Friday, Friday, Friday.
Chalk another one up and another one down. We did it people. Cruisin' through like it ain't no thang. Solid week? I'd say so. Glad it's over though. How about you out there? Everyone good?
Music time you say? Ok!
This week I don't really have explanations for the songs unfortunately. I've just kind of had my iPod on shuffle recently and these two came one and seemed fitting for how the week progressed, the weather, how I was feeling, etc.
The first song is by Good Old War, a band I have showcased on my blog before (with the song "Amazing Eyes"). If you remember, they are an indie band from Philadelphia that just pumps out solid, good quality, mellow tunes that have a habit of getting stuck in your head. I like em and I think you should too. This is Good Old War's "Calling Me Names."
Next up we got a real classic band. Wilco. For the last few years they've put on a music festival in my home town of North Adams, Massachusetts and it was actually this past weekend, so it seems fitting that one of my favorite songs by them recently came on the radio. There really isn't much I don't like about this song. I love the melody, the lyrics (I'll admit it's a bit somber), all the anecdotes spread throughout, and the story it tells. Hell, I love the chord breakdown before the chorus, when it sounds like a Beatles song (you'll know what I'm talking about). What else is there...the piano, Jeff Tweedy's voice, mowing the lawn - shit. I could go on forever. Lets just end it here. This is Wilco's "I Hate It Here."
I figured I'll start commenting instead of being a ghost reader! Loved that "Calling Me Names" song! Miss you! Chat soon!