Tuesday, March 6, 2012

As he stood there, staring down at it, he could hardly believe his eyes.

He had worked to hard on it. For so long. Logged hours upon hours, hoping to make it perfect. To make it a reality. On this cool summer morning, he had finally done it. Created what he had started over a year ago. He could feel it's energy, pulsating towards him, through him, out into the world.

At first he swore it wasn't going to work. There were no signs. The first couple shocks thumped with no result. Each time the electricity surged through the body, he hoped it'd wake up, take its first breaths. After the fourth of fifth attempt, he knew it was time to give up and turned away from the table. Just as he began to write down the failed results in his notebook - that was when he heard it. The slight, wet, whistle of air traveling through it's nose. Dropping his pad, he spun and kneeled close to it - listening, hoping he could feel a breath on his ear. Before he could feel the breath, the chest had begun to rise and fall, slowly at first, but then more steadily.

He wasn't sure how exactly it worked or if his calculations even made sense, but he had done it.

There was  no way in knowing if the world ready for his creation, but he would soon find out.

He had to test it somehow.

1 comment:

  1. No only do I want you to continue this story line, but I also want to see your artistic rendition of "it" - not a photo, not someone else's work, but YOUR visualization on it.

    Good story!!!

    ieyu, ilys!
