Thursday, December 29, 2011


What a great video.

I was digging through a bunch of old Partizan music videos (the company I used to intern at) and I stumbled upon this gem.

I can't remember if I've posted it on my blog before, but either way, I need to share it with you guys again.

It's simple, it's fun, and it's by Michel Gondry and his brother Olivier, who are two of the most creative directors in the business today (and possibly ever).

This makes me want to do the drive again. Maybe this summer....

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Cold Rush

When life was moving too quickly and she needed a minute to calm herself and collect her thoughts, she'd always return to that one bench, along the bike trail deep within the woods.

She found winter supported the best visits.

As she lay there, she'd let the cold wash over her. It'd touch her skin and bring her to another place, steal her breath, remove her from her body. She'd float there, above herself, mind vacant, drifting in the frigid breeze.

Nothing mattered to her.

A frosted touch was all she needed to escape.

If You Slow Down, Everything Just Looks Better

Let's be honest - slow motion just makes everything more beautiful.

Especially liquid. Most certainly the beach.

It's just so damn relaxing and mesmerizing.

High Speed Reel 2011 from Charles Bergquist on Vimeo.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


It felt a gentle breeze was blowing through her mind, drifting between her ears. Not only could she feel it, but she could here it - something foreign, unlike anything she had ever heard. It was if it was made up of hundreds of voices, speaking a tongue she didn't recognizes, noises she didn't even think existed.

When she opened her eyes, everything around her was a dark haze. She had hoped that when she woke up, the voices would stop, but they didn't. Instead, they intensified, continuing to flow through her mind, deep within her conscious.

Nothing seemed right. Her body ached, but in a way that she almost couldn't feel it. She couldn't move and she was certain it was because she was restrained, lying on some cold metal table. Moving her head left and right she couldn't see much, except for the edges of the surface she was on. Not far beyond, everything faded into black. A deep, misty black, but she could feel something was back there, watching her, moving around the table.

All she remembered was driving down a back road in her town, on her way home, when a bright light fell down before her. It was so brilliant she couldn't continue driving. Her last memory was slamming on the breaks, fearing she was going to crash into whatever had descended in front of her. As she dug as deep as she could in her brain, trying to surface any other memories, thats when the lights began to float by her.

Above her, brilliant pinks and blues hovered, some remaining stationary while others slowly drifted by. It was strange, she could feel each aura, deep within herself. Whatever they were, they were the ones drifting in and out of her mind, trying to speak to her, in a language she didn't know.

They were so beautiful - radiant, like the spectral heavens had opened up above her.

She didn't know what they wanted, why she was there, or what they were going to do with her. She was scared.

But at that moment, all she could do was stare up at their brilliance.


A prequel to the film, Alien?

Yes please.




You betcha.


Almost guaranteed.

I know Batman is coming out as well, but this may well be the sleeper hit of the summer. I'm already hooked with the "they went looking for our beginning, what they found could be our end" line. And don't worry, this isn't some Hollywood plea for money, Ridley Scott, the director of the original film (as well as Gladiator and Black Hawk Down) returned to direct this film.

What do you think!?

Monday, December 26, 2011

Caffeinated Dreams

It was on those days that her mind wasn't fully awake in the morning, when it hadn't yet caught up with her body that she would let herself go. Slip into a day dream.

It always happened when he was leaning over her coffee - the rich aroma rising up into her nose. It had the power to take her somewhere.

She'd sit there, looking down in the reflection of her glass, the world around her blurring. In amongst the caffeinated liquid, she'd see the reflection of her world, except it was different.

It wasn't her world. It was another.

She'd imagine herself in this reflected world - amongst others she didn't know, places she didn't recognize, and smells that didn't register.

It was these kind of mornings that she would fall asleep the night before hoping for.


Sometimes he loved to be lost. That feeling of having helpelessness. No clue where to go, who you'd meet along the way, or where you could end up.

Today was one of those days.

The sun was hung high in the sky while the clouds drifted lazily below it, casting long shadows along th desert floor.

He was content as he drove forward - leaving a dust trail behind.

He hoped the road ahead of him stretched on forever.

Thursday, December 22, 2011


I'm announcing it now - until Monday the 26th, I'm unplugging myself from the Matrix (for those of you who don't get that film reference - I'm stepping away from the blog).

Vacation, as limited as it is for me, has started, and I'm going to use it all I can.

So I bid you a du for a while - but to all of you out there, Happy Holidays (Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, etc)! May your time be spent with those you love :)

I'll leave you with a little gift, one of m favorite scenes from arguably one of the greatest Christmas movies ever (there is just something so damn charming about it, maybe it's the music...).



As he sat there, he couldn't help but let his mind slip. Float to wherever it wanted to go - wander to where it felt right.

What would happen is he dropped one of his shoes? He'd surely have to walk down and grab it, hoping that in the process he didn't get torn up by the thorn bushes that lay entwined below him. After he made i through those, he'd have to navigate further down the cliff wall, trying his best not to lose his footing and fall the rest of the way down. But, the worst case scenario, by far, would be that once he reached the bottom, he'd only realize that his shoe had made it through the thorn bushes, down the cliff, and landed at the bottom with such speed that it flew into the ocean. What a waste of effort that would be.

What would happen if the ledge that he was sitting on suddenly began to crack below him, only warning him with the slightest of groans. He'd only be starting to move back when it would give out below him, plummeting past the before mention thorns, slamming off the rock wall, into the ocean. There would be no way he'd be concious. He'd probably drown. But what if he just narrowly got off the ledge in time and watched it top end over end, down the slope, off the rock at the bottom, and crash into the water below. Would it give him a new outlook for life? Would he change how he lived? Meet new people, move in a new direction?

It'd sure suck to be pooped on by a seagull.

He wondered if somewhere, out there, across the sea if someone was sitting on a ledge, staring back at him. Was directly across Hawaii? China? Japan? Maybe Fiji. He always wondered in that bottled water really came from there. Who knew.

Thats when his mind stopped working and completely disappeared.

He didn't really care.

All he knew and all that mattered was that he was content. Right there, in that moment - legs dangling in the air, breeze brushing his face, and the waves crashing below.

With this, he didn't need to be thinking about anything.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Mal Dives

I think I'm already in vacation mode - I know I have to stay here in LA and work when everyone has the next week and a half off, but I can already see my writing slipping.

I've become complacent....lazy.

But don't worry! While I may stop for the usual break on Thursday, I will write next week since it will be only me (and and empty house) - but its good, since I can sit down, blare some music, and just get in the zone.

But for now, I'll post this little piece. This one is for you mom.

Why do you ask? Cause it's all about women (who are doing awesome athletic stuff)!!!

I few things attract me to this video - it's beautifully shot (women), the location is absolutely breathtaking - I think if I ever make it on a honeymoon, this is where I want to go (Mal Dives - in the Indian Ocean), and it's just so much damn fun! How can you watch this and not want to be there with them? Toes in the sand, in the crystal clear water, basking in the sun. Mmm. Perfect.

They all seem to be having so much fun.

It also doesn't help that the women in it are all so damn cute!

But seriously - I'm all for the camera work in this. I think anything shot in, around, or focused on water automatically makes it beautiful.

Especially when you put athletic, tanned, bikini clad blondes and brunettes in it.

Maldives Taster 2011 from Billabong Girls on Vimeo.

Best Fails

On a less serious, not-so-Batman-filled post, lets laugh a little together shall we?

Please enjoy the best fails of 2011 - I think a lot of these are pure gold (you'll also find a lot of Darwin award candidates throughout as well...dumb f*cks).

The Dark Knight Rises - Addiction

Alright, I will be the first to admit, I'm addicted to this film. It honestly is probably the single most blogged about thing on this site and I still can't get enough of it.

I'm sure you're thinking to yourself "What now?"

Didn't I use up my resources for it? Well no, I haven't, since the official trailer came out online today and it is a doosey.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of Batman - for any of you who know me, I'm strictly a SpiderMan kinda guy (X-Men too). The character never sucked me in that much. He was just a rich guy with toys. Big whoop. But this movies take hold of me, bring me into their world and its all because of Christopher Nolan and cinematographer Wally Pfister. This films have two things going for them - phenomenal scripts, that bring the characters into a real world, believable setting, and gorgeous cinematography (some of the best I have seen).

But, I've talked about this kind of stuff in the past, so why did I mention the trailer today? It's perfect. It's dark, it's haunting, it teases us the audience just enough that we want to know more. It makes us want to know what it going to happen in a film that is still 8 months away (most trailers only come out a few months in advance). This trailer is strong enough that it grabs you that early and doesn't let go. The lack of music, the slow pacing, even the reveal of the villain (played by the very very talented, up and coming Tom Hardy - who you should check out in any film you can) all draw you in.

Another thing it has going for it is the theme. It's clear this is a politically charged film. The opening sequence with the star spangled banner, the mayor "letting go of a war hero/police commissioner" during a time of peace, and obviously the 99% vs 1% "how you could live so large and leave so little for the rest of us." Bruce Wayne (Batman) is a billionaire

But quickly back to the shots - the cinematography is breathtaking. The use of lighting in this trailer is amazing. The highlights and low lights - the panning city shot - ugh, wonderful. And please, I know it is aided by CG - but you can't not be left somewhat speechless after the football field scene. Um, hello.

Acting is also something to look out for. Everyone in this trailer seems to nail their spot (sure it's only a trailer, but lets look at the facts) - Christian Bale is coming off his Oscar, Michael Caine is always good (his tearful voice at the beginning really hits home), Anne Hathaway seems very ominous as Selina Kyle (aka Catwoman) and Tom Hardy, while only speaking two lines "When Gotham is ashes, then you have my permission to die," guarantees to bring a physical presence to the film that we haven't seen before (this is a man coming of numerous acting awards and respectable film roles - be sure to look out for him).

To be honest - I've blabbed on long enough. Watch it and enjoy it.

Even if you're not excited for the movie, I hope you can at least agree it is an effective trailer.

(pardon it not fitting the frame of the blog - but you need to see it in all of it's glory)

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Matt Damon the Man

Well, I don't want it to get into a routine here - but again, Thursday late night!

Got back from work a little while ago so I'm not going to delve into the story realm, but I am going to post a video that I saw today that really caught my attention. It stars Matt Damon, who I knew was very passionate about the world and helping others, but I never knew he was this much into it.

I love how good he is with the children, how he makes jokes with them, and how he still tries and even manages to instill some knowledge in them.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. It's a really nice message to be sending out during the holiday season.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Cresting Tails

This was her safe place. No one else knew about it - for she hadn't told anyone.

Just when the sun was beginning to burn in the sky, ready to fall beneath the waves, and the waters began to calm, before it'd turn to glass, that's when she would see them.

Out there, cresting amongst the dying swells.

Fins, scales, life.

This was the time the people who lived below the waves would surface.

Organic Conduit

When he was growing up, he'd always hear stories about the tree deep in the forest that was connected to life. He never understood what that meant until he visited it, perching himself on its roots.

They stretched far beyond him, reaching deep in the forest, snaking amongst other trees and rocks, eventually diving into the soil, only to continue further away from the base of the tree. As soon as he sat on the roots he knew the stories he had heard were true.

People had always said the tree was alive, that it'd speak to you, that it was so vast that it could even reach those who had left this realm. He had always believed those tales to be something coming from grandparents who wanted to entertain the children of the town.

But, now as he sat there and the sun began to fall below the horizon and the mist began to creep along the forest floor, he swore he could hear whispers in his ear.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Dark Knight Rises

Tonight I was one of the few privileged to see the opening sequence of Christopher Nolan's next movie, The Dark Knight Rises.

To say I'm a little amped is an understatement. For the sake of those out there and how fast my heart is (still) racing - I won't go into length about what I saw, but just a quick description of the technical side of it.

The ENTIRE thing was shot in IMAX format. For those of you who may not know, normal film (in a regular theater) is 35mm. IMAX is 70mm. The screen it is projected on is almost 4 stories tall. What you see before you is breath taking.

Not only is the format of this impressive, but the cinematographer, Wally Pfister, who is coming off his first Oscar for his work in Inception is responsible for the imagery of the film. Now, I only saw 6 minutes, but everything I saw was gorgeous. Every shot was beautiful. IMAX cameras are notoriously loud, hindering their ability to shoot close ups since the audio recording would usually pick up the noise of the camera, yet, in this footage, they even shot close-ups.

I really can't describe at this time what I saw. It was an action sequence that had me on the edge of my seat the entire time. Things were filmed that I didn't even know were possible. It was truly something I had never seen captured on film before.

I'm literally speechless.

I'm sure I can describe it better in the future (and I'm sure I will) but make sure you see the opening sequence - whether that means in theater before Mission Impossible, or online once it makes its way there.

I literally cannot wait for July now. It's a gigantic tease that the film comes out so far away.

Wow. Just wow.

Dragon Born

The elders used to say, beyond the rolling green hills a pastures, down the winding, weed-hidden oath, past the gnarled rock formations, the winged beasts roamed - ruling the land.

Today he wanted to see if it was true.

He walked into the billowing fog, fear in his heart, but curiosity wouldn't let me turn around.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Interesting Weekend

Well, this weekend was interesting to say the least.

Friday was the Trailer Park Holiday party at the Roosevelt Hotel in downtown Hollywood. Based on how fun last years party was when I barely knew anyone at the company, I was extremely stoked for this year. It had to be better in every way, and boy, it sure was.

It was even more extravagant than last years - walls draped with clothe, blue lights illuminating the dance floor, finger foods being served, there was a shot station, and a couple open bars. Yup, you guessed it, I took advantage of the shots and open bar(s). Did I get out of hand? No. But, I did enjoy myself. It was so much fun getting loose with the people I never thought I would from work. Sure, today I was a little embarrassed hearing stories from the night, but it was all in good fun - everyone laughed, it was pure good memories.

Once the "indoor" party shut down, we moved out to the pool area/bar. We kept drinking, laughing, messing around with one another. The end result? A very very very drunk friend from work, mistook my leaning towards him to talk to him as a move to push him into the pool. So what did he do? Spin me and knock me into the pool instead. Now, nothing bad, I was lucky to land in the pool stairs, but sadly, my phone drowned in my pocket.

Whats that mean? I've become one of the many iPhone users. Even better? The guy is paying for it (and I wasn't even due for an upgrade). Thank you Adam for your drunken follies. I wasn't even made - it was pretty funny actually. After all, it was only a phone.

So Saturday could be summed up in a simple explanation. I went to Verizon, jumped through their hoops to get the phone, then go to Best Buy and buy a case for it.

Saturday evening though was another story. I'll spark note it - but while standing at a table at a bar, a group of people, rather rudely shuffled by us, knocking us into the table. Not long after they passed (bumping into US mind you) one guy turned around and threw his hands around my friends neck and slammed him into a booth table, "Did you slap my wife's ass?!" Now, this was a BIG, rather fat hispanic man, so size wise, no one matched up with him. Not only that, but as soon as he began his shit, his 8 other friends went after our friend as well. I got in between my friend and the big dude, pushing the attacker against a booth (surprisingly it isn't that easy to push a fatass) when he's got weight and you have the muscle.  I was calm, saying "calm down" and what did he do? Start trying to choke me and throw some punches. So, what did I do? Being in the better position, throw some back, landing quite a few before the bounces came in and split everyone up.

It was so dumb, we left out the back and just came home - but it was so frustrating having to deal with that kind of shit when nothing was remotely our fault. Drunk people suck. But it was awesome that the three of us took on 8 guys and none of us were hurt.

I'll admit it was scary, and I never look for a fight at bars, and after this, even if it isn't our fault, I don't want to take part in it again.

(Sorry mom, but no worries, I'm safe).

So all in all - I'd say it was an interesting weekend.

Dead phones, december swimming, and bar brawls.

Yeehaw - exciting if I'd ever say so.

Kids Are Doing Everything These Daya

Extreme pogo sticking?

Sure why not.

All you need to do is get a pogo stick, do some reckless stuff with it, strap a camera to it and you have an internet sensation. Is there a lot of meaning or depth to this video? Absolutely not. But, it is pretty damn cool and being on the stick, as it soars and flips through the air is pretty darn cool.


Thursday, December 8, 2011

Dusted Seating

It had always been his favorite spot to watch the first snow fall of the season.

He couldn't remember why - but he was drawn to that row of old, rickety iron benches that lined the inlet. Ever since he was a small boy, he had enjoyed sitting alone on the worn wood, watching as the world around him was covered with a fine layer of white.

He always marveled at how the world around him never stop proceeding. While he would make sure to stop, sit, listen, and watch, everyone else kept going. The joggers kept running. The children kept laughing. The pets kept playing as far as their leashes would allow. While he enjoyed the peace a quiet of the benches, seeing the world continue always made him smile. It made him feel alive.

He loved looking up - amongst the falling flakes, leaning back and forth, side ti side, dodging them as well as he could - catching the occasional one of his tongue. It felt good when a flake would out maneuver him and landed on his cheek, instantly melting. It brought a chill to his face - a cold tickle that would run from his face all the way down to his toes.

Most times after sitting out on the bench, he'd have to prepare himself for the coming winter - for living on a coast, they were often times harsh and drawn out. But, today he wasn't worried. Looking ahead at the inlet, he saw the usual flock of ducks bobbing up and down in the water, drifting lazily wherever the current would take them. If they hadn't gone yet, he knew he didn't have to worry about winter arriving anytime soon.

With that thought pushed out of his mind, he smiled and looked up at the sky again, sticking his tongue out - waiting to taste the falling frost.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Bright Opportunity

He had to admit, when he stumbled out of his apartment, into the street to find it laying there, looking so helpless, glowing in the gutter, the first thing that registered in his head was money.

Who wouldn't want to see this thing? He assumed it was from the stars. Who wouldn't pay for that? No way could it have been man made. It felt like nothing he had ever touch before, it made no noise, and it had no scent. He figured if it was powered by batteries or another form of electricity, it would become warm to the touch, but even that didn't happen. It always glowed.

Whatever he had literally stumbled upon, could easily be monetized.

But as time wore on and he tried to tell his friends about it, many of which would laugh off his pleas, he began growing tired of the thing.

Every night he tried to sleep with it, he couldn't. It was just too bright. He already tried putting it in another room, wrapping it in a blanket - anything, but it still shown through the cloth and under the door, illuminating the frame and the entire room. The strange thing about it too was the further he moved it form him at night, the brighter it seemed to get, so he was stuck here, now, with it next to him, the dimmest it could be.

Until he figured out what to do with it, he'd have to deal with the many sleepless nights, it laying next to him like a giant, cresent night light.

He wanted dearly to discard it, dump it behind his apartment in the trash, hope some other schmuck would pick it up - but the thought of money persuaded him to keep it.

Why'd it have to be so damn bright?

Stupid moon rock.

Rule #1

The first rule he always taught anyone about wilderness survival was to never eat a berry or fruit that hasn't been eaten by the animals.

It's a perfect sign - if they aren't eating them, then you shouldn't be either.

Why did he teach this first? He learned the hard was as a kid.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Story Tomorrow

Just a quick fill in for why there is no story this evening (or morning depending on where you're reading this from):

As I'm writing this (and the previous post with the video) from work, I know I won't be getting home until late tonight and I also don't have the time to sit a write something lengthy while at the office.

So, as you've heard so many times before, I'll get back to the usual postings tomorrow.

Hope all is well with all of you!

Das Tub!!

Das Tub from Media Design School on Vimeo.

Man, does this bring me back to my early years in the tub with my net of toys having in the corner. Although, I will admit that I strictly used SpiderMan toys. No vehicles or astronauts for me.

Is this video kinda weird and quirky? Absolutely.

But it does have one great thing about it that makes it stand out - a great, surprise, extremely funny twist ending. Don't lie - I know you didn't see that coming!

Staring Contest

There was just something about those stupid birds that bothered him. He couldn't tell it it was their beady little eyes, head bomb, or dumb little strut, but something rubbed him the wrong way.

It wasn't fear that got to him - but how they looked at him, almost gazed right through him. No matter where he walked, he could feel them, eyes on him. They could be strutting away from him, but he could still see their eyes, focused on him.

Maybe it was a sign. Maybe they wanted something. They were playing some sort of game with him.

Today he wasn't about to lose this staring contest.

He had been practicing for days at school for this. He was focused - ready.

He picked one out of the group and gazed at it - the battle had begun.

First Finish

Well, to day was an exciting day for me.

I got to prep for "finishing" a spot I had been working on the last couple of days.

What exactly does this mean? Well, for those who don't know, I'm an assistant editor at a film trailer company. When a spot is prepped for finishing, that means it is going into syndication and needs to be properly prepared to the industry standards.

Yay! I finished my first spot. But originally, it wasn't by choice. An editor had walked away from the cut requested by the client, so I was approached to do it. It was nothing special - only a radio spot. What's that mean? No picture, only sound, since it plays on the radio (duh).

The other bummer? It's an international spot - so all of those in the good old U.S. won't hear it. Womp womp.

But, for those of you who are out there in foreign lands (I'm counting on you Paige), you have an chance to hear it!

Just keep your ears tuned for a J. Edgar spot to play on the radio - most likely it is mine.

Happy hunting!

Hopefully this means in the near future I'll be getting some actual TV spots finished. Wouldn't that be nice...

Friday, December 2, 2011

Dino Saurs

How long has it been since I posted a cool video?

Like, a legit, cool video. I know the last one posted was of the devil girl, but, that wasn't necessarily cool - it was just cute and funny.

So lets step back a moment and reflect on what I'm about to post. There are two main things you should know about it:

1. It's stop motion - and extremely well made at that
2. It's about the history of the planet

That's all you really need to know.

I've been trying to figure out how the people who filmed this actually did it. All I've come up with thus far is that it must have taken them a very long time, they were extremely careful, and they have an amazing eye for this kind of work.

Tickle me pink - I'm impressed by this piece.

Kalle Mattson - Thick As Thieves (Official Video) from Kevin Parry on Vimeo.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Remembrance Trance

It had been so long. Seconds had turned into minutes. Minutes turned into hours. Hours turned into days, weeks, months and years.

And he still remembered.

The softness of her hands, how they fit so well within his, the shape of her fingers, how they felt entwined with his. The shape of her body, how it personified the perfect hour glass, curving in all the right ways. The curls of her hair, cascading down her shoulders, never falling over her face - it knew to well not to hide her beauty. Her laugh. He remembered it so fondly, how her nose would scrunch up in the middle of a giggle, the dimples of her cheeks as they'd rise, showing her flawless smile.

He missed her energy. Everything was at ease when she was around. The world would just fade into a dull hum lost in the background. All that mattered was them.

He worried that it had been too long. Would things have changed? Could it be possible that his memories had played tricks on him?

He knew from the moment that he walked in the room, everything was as it should be. There, against the backdrop of lights, he could make out her outline.

Everything came rushing back.

Even though it was just her outline, he could make out the shape of her nose, cheeks, her full vibrant lips, how the nape of her neck curved so slenderly into her shirt.

He had to catch his breath.

When she looked over at him and he couldn't do anything by smile. He felt like he was seven again, embarrassed by the opposite sex - butterflies fluttering in his stomach. She was as magical as he remembered.

His world hadn't changed.