Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Molten Beginnings

Back before any man set foot on this planet, they were here, The Ancient Ones. Roaming around the slag of rock that would later become Earth. They had no true goal. It wasn't their first time building a world.

It is what they did.

They'd travel far a wide, throughout the galaxy, creating new planets, new worlds - life, anywhere they deemed fitting. Today, the chunk of molten rock that they hovered above would soon be know as Earth.

They began moving the crust. Directing the flow of the magma that bubbled and churned below them, sending it flowing over and under the layers of rock they were creating. Everything moved by their glance. No effort was needed. A simple thought seemed to command anything.

The sea roared and hissed as the bright orange blood of the newly forming planet fell below it's waves, solidifying and it sank deeper and deeper into the blue. Volcanoes seemed to grow from no where, spewing ash and molten bits high into the sky. Quickly, masses began rising out of the depths of the water. Continents were being formed with mere thoughts.

They had terraformed planets before. They were no stranger to creating life.

Today was no different. Collectively, they thought about what form of life they should seed. Something in the waters.

Just like that - the single-celled organism, that we are all related too, fell into the ocean and began a series of chain events that would lead us to where we are today.

To us, it is life and we are thankful for it.

To them - it was all just a game and we were merely an experiment.


  1. Now it all makes sense why some days I feel like I am nothing more than a ball bouncing around in a cosmic pinball machine!!!

    Good one, Drew :)

    ieyu, ilys!

  2. I sometimes wonder if our planet is a single cell of a greater living organisms and we are just parts in the cytoplasm.
