Tuesday, April 17, 2012


It was that time of year when everything was wet. Droplets seemed to form on every ledge, falling down to the ground - into one of the many puddles that lay below.

The air still stung. When carried on the right breeze, it could cut through any amount of layers, slicing down to the skin - bringing forth a deeply rooted shiver.  Soon it'd become lighter, a bit warmer, and much easier to bare.

The plants could sense this approaching change. Every year, against what seemed better judgement, the trees would begin to blossom - the grass peaked out of the snow every so slightly, reaching up, fully stretched for the sun that was hanging high up in the sky, free from any clouds. Somehow the earth just knew when to reboot itself. It didn't seem to care that the ground was still covered in a layer of white - it could feel the warmth coming and it needed to do something about it. Make a statement.

It was easily his favorite part of the year. His lungs didn't hurt when he breathed deeply. The air smelled sweet as the flowers were beginning to unfold from their buds. He could feel his shoes sink into the soft, wet ground if he wandered off the sidewalk. It all brought a smile to his face. There was just something so magical about watching the world rebuild itself from the ground up after the long months of gusting winds and swirling snow storms.

There was just something to harmless and carefree to it all.

He was just a spectator, allowed to soak it all in.

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