Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Big Love

It's that lovely time of season when everyone in the office begins to get sick and you can only pray that whatever is going around doesn't make it into your system.

Well, I'm battling. I can feel it. In my throat. Trying to grab hold and grow into something. But, I'm loaded up on cold medicine, robitussin, and vitamins. Hopefully I can nip this in the butt before it turns into a full blown thing.

So why do I bring this up? The blog will be effected. Sorry everyone.

But don't worry, posts will still come in - stories may just be on hold, depending on how I feel at night. I think by the end of the week I'll be on the upswing, so next week will return to normal.

So let's get into today's post.

I was at the store the other day and saw Fleetwood Mac's greatest hits album on sale and of course, had to buy it. I had forgotten how good they are. Specifically Lindsey Buckingham. He's extremely talented and looking back into the history of music, seems to be overlooked.

Point in case - I've had this song on repeat all day:

His style of finger picking is amazing. It sounds like he's playing more than one guitar. Oh right - let's not forget his voice and vocal range. He can go anywhere on the scale, nailing every note. Granted, this isn't actually Fleetwood Mac, but just Lindsey, you should appreciate this song, the band, and him.

Oh how I love stumbling upon a classic.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Drew, I have to agree with you about Lindsay - he is AMAZING! I have "Big Love" on several of my play lists, and am just amazed at how fast his fingers can move up and down the frets.

    He has always been one of my favorites - to listen to his voice, listen to the music he can produce with only one guitar, and let's not forget, he is easy on the eyes!

    I think I need to go my iPod...

    ieyu, ilys!
