Friday, April 20, 2012

Everything Is Prettier...

...when slowed down.

Let's not lie. You all know I have a love affair with slow motion video. I won't hide it or deny it.

And it's Friday - so you should all know what is coming next.

I'd love for someone not to be enamored with this. It's. Just. So. Awesome.

1 comment:

  1. Oh.My.God. Too funny! I was laughing out loud :)

    The one that most amazed me - the flour and the candle.
    The one I laughed hardest at - the watermelon and the fireworks
    The one I can't believe they actually did INSIDE - the waterbed.

    Hmmmmm, so where is the video on the bottle full of rocks and dry ice, in a body of salt water with kayakers?!?!?!?

    After 9 hours working on my dissertation, this was PERFECT (just like you!).

    ieyu, ilys!
