Thursday, March 8, 2012


The first time the lights began to flicker, he hardly paid any attention. It was only when the TV began cutting to static and fading in and out that he became curious. He did the typical things - tried different stations, smacked the side, even turned it on and off. Yet, the picture on the screen just kept pulsing. On and off, on and off.

His curiosity got the better of him and he craned his neck looking out the window, hoping to catch a glimpse of the wires running from the telephone pole to his house. He figured something could be loose up there - the wind storms that had blown through recently surely could have pulled something free. Nothing. Everything still looked intact.

Just then, without warning, a bright flash illuminated the sky. Brighter than anything he had ever seen. Scorching. He looked away as quickly as he could,  eyes burning in their sockets.

It had certainly come from the sky, towards him, continuing its flight over the house.

He was hesitant walking to the back door. In his head he thought flipping on the outside light would help ease his nerves, but unfortunately, it did absolutely nothing. After a few moments of prepping himself, he slowly opened the back door, facing the garage. It was a dark night, one of the few a summer that nothing could be seen, even the stars above. He was starting to become worried. Smoke was rising from beyond the garage, the kind born of a smoldering mess.

Thats when he heard the footsteps. Loud, earth rumbling steps that came from the other side of the garage.

Whatever had landed was headed straight for him.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad I read this first thing this morning, and didn't wait til tonight - I think I might have nightmares!

    On the edge of my seat again - keep going!

    ieyu, ilys
