Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Hotel Blues

Long day. Wooh, what a Monday it was - not as rough as for some other people (Mom - I love you - keep that head held high), but still exhausting.

Whats that saying? All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy? Well, its only been one day and I feel played out already. Not going to be a quick, easy, or fun week. Blah.

But, ;et's see if I can lighten the mood for everyone with a music video that I've always enjoyed since seeing it. On the surface, it seems pretty mundane and straight forward - sticking to stereotypes that music videos are known for. But, once it picks up and gets going, it starts to become more and more unique. One example? When the actor starts singing the song, while the song is playing on the radio in the hotel room. I love this tiny little detail. Rather than just being music that is playing for us - it is coming from the world in the video and it can be interacted with. Point in case - later, when the main actor (also the real life singer of the song) walks down the hotel hallway and the music fades away as he walks further. Small and seemingly insignificant details? Yes. But they carry with them much more substance than one would think.

Doesn't hurt that the song is catchy as well.

Oh right and the ending. It certainly got me the first time I saw it. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Do you see anything else that is less conventional than the standard music video?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the shout out, Drew. My head is high, but my eyes are still a bit misty!

    LOVED this video - and I zeroed in on the artwork!

    ieyu, ilys!
