Thursday, March 22, 2012

Late Night Drizzle

She loved when the seasons were beginning to turn. Right around the time that winter wass pushed out by the swirling winds of spring.

Sure, the nights were cold and windy - the kind of breeze that could penetrate your clothing instantly and send a shiver up your spine, but it was clean. That type of air that energized you, dared you to breath deeper, opened your pores. She waited for the nights that she could smell the young buds just forming on the trees. Sweet and intoxicating - drifting through the air. Thats when she knew it was coming.

Tonight was the kind of night she waited for each year. The first evening rain of spring. Ever since she was a little girl, she'd wait for it to begin to drizzle. It was inevitable - once a few drops began falling, the rest would shortly follow, plunging down to the thawing earth. Somehow, it always struck a perfect balance - never dense enough to soak through her clothes onto her skin, but never light enough to seem like a passing gesture. It was always enough to leave her feeling cleansed.

Tonight was no different.

She just tilted her head back and smiled as the rain washed away all the filth from the previous months.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I am waiting for that rain! Thought, there really hasn't been any real winter in New England this year. Today we are supposed to set a new record, 85 degrees! I love it, needless to say!

    I'd like the rain to come, and wash away all the writing stress from the previous months :)

    ieyu, ilys!
