Sunday, October 31, 2010


Ok - I know, I suck. I really do. I mean it. If I had to blog to stay alive, I'd certainly be dead at this point.

Hell, if I had to blog to keep you, my followers alive, I'm sorry, but I would may definitely have killed you.

So let me begin again, anew, a fresh page in the book...well, I guess not a page nor a book since this is a blog.


Ok, let me start again. I know I've said it before, but I'll say it again, I'll turn a new leaf and try to post on here every day, it not every other day.

I just feel that it's hard, that it'd be repetitive, but I guess for you, who aren't out here, it'll be appealing (thanks for the advice mom).

So, lets start this right - catch you up on everything that has happened in the last 15 days.

My first week at Trail Park was ridiculously busy. It's a great environment. We own four floors in a twelve story building and each floor is different. The first floor has murals on the walls like a 1940's "Fight for your Country" WWII poster, but movie themed. The next floor is more modern, with foggy plexiglass walls - think a clear version of our old outdoor shower in NJ. There are also rusty metal walls circling the whole floor, kinda cool. The next floor, which is the graphic design floor is completely orange. Everything is orange, like bright, neon orange. It's awesome. The last floor, my floor, reminds me of Die Hard. It looks like it is still under construction, but it is completely finished. The offices have foggy plastic walls, so you can see the metal supports and wiring running up and down them. The floors are smooth cement. People ride around on razor scooters (badassss) - its totally awesome. Plus, dogs are everywhere! Total plus.

Thus far for work I've driven 207 miles. My first week I worked 56 hours - hell yeah overtime!

I like the place, the people are friendly, the dogs are nice, the food is good. I'm in Hollywood everyday and sometime son the Fox and Paramount lots, its cool. Hopefully I can move up there - I think I'm qualified for it!

This was the first week I wrote a check for rent and it came out of my account, but was immediately matched by the paychecks I put in to allow my account to stay the same. Which means I'm officially making a profit rather than losing money. Success! It was only a week of work too - so I should start making money as the months pass - thank god.

This Halloween weekend was fun. We went out one night dressed up and it was a blast. I had a stuffed green one eyed monster coming out of the zipper of my pants (get it? One-eyed monster...hehe) - no, I never said I was mature.

We went to a party of older people and we feel like everyone hated us. We were loud, rowdy, having fun. Yeah, and we were drunk - oh well, that's the point of the party. I wish we had a buck for every time we heard "Awww to be 22 again." Piss off - sorry we're younger than you and enjoying a party. It was awkward since people didn't get my costume right away and I constantly had people staring at my crotch.

Lets see - is there anything else? I don't think so. It's been fun out here and having Trailer Park be a new job and now that I'm finally settled in, I feel like I actually live here. It's nice.

My brother comes out here in two weeks - which should be pretty interesting. Who knows what we're going to do, but it'll be a blast.

I'm waiting on Rite Aide to give me the rest of my photos from my trip so I can post them. God they suck. I can't wait to find another place to develop my film.

Anywho, I have to be at work in 7 hours. I love you all, but I love my sleep more.

I'll post again tomorrow - look forward to it!

Ciao Bella

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Landed A Job

Alright - been a while, I know I know, and I'm sorry for it, but I've been busy.

Work has been killing me. My energy anyway. I get up at 6, work until 4, and average going to bed at 12 - so by the end of the week, with those hours, I'm dragging.

I had a bunch of interviews this week and they all went well. As a result, I landed a "real" position. I'm going to be a Runner/PA at a post production company.

Check the place out if you want - it's pretty sick

I'll be editing a lot of stuff, like director reels, movie trailers, etc. I'm pretty excited about it.

While I'm ultimately aiming to get into production, this will be a stepping stone in the right direction - much better than blogging my days away (at the other office, not on this blog - I love this blog).

I saw Halle Berry the other day. God damn is she as pretty in real life as in movies. I also decided, based on the amount of paparazzi around the restaurant she was eating at - I have to give celebrities credit. If those many people were following me or watching me eat - I'd flip a SHIT.

Anywho - life will be turning up. I got a job, I'll make decent money, I don't have to worry about rent.

Some of my photos came back from Rite Aid too. Boy, do they suck at developing photos. There are chemical stains and acid all over my prints...bastards.

Anywho, here are some samples of them - you can see the whole album on facebook and I'll post more once more of the rolls come back to me.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Part of the routine

So, it's struck me - I'm officially living in LA.


The job is going well, if not super easy. Im just a little confused as why I am a paid intern and not a "normal" worker. I basically run one website by myself and do as much, if not more work than the other employees. Oh well, it is what it is. It'll be "official" once I get my first paycheck - whether it be from the commercial shoot or the full time job.

I have two interviews coming up again, one to work at a camera prep house, which would be physical labor, but hopefully awesome. I'd get to rig cameras for shoots, take them apart, put them together, ship them out, etc. The great part would be that I would learn all the equipment - which would help me immensely to get into a camera unit and slowly climb the ladder to the cinematography world. I don't expect it to be a glamorous job, or to see celebrities, or even work in a cool environment, but it would be hands on, beneficial experience.

My other interview would be an executive assistant to a producer. The only thing is they are Russian and seem to be very Russian. On the application they preferred a Russian speaker, which, I am not, but they still contacted me for an interview. I don't know of any films they have done, but it seems the company was big in the 1970 with putting out Russian films - maybe they are gearing up to cross over into America. Who the heck knows. It would be a job, to a producer, and most likely better than minimum wage (thank god).

What else is

Saw the Social Network. Go see it. It was amazing. David Fincher continues to blow my mind and spurred a love of tilt-shift photography in me. If you don't know what that is or what it looks like, go google it for your own good.

I've applied to a TON of receptionist/office manager positions but haven't heard back from any yet - which is upsetting. It'd be a great entry position and I would be able to move up in the company. I hope I hear back from someone. I think I'd be good. I'm friendly and sociable, what else could someone want in their receptionist?

Sorry for the sporadic posting(s) - its been hectic and when I get home from work, I'm always unmotivated and super tired to log on a post (I work 7-4 give me a break). I know I always says it, but I'll try and get better at posting more often.

Peace out!

Monday, October 4, 2010


Do yourself a favor, either go buy - or listen to The Social Network Soundtrack. It's amazing.

Trent Reznor made something special with this. It's the first soundtrack I think I've heard that can stand alone as its own album.


Sunday, October 3, 2010

So Much Going On!


Sorry for a week of nothing, but a lot has been going on.

First, I did get to shoot the McDonald's commercial. It was a lot of fun and I can't wait to see it on TV. As a PA on set (production assistant), I did all the grunt work - grab equipment, food, set up chairs and tents, help the art department decorate - all the fun stuff. It was a 16hr day starting at 4:30 AM but it was well worth it. I hope I can work with the team soon - I'll also post a link to the commercial whenever it comes on television - so probably within a month.

I started my "official" job and it's pretty great. It's simple - blogging for a living. It's trivial and kind of funny to think about, but it pays rent and keeps my writing in check. I don't have to worry about not practicing. As I said, it's confidential - but I'm sure if you're up to date with pop culture and know the big blogging sites, you can figure out what I'm doing. We'll see how long my stint there lasts - as I'm looking for a position that pays more.

I also, through some luck, got an interview at a production company to be the "Vault" Manager. AKA the person in charge of all the digital media for the company. I'd digitize, compress, produce, edit, and create DVD reels of directors' work while also monitoring the post production companies hired to finish a job. I really hope I get the position. I'd get my own office, be on salary, have dental and health care. The company itself is awesome - Tool of North America. They do music videos, commercials, and interactive media such as ipad games and websites.

The interview I think went super well. The guy took summer courses at Ithaca and interned at Partizan, working with the guy who eventually became the vault manager there, who I got to work with while I was interning at Partizan. They also wanted someone to start immediately and I'm as available as ever - so I hope it pays off.    Check it out. It's pretty sick.

Saw Social Network today. GO SEE IT NOW!