So what do I have for you today? It's the trailer for Spike Jonze's new film. If you recall - I have a crush on Spike. Not only because I think he is one of the most imaginative people working in the industry today, but because his work is one of the reasons I wanted to pursue film. When I was younger I absolutely feel in love with his music videos - their whimsical style, feel good nature, bright colors. They were just so far from anything else being put out at the time and then he switched directions and began tackling feature films. The one that sticks out most to me? "Where the Wild Things Are." Not only because it is a book near and dear to my heart, but because it's absolutely stunning. The cinematography, the colors, the wide vistas, costumes. It's a perfect love letter to a story I grew up on. I'll even forever remember the night I went and saw it - where and with who.
That was his last film - four years ago. Luckily for all of us, his new film is coming out later this year. Titled, "Her," it's about a man who falls in love with the operating system on his computer. Quirky I know - but you have to expect that with Spike. I'm aware it sounds a bit out there - but the operating system is supposed to be the first true A.I. that is self aware, so it constantly evolves, grows, learns, and exists. Do I have some doubts that a full film can revolve around this story? Sure - but right now I'm pretty stoked for its release because of the trailer. It's edited extremely well, with great pacing, a fantastic score, and injected with some absolutely gorgeous shots. Technically, it's done everything right.
There's something about this film that has me hooked. The theme, the exploration of love and relationships, the dichotomy of life via humans and ever evolving technology. I'm curious to see how it turns out.
Even if it's a dud - at least the trailer is great.
Looks interesting. A little scarey, but interesting.