Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Yay Mark Romanek

I had the pleasure of playing ultimate frisbee tonight with a bunch of random people in Santa Monica and let me tell you, it was a friggin' blast. Actually, I've been playing in pick up games the last couple of weeks, but only on Sundays and the level of play was much more relaxed and casual. Tonight was much more the style I'm used to.

So what does this have to do with this post? Nothing really - just thought I'd share that I'm doing "social" things during the week other than work.

Wait, there is actually a connecting piece here...so as you all know, or I hope you all know, the Olympics are this summer. So, ok, sports tie in (for those of you who think ultimate frisbee is just a sport for hippies, you can kiss my ass).

So frisbee, to the Olympics, to what?

A new commercial by Mark Romanek! Yes - the same one that I kind of followed to Ithaca, wrote to when I was accepted, and worked for the production company he is affiliated with (I kind of like the dude if you couldn't already tell through previous posts).

So one would assume then, at this point of the post, that Romanek's new commercial must be about ultimate frisbee and the Olympics. Well, you're wrong. It's just about sports.

Hah! Threw you for a loop on that one huh? But serious;y - I'm sure the Olympics played a role in why this commercial is being released now. It's not often that women's sports are in the spot light (which is a shame). So, with the approaching games, it would make perfect sense to release a commercial that focuses on the women's side of sports - after all, it is 50% of the Olympics.

And boy - Mark's new commercial carries a powerful message.

1 comment:

  1. This is INCREDIBLE, on so many different levels!

    ieyu, ilys!
