be a part of this:

I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.