Friday, April 13, 2012

Silver & Light

This guy is pretty amazing. Pretty damn amazing.

He works with his hands. Base chemicals. Raw materials. He doesn't just go out there and buy film to shoot on. He makes it, on the spot, on metal plates, and captures beautiful, breath taking images. Oh, did I mention he does it out of the back of a van also?

Holy shit.

This is the kind of piece that invigorates me to to back out and start shooting. To buy a new camera. Not only a new camera, but go back to my 35mm camera and begin loading it with film and capturing everything. I don't have the luxury of developing my own prints on the spot like Ian does - but there is something to mysteriously wonderful about shooting on film. You think you know what you captured, but in reality, you still have to wait for the prints to come back from the lab. Only then can you really see what you captured. Was it what you expected? Or was it something completely different?

God film is wonderful. The whole chemical process behind it - how light somehow is captured in the silver crystals, leaving a negative image within the celluloid. Crazy stuff.

I've made a promise to myself. By July - I will have a new camera package. A Canon DSLR with a few lenses and I will start posting pictures on here as I shoot them. I will also clean my Pentax and load it up with some film. The first huge batch will definitely come on the road trip through California.

I know it's kind of the whole point of a blog, the association with writing - but I don't have to tell my stories with just words.

1 comment:

  1. Iam in talented, creative, and so artistic!

    I want to know where the $ to fund this is coming from - it sounds like he may be long passed his savings.

    Loved when he showed frustration.

    Yosemite - hmmmmm, this location just keeps cropping up! Can't wait to see YOUR work!

    ieyu, ilys!!!
