Tuesday, April 24, 2012


There is something about period pieces that really grabs me. I can't put a finger on it. Whether it is how the people in them dress, talk, or the ability to see how we all lived well before our time - I'm just sucked in.

Coming out this summer is a film called Lawless and not only is it by a fantastic director (go see The Road if you haven't already - although it is brutal to sit through) it has one hell of a cast: Gary Oldman, Guy Pierce, Tom Hardy (who you can see as the villain in The Dark Knight Rises), Jessica Chastain (from The Help), and Shia Labeouf.

Ok - I'll admit, Shia is kind of a throw away - but I promise you, Tom Hardy is about to become HUGE. After the Dark Knight Rises and his performance in this film, he is going to explode in the American film scene. Just wait.

And yes, of course since I work at a trailer company I'm more prone to be excited, but come on, watch this is tell me it doesn't suck you in. It has family turmoil, emotion, violence, historic accuracy, and an overall beautiful look to the footage.

I know I've expressed how big this summer is for films before, but I'm counting down the days until August when this comes out.

1 comment:

  1. OK, you get excited for this one. I'm waiting for Teddy (or is it Ted?)!

    I love the sepia hues that are so prevalent in period pieces, this one no different.

    ieyu, ilys!
