Monday, September 27, 2010


Ok, I don't know who out there that follows my blog watches The Office - but this has made me happy all 35 times I've watched it since first seeing it on Thursday...

Please enjoy it as much as I do

And it Begins

Pardon my french - but holy fuck, my life starts this week. No really - my first "real world' job. And by the way, fuck isn't even french is it? I mean, it is an English word after all and it does seem to come from a bunch of german words which have to do with having sex, rubbing, and striking - but no where is the french language mentioned.

It's late, I don't feel like explaining everything.

So real quickly...

- I saw "Easy A"
- I went to a friend's concert
- I ate some food
- I went to Manhattan Beach
- Carlos moved to DC! (Yay Carlosita!)

I'll fill you in as the week continues - work should start Tuesday or Wednesday.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Oh Gene Wilder

Hold your breath
Make a wish
Count to three

Come with me
And you'll be
In a world of
Pure imagination
Take a look
And you'll see
Into your imagination

We'll begin
With a spin
Traveling in
The world of my creation
What we'll see
Will defy

If you want to view paradise
Simply look around and view it
Anything you want to, do it
Wanta change the world?
There's nothing
To it

There is no
Life I know
To compare with
Pure imagination
Living there
You'll be free
If you truly wish to be

If you want to view paradise
Simply look around and view it
Anything you want to, do it
Wanta change the world?
There's nothing
To it

There is no
Life I know
To compare with
Pure imagination
Living there
You'll be free
If you truly
Wish to be

Lets Get Something Straight...

A friend of mine pointed this out to me - all the way from Vietnam might I add...


Wooh - ok, I'm glad I got that off my chest. While yes, it may seem like I'm miserable at the moment, I'm not at all - the whole economy/job/real world/running out of rent money thing sucks, but, it's all part of the adventure! (Thanks Max)

Things may be turning up - who knows. I have an offer to work for a certain gossip blog (I can't say which since I signed a 4 page legal document saying I can't) which will be interesting. It's not exactly what I want, and it doesn't have the best pay or hours, but, it'll put money in my pocket and keep me occupied until I find another job.

I also have a two day job on a McDonald's commercial shoot, assuming I don't start my other job before it begins shooting. I'd love to do it. I worked with the woman in charge of the production and she's wonderful. I was on around 5-6 or her sets last time I was in LA and she always said when I get back out here, she'd use me - and what do ya know, she kept her word! Yay for nice people!

Short post, I know, but it is what it is. I just wanted to clear some things up. My previous post was only about what I miss. No regrets. LA is where I need to be. It's where I want to be. I just wish I had a flux capacitor, 1.21 gigawatts of power, plutonium (or Mr. Fusion), a Delorean, and a stretch of road that would allow me to get to 88 miles per hour so I could go back to my four years of IC whenever I want.

This song is dope, as is the album it's off of - Weezer's new album, Hurley. Go buy it.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

So So Sorry

It's be twenty days! Holy shit, it's as if I forgot about this blog - well, to be honest, I kind of did.

I've been through a lot in the last three weeks - drinking whiskey and a 1890's themed bar, watching people get tossed off mechanical bulls, tailgated for the first (and hopefully not last) time at a UCLA game, played more than my share of Madden 11, and of course, applied to jobs. To be honest, it isn't all its cracked up here to be. Do I love it? Yeah, of course I do, but it's lack luster at the moment. Thus far, I think I've applied to over 40 positions, to which I've received two responses. One of which seems to keep stringing me along, as if I'm the horse and they're dangling the carrot in front of me - making me trod further and further after a reward that I may ever receive, while the other place is well below what I need to remain living out here. It's hard, throwing yourself out there, to not get a response, to wonder "what about me isn't meeting their criteria?" It's also tough knowing that people out there, much less qualified than me are getting positions that would be perfect for me - all because they know someone. It is what it is, and I'm accepting of it - but boy does it suck major ass.

Yesterday, I skyped with two of my best friends from school and it was awesome. It was nice seeing them, hearing them, laughing with them again, but it brought me back to school. Right now it'd be the beginning of tennis season, when the team would travel on weekends to tournaments, catching up with one another from a summer apart, bonding with the new freshmen. I miss that. I miss goofing around with coach, helping maintain the team, run practice, drill, work up a sweat. This is when Ithaca is it's most beautiful. The grass is still a vibrant green, yet the leaves should beginning to change color. The are is still warm and humid, prompting a trip to the gorges or a late night drink down in the commons, sitting outside people watching - time to spend with your friends. I miss the clean air, the sound of fellow students outside.

I made the mistake of looking through photos from friends' albums on facebook today. I looked through the photos from the beginning of college, mostly only freshman year, and I realize I missed out a lot. I should have joined more clubs. Hell, I should have join A club. I should have been more sociable. Yeah, I was the nice guy that people knew, but I wasn't the one who everyone got excited to see when they walked in a room. Tennis deserved more effort from me. I could have contributed to the wins of the team. But most importantly, I should have just tried. Tried harder in class, been part of more Park productions, television shows, films, events. I should have tried harder with girls, with planning my future. I held a lot close to me chest. I should have just let it all hang out.

I want a job.

I miss my friends.

I want my time at Ithaca back.

Friday, September 3, 2010


Bonus photo from the trip?

Oh hell yes

      Mom - in her natural element, catchin' some rays in the California desert


Ok, its definitely getting hard to keep up with this blog since unlike my trip, I'm doing nothing exciting every single day. Bare with me, I'll keep posting, but it won't be anything great.

My routine goes as this...wake up semi-early, like 10-10:30 (yes, that's early for me, especially when I don't have anything to do for the entire day), check the daily film sites, my gmail account, facebook, until Im wide awake and functional. Next I'll plant myself at the kitchen table and begin scouring the numerous job posting sites for the entertainment industry, applying to any job that has any criteria that I may fit. In other words, I'm whoring my resume out big time, hoping for something, or someone to bite on it. From there, I'll pop onto the couch and watch hours of the US Open, but I don't have much invested in it anymore since Roddick was eliminated - I at least have the women's draw to look forward too, Ivanovic and Clijsters are still in it. I'll get antsy, and check my email for job responses literally every hour, hoping for a new inbox message, but thus far, nothing. I'll exercise, eat my lunch, usually yogurt, granola, and an apple, and continue with the USO until Jordan and Rob get home from their jobs. We'll then talk about theirs respective days and hang out. Since they are television production graduates, every night there is some show we have to watch a new episode of, which is nice, keeps me looking forward to each day. When they go to bed, I try to go to bed. I usually can't fall asleep since I've wasted no energy throughout the day. Thank god for our netflix account and that I can stream movies onto my computer. It gives me something to do at night. I just watched Jesus Camp - scary shit. Really, really, really scary and disturbing. Worth a watch for sure.

On a lighter note, I have some leads for jobs hopefully. Next week I'll be meeting with an executive at Fox to sit down and talk about the industry, advice he should give me, he said we'll try and visit some sets to see some shows being shot, etc. He can't "promise" me anything, but we'll see what happens. This is a networking opportunity if nothing else.

A second lead is through my roommate, who is working at Bad Robot - mentioned to me they were looking at hiring more so I applied and there is a possibility I may have an interview with them as soon as tomorrow, if not next week  - we'll see though, it's kind of a big deal, sitting down to try and work for J.J. Abrams.

If none of this works out, I'll start freelancing. AKA working as a production assistant on numerous shoots whenever I can, trying to make a buck here or there.

LA is still awesome and I love it, but the industry itself is draining. Not hearing from anyone about jobs is disheartening. I've applied to literally no less than 40 positions and I haven't even received a "no, sorry, you aren't qualified" response. For as nice and friendly people are out here, the whole job hunting and application process is really impersonal.

Don't mind my bitching. I still love California, just after a summer of working every day from June until August, I'm bored to death having two weeks off.