Thursday, April 26, 2012


She hopped out of the truck as soon as they got there, even though he wasn't sure where there was. From the beginning, all she promised was a safe place, somewhere they could live without worry, as close to normal lives as possible.

It had taken days, most likely beyond a week to get to their destination. It was so hard to tell with the sun no longer falling from the sky. Driving had become difficult - hours stretched on, the sun besting down, driving him into a sort of limbo - unaware of if he should be asleep or awake. Thank god she was with him to pull him through it - to clear away the fog that had gathered in his mind.

He had always dreamed about going on an adventure with her, packing up their things and driving far off, to spend time together, go places they had never been. Laugh often, briefly live together. It had all been a fantasy and now it had become a reality. Not by choice of course, but of necessity.

As she wandered around, scoping the landscape out, he couldn't help but let his mind drift. All he could think about was walking up behind her, gently spinning her to face him and kissing her gently on the lips before she could say anything - lying her down on the moss below their feet and caressing her neck. He wanted to taste the salt of her skin. He just wanted to be with her.

But he knew he couldn't.

The world had changed. People had changed. Being part of civilization was no longer safe. It was now just the two of them. Dependent on one another.

His want of her couldn't exist anymore.

Now he had to protect her.

1 comment:

  1. This is sounding very apocalyptic! I hope you continue this story for a while...

    ieyu, ilys!
