Friday, March 16, 2012

New Cinematography?

Alright - it's Friday - you know the drill.

By now, I'm lazy, and I'm sure you are too - so I'll make this easy on you. Just like I usually do on Fridays.

With a video of course.

So what do I have in store for you tonight? Nothing elaborate, nothing too fancy. Ok - well, I guess I lied. It is fancy. And it is elaborate, but I won't go into too much detail about it tonight. All I can saw is that it may change the face of cinematography as we currently know it.

Currently, cameras are placed on cranes, job arms, tracks, and steady arms that are worn by cameramen. Between all these things, almost all kinds of movement can be simulated and documented. I said almost for a reason. Of course crane arms can only fit certain places, as can people holding a camera. So, no matter what, camera movement has always been limited to some extent.

That is where this new device comes in. Some clever dude out there decided to essentially put together four mini remote control helicopters together and mount a camera on it. Sure there are diagrams of this contraption, but I don't want to bore you with it.  Just imagine the possibilities that creates for camera movement and the art of long takes/shots.

I'm super excited about this, but I won't explain it in great detail. Just watch below and you'll see what I mean (I'm not saying the content of the video is wonderful, just how wonderful the camera work is):

OMCOPTER - Ninja shoot with Epic from omstudios on Vimeo.

Pretty DAMN cool if you ask me.

1 comment:

  1. The is pretty cool, Drew! I think what I am most impressed with is just how smooth the shots are - I had anticipated that it would be a bit shakey.

    Happy Friday!

    ieyu, ilys!
