Thursday, August 1, 2013

Song of the Day (Better Together) 08.02.13

Happy August everyone!

I can't believe it snuck up on us that quick - but it's here. Summer is already almost over, so soak up what's left before it's gone!

This week has been a tough one, super busy, and we've been down a person, but no worries, we've made it through in one piece. I couldn't be happier that it's Friday. And of course you all know what that means. Yes - of course the weekend, but also time for some music!

This week I'll be presenting you with only one song - but don't worry, it's a good one. To be honest, I usually come into these posts knowing exactly what song I'm going to share. Most times a couple days in advance. But today as I was driving home, I had my iPod on shuffle and this little diddy came on. At first I didn't recognize it. Sure, I knew who the artist was right away, yet the song itself just wasn't clicking. But right away I found myself bobbing and swaying in my seat, caught up in the rhythm and melody. When it was over, I had to restart it and focus on the lyrics. The second time through I couldn't help but find myself smiling. The words were infectious, cute, and appropriate for the type of mood I was in. Overall it's the perfect summer song to be cruising down the highway tapping your foot to - sun setting off in the distance, knowing the beach is just over the horizon. It's just a light-hearted, feel good tune. If you aren't familiar with it like I wasn't, hopefully you'll enjoy it as much as I do. This is Jack Johnson's, "Better Together."

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