Friday, January 28, 2011


I promise I'll get back to writing more stories, using photographs and telling life anecdotes soon!

Social Context Much?

I apologize - I know I've been getting away from writing recently, letting you all down, etc. But, I can't help it! There have been so many damn cool videos and you all know how much of a sucker I am for cool videos.

I know I already posted one tonight, but should we see another one?

I think so.

Much like the last video, this one is heavy. Hopefully it'll make you think. Maybe after the movie is done, maybe during it. Hell, it might even provoke you to pause it, stop watching, ponder for a bit, then resume. To be honest, it didn't have that affect on me, but, who knows, to each their own!

This piece has a lost of social context and I think thats what I like about it so much.

Oh, and it doesn't hurt that it looks absolutely beautiful at the same time (with a very very very unique style and palate).

Watch. Think. Learn.

Does it move you? Make you think? Form any opinions?

The gloaming Trailer from niko nobrain on Vimeo.

Like Wildfire

Hot damn, tilt-shift has really caught on since the Social Network came out.

Now, I know there are different ways to do it, but I mean the real way. None of this honkey bullshit that involves you fixing a picture in post or with your fancy-ass iphone.

No. I mean, with an actual tilt-shift lens.

This next piece is well, awesome.

It looks beautiful and it hits home with sustainability and sustainable practices.


Small World Energy from Niles Heckman on Vimeo.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Well, I wanted to show this awesome video, but blogspot keeps messing up and won't let me post it.


Click the link to watch it.

Hopefully I'll be joining this guys soon, in the same recording studio.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Get Ready!

I knew China was up to something!

Not only is everything made in China, now they are capable of doing anything!

They are going to take over the world!

We're doomed!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


It just glided along. Trolling through the water, barely creating a wake or single wave for that matter. It wasn't because they didn't want to startle the fish, but it was too peaceful to disturb nature that morning.

It felt as if gravity was extra strong that day, holding the mist from rolling into the hills - squatting over the water, like mother nature had taken a long drag on a cigarette, only to let it trickle out of her mouth and onto the lake. It was pure though. You'd breath deeply and your lungs would fill with it, bath in it, cleanse in it. It was cool when you inhaled, it tasted of ozone and moss.

The air was sweet with the smell of fall - decaying leaves and forest undergrowth. The oars of the boat barely disturbed the water as they broke the surface, propelling the boat forward.

They had set out with the rods to catch the "keeper," but this morning was too perfect. Pulling hard for one last row, they let the boat pull them forward, into the mist and out of sight.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Fresh Pots!

And people seriously question why I love this man so much?

Isn't it quite obvious?

Friday, January 21, 2011

Thursday, January 20, 2011


It had been a while, but it was time to come back to the classics. He missed its sweet aroma and tangy, yet subtle aftertaste.

He had planned it a couple days ahead. Gone to the store, bough the ingredients, the leaves, the infusing spoon, even the freshest, most zesty oranges he could find. It was going to be a grand morning and he could hardly wait for it.

Soon it arrived, with the early morning sunlight cresting over the hills, glistening on the frozen grass, shining into his room between the hanging curtains. It was the kind of morning sun that revealed the floating dust in the air, illuminating thousands of microscopic ballerinas.

Opening his eyes, he smiled. It was time.

Swinging his feet over the edge of the bed, he hoped off and sprung towards the kitchen. He looked through the cabinet for his favorite cup and found it, hidden in the back, so no others would ever see it and use it.

Turning towards the stove, the pot of water was waiting for the fire to be lit below it. As he reached for the knob on the stove, he stopped, thought, put his cup down and ran back to his room and hoped into bed.

Early grey tea with a splash of fresh orange is great, but it could wait until the afternoon.

The freezing cold kitchen floor wasn't worth the wait.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Silver Halide

I like the smell of film. I just like knowing there is film going through the camera.


So, I was requested by someone to describe "who" the Foo Fighters are - and they very well know the answer to that question already.

Sadly, I don't think I can honor that request because it will take far too long, involve way too many adjectives, praise, and will expose my man crush on the band itself.

Basically, I don't think I could write a response to that because it would never end - I could literally go on about them forever and I'd prefer not to put anyone through that.

Do you remember what happened in Indiana Jones; Raiders of the Lost Ark when they opened the ark? I don't want to kill any of you - melt your faces, crush you, or cause anyone to explode. It's just not how I generally roll.

You don't want to open my Foo Fighters pandora's box. It'd be the end.

On a happy note - our apartment is almost complete. Rob and I went outlet shopping and spend a ton of $$ on new clothes and such, but the most exciting purchase came last night around 8:30 p.m. We were in Target, wondering around, just looking when my eyes lit up and I pointed, speechless. Rob turned, looked, looked back at me and just nodded.

We bout it. We finally have one.

What is it you ask?  Behold...

That's right...a ping pong table. Will our downstairs neighbors hate us? Yumps. Do we care? Nopes.

We now have a constructive way to kill time after work and on weekends.

Who knew they were so hard too build though! 75 screws later, a squished finger, scratched arms, a shit ton of swears said ( I said it to drive the point home), and we have a completed table!

Two college honors graduates only took 2 days to put a ping pong table together.

Friday, January 14, 2011

New Yorkkkkk!!!!!!!

NYC - Mindrelic Timelapse from Mindrelic on Vimeo.

Ohhh Pixar

Animation is a trick. That much we know. Still images combined to make movement. We've been doing it for a long long time.

Whats so special about it?

Well, how about having Pixar explain in.
      - Pixar is awesome
      - Pixar is full of talented minds
      - Pixar is the perfect teacher for this subject, since they specialize in animation!

Just watch the video below.

It blew my mind, since it's animation, in 3D, without using a computer.

It's amazing how the mind can be tricked into seeing "motion."

Purely. Awesome.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

GE - Working Wonders Since...Whenever They Were Founded

GE continues to impress me. Well, I guess they do impress me. I don't really know much of what they do in the world and if I tried to act like I did, well hell, I'd be a complete liar, trying to make myself look good. And who would want that? Other than one.

But, I digress.

GE has this plan, for locomotives...who even uses that word anymore? That's so 1900's. Blah. So, GE has this plan, for trains, that is interesting. They have come up with this idea for something called "Dynamic Breaking." Fancy smancy right? Anywho - they plan on taking the energy that is created when a train stops and converting it into energy to run the train!


Fuck...Toyota did that with a Prius 14 years ago. Dammit GE! I was behind you the whole way until I realized this. I guess I'll give you some points for wanting to apply this technology within trains.

I even had a cool video to show as an shows different objects' masses, densities, and forces, ultimately showing the energy output upon contact with another surface.

Let's be blunt here. Honest if you will. I don't really know what any of this scientific knowhow is and how it works. I do understand the converting of energy concept and how a Prius works, but all this other stuff? Come on now.

Honestly? I like this video because I like a few simple things:
      A) Slow Motion
      B) Jiggly objects
      C) Things getting smashed

I'm a simpleton at heart and I love this video. Aside from it looking brilliant, the whole thing probably lasted, in real time, less than 30 seconds - probably under 15, but I'm going to say no more than 30 just to be safe.

Lining up the shot and timing it is impressive enough, let alone the clear picture quality.

Enough. Enjoy a cool video and learn a little something. I did when I watched it.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I like commercials. Cool ones in fact. Not those dumpy, "what were they advertising?" commercials. The real ones, the ones that suck you in, make you wonder.

I had the pleasure of working at a company two years ago, Anonymous Content, which did a wonderful thing for me. It caused me to open my eyes. Working there, I learned to care for commercials, that they were, as close to short films as possible, but instead of hooking the viewer through a story, they hooked the viewer through a pitch.

Commercials can be creative, smart, funny, emotional, anything really, but regardless of what they are selling you, they carry a message or invoke a certain feeling.

Such as this one. It's simple, to the point, yet every time I show it to people, they gasp and admit that they are moved by it. I got to meet this director and he was a lovely man, who cared as much for the cause as for the commercial. He had passion.

Then there are those commercials that are sad, like the one above, but provide another sort of feeling. Take the one below. It's by one of my favorite directors (Spike Jonze) who is know for Adaptation, Where the Wild Things Are, Being John Malkovich, and a few others. His commercial is one of my favorites, partially because he is hinting at the power of a commercial and he is completely aware of it.

Ikea lamp commercial from Rob Sbaglia on Vimeo.

Powerful stuff. Yet, most people don't even tend to realize how heavy commercials can be.

Why do you care about the lamp? The guy calls you out on it! Spike made you feel that way with a couple perfect camera angles, some rain, and the right moody music. I want to be able to do that to people!

On a side note - Spike Jonze is just pretty much, well, awesome...

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Change to Reinvent

It was hard to believe so much had changed in such a short period, yet it was refreshing and new.


He knew he was home once again.


The wind whipped up and howled through the trees, carrying with it a think blanket of mist and smoke. As his chants grew louder, the wind blew harder, tugging at his shaggy hair, chilling his exposed skin.

The time was near. It wouldn't be long before the ritual was complete.

He wasn't sure what was going to happen, who would appear, or what would be brought upon this world. All he knew was that he was close.

With each word that left his mouth, the ground shook more and more.


It was getting really hard to concentrate. Her back had been resting on the bottom for quiet some time. She dare not open her eyes because she couldn't stand the thought of no one looking at her as she lay on the bottom of the pool, swaying ever so slightly in the tiny current created by the swimming children above her.

What she really wanted was for him to notice her. They had bumped into one another in the store, at school, walking down main street, but no experience ever yielded more than a simply "hello" or an empty "how are you." She knew he was kind an genuine, but he hadn't noticed her yet. Yes, he knew she existed, but he hadn't seen the fire within her.

Her lungs were beginning to burn, the muscles were constricting, she heard little pops in her ears. The shaking of her body let her know she was at her limit. The body could only last so long with recycled air - it eventually needed new breath. It wasn't going to get it. At least until he noticed her.

He was up there, with his friends. She had felt his eyes upon her as she entered the pool, walking as she sauntered into the water.

He'd better hurry up. It wouldn't be long before she passed out, allowing her body to go into autopilot, taking a breath instinctively, underneath the surface.

At which point, her fire would be extinguished.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Tilt Shift

I love tilt shift photography. It's amazing. Mind-numbing beautiful and utterly unreal.

Do I know understand it? Yes, I do. I can explain it to you, to anyone, and you'd believe me. The problem? I don't get why or how it works.

Yes, I know it's altering the focal plane of the camera/lens by vertically, horizontally, and diagonally shifting the glass pieces, but what about doing that makes the footage look so damn strangely beautiful!?

I've looked into purchasing lenses for my still photo camera, and apparently there are a bunch that will fit/are compatible to my pentax. The issue is, they cost anywhere from $500-3,000. Money that I unfortunately do not have in my wallet, pocket, or bank at the moment.


Welp, I'm sure I've lost a few of you or probably got everyone wondering what is this wonderful tilt-shift look like if I keep "oodling and oddling" over it. Sorry if I'm drooling too - this is a damn exciting technique, and I've been known to drool is extreme moments of euphoria.

If you've seen "The Social Network" you'll know what I'm talking about, more specifically if you can remember the crew race scene.

To put it bluntly, it makes everything look like its a miniature set. Everything looks like toys.

Here is the racing scene from "The Social Network."

Isn't David Fincher just damn amazing? I sure think so!

And another example, which I think better portrays the look of everything as miniatures, enjoy the following video.

Maybe you all don't appreciate it as much as I do.

But, I swear, the moment I have the opportunity to use tilt-shift in a video? I will.

Look out Foo Fighters...

Double Whammy

She rolled with her own crew. Stuck to a style that suited her. She wasn't a loner, but she wasn't in a click. She was her own entity and she was happy with it, proud that she wasn't part of the "norm" of high school.

She'd often get teased for her off-kilter antics - wearing a hoodie all the time, hiding her face with her bangs, speaking as perfectly and articulate as possible.

She was was super "green." She rode her bike everywhere. She was old enough to drive, but, she figured she'd save the planet one pedal at a time. She'd bike for miles. Out of her way to reach where she wanted to go, to prove a point, that she was strong, determined, dependent on no one but herself. The lights were her own touch. She set them up to be powered by the peddles on the bike. know what? Fuck this photo. It totally duped the shit out of me. Take a minute and look at it for me. Like, seriously, stop, and look at it.

It's an awesome photo. It's a little past dusk - a little after magic hour in the film world (between 5 and 6 pm) when the light is just perfect for film exposure and creating soft skin tones and shadows. The neighborhood behind her looks amazing. Clean, pleasant, warm and inviting.

So whats wrong with it you ask? Well, it's sure not the lights. Since, well, they were what drew me into the photo to begin with. They look so bright. Glowing and happy.

Sucked me right in, like a moth to a flame, a mosquito to a bug zapper 2000, whatever smartass metaphor you want to use to feel smart - go ahead, come up with one better, cause I can't.

I feel like a moron. An idiot. I don't deserve to have a blog for a while.

I've been defeated.

I. Feel. Dirty.


I posted a picture on my blog, and described it, because I fell in love with it.

Whats wrong with that you ask?

That stupid girl, yeah, the one up there ^^^

has fucking uggz and leggings on.

God I need to go take a hot shower.

I'm disgusted with myself.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I Literally Just Pooped My Pants

Yes. I kid you not, I think I just shit my pants.

No, I'm not sick and I didn't shart (for those of you who are unaware of that, its a combo of a fart and shit, when you cautiously let some gas out some something comes out with it).

I am super duper excited. Like beyond belief.

Remember before when I said that I had tried to go to the Foo Fighter's secret show? Well, I never really followed up on it. I didn't win tickets, and I didn't go. I was kind of talked out of going to where I "thought" the show was by a friend who had said they'd go with me, since they thought it seemed exclusive, and that we needed tickets to go.

I didn't want to go alone, so I went home.

What do I read the next day? About 20 die hard fans showed up and didn't have tickets...and GOT IN.


It happens I supposed. I'm a die hard fan, karma and the Foo will treat me right sometime down the road.

Oh wait, what is that you say? It just may be on the road in front of me right now?

I just logged onto their website to see a new contest being held by the Foo. They have a new album coming out, and they are promoting it. They want to use their fans in the whole promotion side of the album. So what exactly am I getting at here?

They are selecting 11 (I'm assuming 1 per song on the album) fans to DIRECT A MUSIC VIDEO for them. How exactly are they selecting these fans?

By looking at our work. Well hot damn! I have a cinematography reel already - all I have to do is edit in some footage of my thesis and BAM! Count me in baby!

Will I enter this contest?

You better fucking believe it.

Good thing I went to film school.

****But I need help. Go to my youtube site...

Watch my DP reel, then my other stuff, and tell me what you think should go in the reel and what, if anything should be taken out. I'm certainly chunks of my thesis...I have up to 10 minutes to show.****

Here's Dave Grohl and the Foo being goofy to promote the contest...

I've been a good fan. Gone to tons of shows. Bought all their albums, clothing, supported them, even all their side projects. I've never won anything from them.

Now I feel I have a legit chance to make a name for myself, showcasing my talents.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think I should win or in anyway "deserve" this, but this is the perfect contest for me.

If I don't win this, God, Buddha, Tom Cruise, or whatever higher power is seriously flippin' me the bird.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Just Awesome.

I know it's long.

What...something like 27 minutes? If you have the time watch this. Other than being absolutely beautiful - its amazing, scary, and intriguing.

The man behind this is nuts.

UNDERCITY from Andrew Wonder on Vimeo.

I hope you all enjoy this as much as I did.

Two Words. Las Vegas.

Las Vegas was, well, honestly, perfect.

I got to go with my roommates to celebrate the new year. That alone makes it something special, but when you get to throw into the mix that my two best friends from college were there also, you have a scenario that simply cannot be contained.

I worked until the Thursday we left and as I'm sure you can tell, I was ready to bust the hell out of the office and begin the journey to the high desert. The drive was fun, but awful at the same time. The time passed quickly driving with Rob and Jordan, but I was behind the wheel expecting the typical Vegas 4 and 1/2 hour drive, when because of traffic, it took 8.

The desert was cold. Not nippy cold. Below freezing cold. I left LA in a t-shirt and shorts and I may have lost some of my body parts while refilling the car with gas - that cold.

We pulled into Circus Circus around 11 and I felt like the head of the family. I had booked the hotel, so I had to check in, sign the papers, get the room keys, hand them out, etc. We quickly got to the room and got ready for the night ahead of us. Rob had flown from Boston to LA, then was picked up by me and driven to Vegas, so, naturally, he hoped in the shower.

Jordan and I immediately made drinks. Rob was sipping on his in the shower, before he even had time to shampoo his hair.

Hell yeah, we were in Vegas.

I hadn't eaten since 5:30 in the car - a simple turkey and bologna sandwich - and my drink was hitting me hard, quickly. I knew it would. I enjoy spiced rum. I enjoy Sailor Jerry spiced rum, but when it tastes like shit, I know I made it strong, and I had to gulp it down not to gag.

Rob vacated the shower, dried off, changed, we huddled, said some prayers, some words of how awesome the two nights would be, and off to the cab we went.

We met my friends at Jet @ the Mirage. It was an 8 dollar cab ride (thanks GOD everything is so close in Vegas).

Josh had worked his magic and got us VIP bottle service - yup, we were ballers, with 2 bottles of goose and 2 bottle of belvedere. It was awesome seeing my friends. Pure joy. They immediately wanted me to meet Ashley, who was a very attractive lady at our table and I wondered why, in my buzzed state, why in the hell she wouldn't accepted my handshake. Oh. My bad. she was our personal bartender. She didn't care who I was. She just kept handing me drinks. Shot, after shot, after shot, followed by Vodka Cranberries and Vodka Redbulls. Mix this with the music pumping and the lasers firing through the haze - my head was going to explode, and I loved every second of it.

We danced, we tried to talk (way too loud), we laughed. We stood in our VIP section above ours - Les hit my and spilled my drink on some poor girl below us - she wasn't happy to say the least.

Rob and I tried to dance on the raised platforms where the women were dancing. Sadly, within two seconds, we were yanked down by some of the largest, scariest looking black men in the world. I asked, probably slurred, "but the women can?'

"Damn straight they can son."


I don't remember coming home really. I remember waking up at 11:30 and checking my phone, my last text message was at 8am. How was I awake? My mind was racing, I was wide awake. I was ready to go.

I was speaking 1000 miles a minute. If I had to guess, this is what people feel like after snorting some powder.

I woke Rob and he was in the same mood I was. Jordan...not so much.

We ate @ Dennys - it was glorious. $4 Dollar sausage and biscuit omelet covered in gravy fixed me right up. Les had a grilled cheese that had mozzarella sticks grilled into it...

Yes. That exists. Gross and totally awesome. I love cheese. What makes it better? More cheese. I ate a bite and I felt my arteries shrivel in fear even before I swallowed.

The best part about the trip? We did the same thing for NYE, but at the Luxor - at a 5 hour open bar.

Oh my god.

Vegas is the adult Disney World.

You had your tourists doing the touristy shit - buying the yard long drinks. You had your people spending a ridiculous amount of money on dumb shit - aka gambling. And you had your over eager kids,  looking for the time of their lives - us, eyes wide with amazement for the women, alcohol, and venues.

Leaving was one of the hardest moments of my life. I wasn't only leaving my friends from school, who I had only seen for a meager two days, I was leaving the city where I had the most fun as a legally aged adult.

I felt like I had lost a family member as we drove away...until we stopped at Carl's Jr. and I got 12 dollars worth of fast food. Judge me. Go ahead. It's not my fault I know how to cheer myself up.

It's already been set in stone. This will be the annual trip for my friends and I to catch up.

Oh, it will happen again.

And not on the budget we had this year. It'll be better. Grander.

The only part that blows, is that its another 12 months away.