Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Road to No Where

Growing up as a kid, he had always heard stories about it. That it seemed like any other road. Black asphalt, white paint, two lanes. Nothing special to it. Except were it went. It ran through town, running parallel to main street, before weaving off to the outskirts. And thats where it ended. There was no sign. No real explanation. It just simply ended.

It was rather abrupt. It didn't slowly taper off into nothing. Nor did it slowly blend into the dirt that was beneath it. It ended. There was just a line of sod and on the other side the woods, as if whoever was paving the road wasn't paying attention, looked up and saw the barrier of trees ahead of them and slammed on the brakes of the machine.

The more daring kids would venture into the woods, all returning, boasting about stories of ghosts, creatures in the woods, or the wreckage of the highway crew that disappeared in the middle of building the road. But there was a story of a child, some years ago who went off into the woods during the night, when the night was at its darkest, yet quietest, and all that came back was a gargled scream. People searched the next day, but nothing was found. The kid had gone missing. There was no trace he had been there other than a light set of tracks winding trough the brush.

Parents seemed to take this story very seriously. Hounding their children not to venture into the woods during the night.

He was young. He was rebelous. Adventure was all he ever really wanted. And tonight seemed like the best night for it. His parents had fallen asleep early, leaving the house quite. It wasn't hard slipping out the front door - he had done it before and with his dad's rhythmic snoring in the background - he knew he was safe.

The bag was filled with all the necessaties. A flashlight. Some granola bars. Glow sticks. Even his aluminum little league bat somehow fit inside - just barely sticking out of the top. He was ready. As he stood there, he had his first doubt. Was this really a smart thing to be doing? He was sure there was nothing in those woods - but the pit that was forming in his stomach was trying to convince him otherwise.

Taking a deep breath, he moved forward.

There wasn't a cloud in the sky and the moon was full, but somehow as he entered through the first layer of bushes, he swore the night couldn't have been darker.

1 comment:

  1. I've got goosebumps..............

    Somehow the boy in this story, from my mind's eye, has a bowl cut, and a tail that corkscrews into a beautiful little spiral down his back........

    ieyu, ilys!
