Thursday, July 28, 2011

A Journey Down Memory Lane

Let's give it a crack and see what I can do...

The sand was sizzling hot, sky barren of clouds, the beach littered with tourists, gulls cackling as they rummaged through the garbage cans. It was a typical day on the Jersey shore. My mother lay next to me, on her towel, face down, soaking in the rays of the sun, adding to her already rich tan. She had on a white floral design one-piece bathing suit that she had ordered from L.L.Bean during late spring. Complaining that I was hot, I really just wanted to go out to the sand bar where a huge mass of people were surfing and frolicking in the waves, escaping the sun’s wrath. It was just the two of us. A typical outing when I was younger. My mother loves the beach and her body exudes that love. Her hair lightens during the months with no R’s, her glasses disappear to only be replaced by sunglasses, her kisses smell of tropical lip balm. Tilting her head up from her arms, she gave me a quick smile and a cheery, “Ok!” Wading out into the water, I immediately was nervous. The sand bar seemed at the time extremely far off and I knew I had not yet perfected the art of swimming. I was a proficient swimmer for my age of six, but I could not battle the waves and currents of the vast ocean. As the salt water tickled my noise, I quickly lost touch of the sandy bottom and instantly clutched onto my mother, who scooped me onto her arm with a smile and a short giggle. Her hair, much longer then, was smoothed against her shoulders and she had a look of determination on her face and she trotted on towards the sand bar. Both of us miscalculated that day. Usually one can walk out to the sandbar. That day, the channel between the breaking waves and the sand bar was well over both our heads, leaving my mother to resort to swimming with a six year old attached to her hip. This was not a good combination. It was not long before my mother was out of breath and we began to slowly submerge. My mother’s face was a pasty white, eyes wide with fear.
“Hey baby, I don’t think we’re going to make it out there today…”
I did not understand what she was implying, but I could see the fear in her eyes and I knew the feeling as I was in the same situation. Water began lapping our faces and we both were struggling to keep out heads above the water. We were no more than ten feet away from the beginning of the sand bar.
           “I’m sorry baby…” my mother choked out as she began to scream for help.
A man immediately jumped off the sand bar and grabbed me as my mother advised him to do. Her child was more important. Within what felt like seconds, a lifeguard had swam out the couple hundred feet and was assisting my mother to the sand bar. I was shaking, finally understanding the severity of what just happened. At the moment I detached from my mother to go into the arms of the stranger, I felt like I was being abandoned, but to this day, I cannot appreciate and respect my mother anymore for risking her well-being for my own.

Media Blitz!

Ok - time for two videos tonight.

Nto because I don't feel like writing or that I'm trying to dodge a post, but I feel the following videos have the power to speak for themselves.

Let's start with the one that should make you peaceful. I'm not exactly sure why this film makes me so at ease, but I can point out the moments that I feel most relaxed are the shots of the assorted beach scenes and the rain failing into the water, shot below the waves.

What a scenes in particular do you like?

Under the clouds from Gioacchino Petronicce on Vimeo.

Alright, so now that I have you all relaxed and in a serene state - let me mess with you a bit. I'll take that world you're currently in a flip it on its head. Let's add some chaos, a little mischief, and a whole lot of energy.

I know I've spoken about OK Go before and how wonderfully creative their videos are (if you don't remember - back track on my blog a bit to find some) and per usual, their newest one doesn't disappoint.

I'm not going to give it away because I want it to do the talking for itself, but it should remind you of a kaleidoscope.

And yes - the video/dance in interactive. So, watch until the end of the video, visit the website, and make a video of your own!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Iced Powder

I know I post a lot of these videos - which can certainly seem a little weird coming from me since I am neither a skier or snowboarder. While I has dabbled in both in the past, with skiing taking up about 6 years of my life, neither have stuck with me.

Oh well.

I live in California now, so I don't exactly have a ton of chances to do either. But, for those who do ski and who are awesome at it, they usually go out, find someone who is good with a camera (hire me dammit) and shoot some pretty sick videos.

Point in case can be found in the video below.

It's a little different than those usual videos that I post of extreme sports - a lot of the shots are framed in a way so that you can see how they were capture (i.e. by helicopter, tripod, crane, etc.).

I usually try to pick out one characteristic of the video that I like to showcase and for this one, it's certainly the camera movement. Not only is it super smooth - but it moves in ways you wouldn't think in each shot. Sometimes it's left to right, top to bottom, bottom to top, yet every single time is is gliding so slowly and smoothly, capturing the athlete perfectly.

You'll see what I mean when you watch it...

BEING THERE - FIELD PRODUCTIONS from Field Productions on Vimeo.

Spideys Back?

Am I excited for this? Let's be honest - yes. But only a little but. My inner fanboy/child is screaming "yay!" for the return of the web head - but I'm not looking forward to it.

Why not?

1. This version is a reboot of the series. It isn't a sequel - hell, it's not even acknowledging the first few. It's as if Sony is wiping the slate clean and starting anew. Why am I so again this? How about because the first film, which broke box office records is only 9 years old. You can't restart a franchise that soon.

2. We've seen it all before. Watch the trailer below and tell me you don't feel like you're watching a rerun. It's the same breakdown as the original film.

3. Toby Maguire is Peter Parker - Andrew Garfield is not. Don't get me wrong, Andrew is a brilliant actor and yes, I'll admit Toby had his problems - but he was almost spot on as Peter. Garfield makes Peter look like a punk, who is slightly emo. I'm not ok with this. When I think of Peter Parker - Toby will always flash in my head.

4. The last shot of the trailer. While the first person view looks cool and it's innovative - its disorientating and feels too much like a video game. I want to be immersed in the film - not distracted.

5. By selecting a director (Marc Webb) who has one film, which is an indie, under his belt - Sony is taking a huge risk. Sure, that film, 500 Days of Summer (which I recommend highly) is great, but how can you give a director who had a budget of 7.5 million on his film the new Spider Man film that has a budget of around 100 million? Thats a huge jump. Do I want Marc to succeed? Yes - I appreciate his work, but Sony is gambling big time.

So are there anything about this new version? Yes - two things.

1. Emma Stone. She's a few things to me, but the most important are; stunningly beautiful, and a great actress. She isn't Mary Jane in this film, but Peter's first girlfriend Gwen Stacy. Not only does she have the same bubbly attitude that Gwen did in the comics - it's startling how similar they look:

To be completely honest - I'm just excited because I have a huge crush on Emma. I think the best part of the film will be that I get to look at her for 2 hours. Oh - right - and she's blonde (yes, thats really her natural hair color - she dyed it red to get more 'serious' roles other than the stereotypical cheerleader).

2. Aunt May and Uncle Ben (two of the most important characters in the comics) and played by Sally Field and Martin Sheen respectively. They'll be able to nail those roles.

Only time will tell if this film is great. It has the potential with its budget, cast, and director (go see 500 Days of Summer if you haven't yet) and I may very well love it and be blown away by it, but I am completely against the idea of it. Other than making the studio money - this seems pointless.

Now watch the trailer and choose for yourself.

Monday, July 25, 2011

The Village (Miniature)

I'll never get tired of people giving the world the tilt-shift treatment - especially when it involves fun size farm animals.

The Village from Pedro Sousa | visuals on Vimeo.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Hidden Pain

Because I love my children, I can never tell them about why their mother killed herself. Maybe that’s just an excuse I use so I feel less guilty. I know I directly am not at fault for what happened, but I feel like if I hadn’t been drafted by the war, and ran to Canada instead of willingly going to fight, Catherine would still be around today, loving her two babies with every cell in her body.
            Of course we were young. It always seems to turn out that way, but its not like we planned for Vietnam to interfere with the family. Nixon fucked it all up. It’s his fault, not mine, not hers, but his. There was no reason for us to be there. We were losing men every day, every minute, on every battlefront. The casualty cost was too high. We weren’t even fighting for the right cause. We were being the  “world police” but we were effectively stopping nothing, just wasting resources and money.
            I was away for almost two years. How could I have known? She didn’t tell me she was pregnant. Maybe if she told me before I was over seas, I would have run to the Caribbean or gone to Canada. Once I was in the jungle, there wasn’t much I could do. I had to wait out my service time. I can say will all honesty, I was not going to shoot myself in the foot to get medically discharged. I was pulled to the war, for my country, the least I could do it withstand that hot, humid, rotten smelling hell. I just had to watch the ground for trip wires and keep my head down, helmet on at all times.
            I got the letter saying she was pregnant a month into my tour. She could have called. I know it would have been a hassle, but I would think that pregnancy was the type of thing you’d talk about, not write. We were going to have twins. I remember the moment I read that line. A smile broke across my face, followed by a feeling of terror in my gut. Would I get home to see them grow up? Would some gook get me before I made it home safely? Well, it turns out I had nothing to worry about. I got home after my tour, with no injuries, but kills under my belt.
            Katie and Jason are the two most beautiful children I have ever seen. They look just like their mother, full of energy and life. Radiating happiness with every movement. I was home for less than two weeks and I knew things were not ok. Jocelyn didn’t look at me the same, her eyes were hallow, shallow, blank. Our connection was gone. Our touches were empty. The passion has disappeared. I came home one day from the store, to find water leaking from under the bathroom door. Katie and Josh were asleep in their crib. Entering the bathroom, there she was, floating in a sea of red, wrists open, he life spilled out into the bathtub.
            I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to tell Katie and Josh the truth. I don’t even know why Catherine did what she did. Was it me? Was it the war? Was it the kids? If I told them, would my children hate me?

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Beautiful Morning [Script]

INT. NYC Apartment - Day

The apartment is dark, dingy, dusty. Empty beer cans litter the floor, furniture, and kitchen table. Red and blue Solo cups lay crumpled, disregarded on the floor. All the shades and shutters in the apartment are drawn tightly shut, but the edges of the windows emit and bright, neon, orange glow.

Faint breathing can be HEARD.

Boxes are lying on the floor, the guts of them spilled over the carpet. Family photos lay scattered, a picture of a boy giving a valedictorian speech lays on top. School papers graded with A's are visible in the boxes, athletic medals dangle from their sides.

An alarm in another room CHIMES and the blanket on the couch twitches. The breathing intensifies and a sigh is let loose.

(under the blanket)
Shuuut uppp.

The alarm clock stops for a moment, but retorts, beginning again with the morning news.

Exactly six months after scientists discovered Earth had broken
 free of its orbit and was drifting towards the Sun, the day has come when 
life shall end. By midnight tonight, the 
planet's atmosphere will be too hot to survive in.

The blanket sits up, sliding off, revealing Keith, early 20's, light brown hair, newly formed stubble on his chin, hair in dismay on the top of his head; greasy.

Getting up off the couch, Keith walks into the room emitting the sound. The radio shuts off.

KEITH O.S. (Cont'd)
Much better.

Walking over to one of the windows, he draws back the curtain. Light spills into the apartment, illuminating it like hell was pouring through the window.

And today's the day...

Int. Kitchen - Day

Keith stands over the sink, holding a bottle of multivitamins in his hand, staring at them.

Ah fuck it, whats the point.

He pours the vitamins into the garbage disposal and walks towards the refrigerator.

Reaching inside, he pulls out a beer and CRACKS it open.

Today's gonna be a good day.

Taking a large gulp, he winces and it runs down his throat.

The phone begins to RING. Keith disregards it as it continues through its cycle and connects to voice mail.

(on the machine)
Hey honey,it's Mom. I haven't heard from you in a while. When I was praying before, you came up...I'd love it if you'd give me a call, maybe we can do dinner. I know it's not the best thing to say but the Lord is looking forward to meeting you..

Annoyed, Keith hits the erase button before Susan has a chance to finish her message. He picks up the phone and dials a number.

Hey Mom.

Susan O.S.
Hey sweetie, how are you?

About as good as one can be I guess.

Wonderful, how's the apartment? Still spotless I hope? And work? How's Anthony doing?

I haven't been to work in three weeks.

Ah Keith, how come?

Mom, we're fucking dieing today. Don't you get that? I don't matter, you don't matter, life is over. Everything we were is pointless now. How the fuck are you so calm?

I have the Lord on my side..

Don't say that! You know how much I hate it. If he was on our side, why would this be happening!?

He works in mysterious ways...but look, I just want to have my last dinner with my son. See you at 4:15?

Mom..I can't just pretend like nothing is happening like you..

It'd be great to see you one last time.

Frowning, Keith looks into the living room, focusing on a picture of his mother; frail with loneliness in her eyes.

You know what...ok..I'll come. We can send the evening together, do some talking. I'll see you tonight.

EXT. Street - Day

The street is barren of life. Parked cars are vandalized, windows of homes broken, garbage strewn along the pavement.

Keith's car windshield is half smashed in.

INT. CAR - Day

Keith turns on the radio. "It's a Beautiful Morning," by The Young Rascals comes on. The car pulls away from the curb.

(in time with the song)
It's a beautiful morningggg

The sun is a massive presence in the sky, raining light onto the city as Keith makes his way through the empty streets.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


The air was stale, dust drifted through, eyes pointed straight ahead. It had been days since he had last heard from Rick. Things felt upside down. There would always be some message on his Skype or sitting in his inbox when he got back from class. Something must have gone wrong. It’s not natural. It’s not how it was supposed to be. It was nearly the end of his tour. It had been months since he had last gotten a chance to see him and he was still a couple away from the next opportunity. He counted the days until June 8th would arrive.
            He sat in the middle of the class, eyes shifted to the corner of his desk. Sunlight reflected off his pupils but he sat unwavering. Tears tried to form in the corner of his eyes, prompting a blink, but would dry up before any such relief would occur.
            “Josh, you alright there son” the teacher called from the front of the room.
In unison, as if given an order, the class turned, staring at him. He slowly shifted his eyes up, making contact with everyone but no one.
            “You don’t look so good, is everything alright?”
A slow nod was the only response the professor got. He was a good kid. Solid grades, sociable, respectful. He was captain of two varsity sports teams, teachers’ favorite student. Not cocky or convoluted, but grounded and rooted in life, going places. Why this sudden defiance? Josh wasn’t really sitting in class but instead, there sat an empty shell, one ready to crumble and disintegrate onto the floor, quietly, unnoticed by anyone.
            Why did he have to join the Army? While Josh sat in an intro level history course, he sat in a turret of an APC, praying to not have his face splattered on a passing wall. Not to say that’s how they talk over there, but it is in the back of their minds. Why was he there? He had no purpose there. He said he wanted to see action, to be able to fight people, shoot a gun. He had no right being there. Who was he? Surely not someone who deserved to be running around in another country, chastising and abusing its people. He had heard all the stories, the rocks on cats, the herds of wild dogs being shot at, the power of the laser pointer, the late night sessions with PSP’s in the bathroom. Nothing shocked him anymore. Nothing mattered until he was home, with him.
            “I’m tired sir” Josh numbly mumbled.
            “I see that, well, lucky for you, we are watching a video in today’s class”
            The professor takes a seat in the corner of the room as he shuts the lights off. The projector hurls light onto the screen at the front of the room. Josh stares ahead at the screen. A frown deeply burrows itself in his brow. Colors can be seen dancing in the dust lingering in the air, but the screen is blank. Taking his gaze off the screen, his lips purse.
            The room is empty, no one around him. The desks are vacant, seats in the exact places they were a moment ago, unmoved. Suddenly, the sound of the video kicks in. Great blasts shake the speaker system in the room. Particles shake loose from the ceiling, floating slowly to the carpet. In the distance, machine guns can be heard carrying a conversation on with one another. The rapid busts talk back and forth, clearly discussing death and suffering.
            Suddenly, Josh is on the ground. Looking to his left and right, the desks and chairs of his classmates are gone. Dust blows by his face, finding his mouth and eyes, making him cough and gag. His ears ring as searing hot metal whizzes by his face.
            “Ahhhh” Josh jumps on his stomach, hands on his head. Ahead of him, out of the smoke rolls a tank, ominous and foreboding. As its tracks near Josh’s puny body, an American flag emerges from the swirling dust. Confused, Josh stands, waving his arms at the tank as it rolls to a stop in front of him.
            “Hello…” sneaks out of his mouth as he takes a step towards the armored vehicle.
            Without warning, a cone comes flying out of the smoke, twisting and twirling wildly towards the tank, finding its target. The side of the tank ruptures, spewing flame and shrapnel across the sun-baked earth. Pieces of smoldering metal stick out of the ground inches from Josh’s toes. Out of the side of the tank crawls a body, flames lurching at its back as it struggles to free itself from the wreckage. The camouflage fatigues are no longer visible, only a bare back, darkening with each passing second and each licking flame. The body’s mouth opens but all that comes out is a gurgling whimper. Recoiling, Josh trips, falling hard onto the ground. In front of him is a smoldering G.I. helmet. A half burnt picture of a little girl is held to its front by an elastic band.
            Standing, he realizes that he is back in the classroom. The baked earth is no more and the swirling the dust is gone. All that is left is the glowing projector screen and the empty desks and chairs around him. Walking to the front of the room, Josh peers out the window in the door. Rather than a hallway, he sees a destroyed city street. Cars lay burning, walls are scattered in pieces; a pair of legs is clearly visible under a pile of rubble. Through the haze of the street, figures begin running down the street towards the window. Erupting from the smoke, guns at their sides, they begin firing at Josh. The glass buckles and shatters before Josh’s face as the bullets tear into the window. He stumbles back from the door, knocking into desks and chairs. Catching his breath, the window is again pristine; the other side is once again a hallway rather than a war zone.
            Slowly Josh walks back down the empty rows of desks to his seat, pausing when he reaches it. The room is silent. He slowly takes his seat.
            Josh’s eyes scan the room quickly; sweat is beginning to form on his brow. As a large explosion echoes in the room, the video begins playing on the screen. Images of war flash up. Not World War II, Vietnam, or Korea, but modern war, through the eyes of our current soldiers. Josh’s mouth hangs open as he realizes it is a first person view of someone. As the video continues, he face fades to white; it is clear by the scars on the back of their left hand, Rick is the portal through which Josh is gazing. Men dressed in street clothes appear ahead of Rick’s vision, AK-47’s poised at their hips, opening fire as they reach the middle of the street. The men around Rick spin and tumble in a ballet of death. Some men find their partners, while others finish the dance alone. One man runs forward, turning into a building on his left. Kicking open the door, he stands in its frame, shrieking. Raising his arms above his head, his fists become clenched into balls. A wire runs from his fists down his arm, into his sleeve. In an instant, he disintegrates along with the front half of the building. Through the falling debris a woman stumbles into the street, clenching her left shoulder. Bending down, she scoops up her arm and continues shambling down the road crying.
            The screen shakes as the retort of a few shots is heard. Gazing down, the faded digital camouflage, issued by the United States is slowly soaking with blood. Dropping to his knees, a rifle comes into view, firing off a few quirk bursts of argument. A muzzle flash rips through the corner of the projector screen and a loud, dull “PING” is heard and the video jerks back, looking skyward.  Josh gags, holding down his breakfast, “Oh God…Rick…” He freezes. To his left there comes a noise like a leaking faucet and a deflating air bag.
            “Don’t worry, it really isn’t as bad as it looks” Rick responds from the desk next to Josh, as his left breast pocket soaks through with blood, “You can’t feel the lung filling at first.” Smoke trickles out of a black mark on his Kevlar helmet
            Josh tries to stand, but his legs are cemented to the floor, “What…what are you doing here?”
            “I’m here to tell you it is all alright.” Taking off his helmet, there is a cleanly punched red hole in Rick’s forehead above the left eye socket. “It wasn’t painful, this one finished what suffering the lung could have caused.”
            “Please tell me this isn’t true” Josh stumbles as he finds his breathe.
            “I’m sorry, but it is. Just know I’ll be with you. No matter where you are, where you go, or who you are with, I will always be there.” Rick places his helmet back atop his clean-cut head and solutes his childhood friend. “I’m here when you need me…”
            “No! Rick! This isn’t happening, I’m in class right now, you’re not here, you’re safe, at your base, on guard.”
            “Look around you Josh, you know where you are..”
            Rotating his head left and right, all around Josh’s feet lay the folded uniforms of slain infantrymen. Atop each uniform is a neatly folded American flag. Right in front of Josh is Rick’s uniform. A flag is perched on top proudly, displaying its colors in full glory. A tear streaks Josh’s face, falling through the air, landing on one of the flag’s stars. Looking up, Rick is gone.           
            “Whenever you need me Josh…”
            A hand falls clamps onto Josh’s shoulder, startling him. Looking up, it is his teacher, hovering over his desk.
            “You ok? You look extremely pale. You feeling alright,” concern clearly present in his voice.
            “Yeah, sorry, just tired.”
            “You look run down, why not make a visit to the nurse.”
            Class is over. The room is how it always was. The chairs and desks are in their proper positions. No dirt swirls over the carpet. The Sony screensaver is bouncing back and forth on the projection screen changing color upon every edge hit. The remainder of the students find their way to the door. Standing, Josh takes a few steps, legs still wobbling. Feeling warmth in his pocket, his hand glides in. Pulling it free, three still smoking bullet shells and Rick’s dog tags lay gleaming under the florescent lights of the classroom.

Monday, July 18, 2011

TDKR Teaser

Seriously - if any of you really knew me, you would have expected this to be on my blog as soon as it came online.

Yup, thats right - The Dark Knight Rises teaser.

Is it awesome? Mhm. Is it a perfect teaser? You betcha.

Let's dissect it after you watch it:

So what makes it good? Well, lets start with the fact that this piece literally teases you. Most of the trailer is voice over and footage from the previous films. Not only is it until half way through do we begin seeing very brief pieces of new footage. Essentially - this piece does what it was created to do, excite you just enough to stay interested even though the film isn't coming out for a little over a year.

What else is awesome about it? How about the opening narration by Liam Neeson. It was speculated that he'd be back - but no one was sure. By including him in the teaser - it basically states that he is returning (great news since he was the best part of Batman Begins).

So that leaves us with the main topic of the trailer - the part that stands out the most to me, Bane. In interviews and news about the film, it's been made clear that Bane is the main villain. Until now, we've only seen one picture of him, so being able to see a few quick glances of him in the trailer is reinvigorating. Christopher Nolan (the director) has always rooted the films in reality more than the comic world and this seems to be the same with his tackling of Bane. Rather than making him the stupid buffoon he was in the Joel Schumacher - this Bane is large, intelligent, and scary looking. The mask he has over his face in the trailer is creepy - a mix between a facehugger from Alien and Hannibal Lector's mask. The other part that is almost startling is how physically imposing he is. The last shot is something that will stick in my head until I see the film. Batman is backing away from Bane, hands up, ready to fight - yet he is visibly exhausted and there is a legitimate look of fear in his face. Batman doesn't ever get scared - until we see Bane walk onto the screen from the left - coving half the frame. Literally, all you see is his back, and it is huge. He is the perfect foe for Batman - someone more intelligent and physically stronger.

To say the least...I am excited for this film.  July 2012 cannot arrive soon enough.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Nature's Power

We all know about the tornado in Joplin, MO that happened recently. It cut a swath through the town, literally leveling anything that stood in it's path.

I had read about it on CNN and other news websites, but I never realized how devastating the tornado was until I saw the following video. it's un believable nature's power and how easily it can destroy things. I never thought about tornados int he past - but this one certainly gives me a perspective on them.

It's a tough video to watch - heartbreaking really, but my heart goes out to those in Joplin who lost things - family members, homes, personal belongings.

As horrible as I feel for Joplin and its residents - I'm still left in utter shock and awe of nature's awesome power. I cannot fathom a storm this strong.

4th Tribute

I know it's a little late in the game - but here is a little tribute to July 4th (obviously once you watch it, you'll know why it had to come after the actual day).

There is a good reason why the NYPD confiscated over 5,000 pounds of fireworks this year...

And for those of you who are wondering - yes, I've had this kind of stuff happen to me. A. lot. I'm a boy, who likes fire, and does dumb things. It's inevitable.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Um, yes please.

                                             The Dark Knight Rises

This might be the biggest movie of my lifetime. To say I'm excited for it is an understatement.

Not only do you have the same amazing cast, director, and recent Oscar-winning cinematographer, one of the best, if not thee best villain of all time (Bane) is being introduced and is being played by one of the most promising up and coming actors of my generation - Tom Hardy.

Rumor has it that this is the best script out of the three and The Dark Knight was absolutely incredible so I can't even fathom a film better than that.

It's a shame I have to wait a another whole year....

Don't Breathe In

There is something about glass blowing that is just so amazing. I don't know if it is the fact that something so beautiful can be shaped out of sand, the time it takes to perfect the craft or how meticulous one must be - but I could honestly watch glass blowing forever.

Could you?

Baccarat "House of Crystal" by James Bort from James Bort Factory on Vimeo.

Busy Busy

Man, this was an eventful weekend!

It all started off with a Saturday trip to Santa Monica to hit up the beach. The weather was perfect - not a cloud in the sky, but just cool enough with the ocean breeze that it wasn't unbearable. The only downside was that the sand was super hot (the beach stretches much further than LBI) to the time I reached where I wanted to throw down a towel, my feet were literally burned and sore. Damn UV rays. Anywho - the water was pristine. It wasn't cold, nor did it take your breath away. My mom would have even been able to walk right in. As for the waves, they were on another level. Big enough to body surf, but not too big to make it a hassle to stay afloat. Best part of CA beaches? I've never experienced a rip tide. Wonderful.

The downside to the beach? Getting smacked in the face by a kid on a boogie board and having a fat lip. For the rest of the day I looked like a hockey player.

As for Sunday, Rob and I started off the day by joining a gym. I have the nice perk that Trailer Park pays for my enrollment fee (up to $100) so I only have to cover my month by month - which is only 30 bucks. Not too shabby might I add. I'm able to go to any L.A. Fitness in the US except NY - why? I don't know, but who cares. We're currently testing out a routine to work out prior to work in the mornings, leaving the house by 6:30 to be working out by 7, and at work by 9. Thus far - the one day trial has been a smashing success, but we'll see if I get burnt out.

After signing up at the gym, we then viewed a house we want to lease. It's super nice, with an outside bar, a large, fruit tree filled backyard, a fire pit, and patio. Hopefully we'll get it, but the one thing going against us is that the prior tenants were asshole UCLA football players. So, it doesn't help we're almost the same age, but I think we won the owners over with our charm. We'll see in the end. If we get it -open door for visitors! It's large enough for many people to stay. So, come on by!

Anywho - that was pretty much the weekend in a nut shell.

Want a cool video? Cool - I knew you would.

So I've posted something like this before, but if you have the time to sit here and watch it, it's pretty interesting. It goes much further in the world of "urban exploration" - why people do it, the dangers of it, the thrills of it, etc.

While it intrigues me, I don't think I will ever do it (but I wouldn't be surprised if by some chance I fell upon the right group of people and I tried it at least once).

Crack The Surface - Episode I from SilentUK on Vimeo.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Trifecta

So I've been a little skimpy on my posts recently - this much I know. This week hasn't been tough, but it's been draining - my body just didn't want to go back to work. It wanted to stay in 3 day weekend mode, acting like it expected the whole week off.

My eyes were tired at work, my body moved slow - it wasn't a good mix, but thank God for coffee. It's kept me functioning each day when I first arrive and at the end of the day when time seems to be dragging by. This week I've been forced to drink 2 cups of coffee a day (which isn't bad - below the average number of cups for a normal person) - while usually I can last on 1 or sometimes two cups of green tea.

Anywho -let's dive into the post today. I feel generous since I've been slacking things week. So, let's analyze some videos!

Chicago by boat: A timelapse journey from Philip Bloom on Vimeo.

Alright - well, technically this isn't an amazing video - I'll give you that, but it still hooks me (surprising - since I usually only judge based on technical skills). Chicago is one of the remaining US cities that I want to visit and the fact that I get to spend a "day" there in this video excites me. Not only do I get a tour of the Windy City - I get to see it via its water ways. Unlike NYC or Boston, Chicago's rivers go through it, so being able to drive down the middle of the city via boat is amazing.

This really just makes me want to go there even more.

Seedling from Lee Tao on Vimeo.

This piece was sort of an emotional roller coaster ride for me (cliche I know, but it's what I do in this blog). Immediately I was taken back by the animation. It was smooth and genuine - very much similar to Studio Ghibli's artwork (Hal's Moving Castle, Totoro, Spirited Away, etc), but then I saw that creature deep down below and I was turned off. Not in a bad way, but I suppose in a good way because the creature itself was so creepy and foreboding - I was disturbed by it - proving the animators did their jobs superbly. I also wasn't a big fan of the little guy seemingly dying at the end, but I was quickly and pleasantly surprised when he began sprouting.

It's amazing that a film can tell a complete story and end wrapped up nice a neat in a little time as this one.

INDIA from Oxelo Skateboards on Vimeo.

This short is just down right charming. Whether it be the kids watching the skaters in awe, their clapping and cheering even at a fall, or how the camera barely moves in the shots - this piece just tugs at the heart strings. It's also sad seeing the poverty and how rare, even such a seemingly inexpensive sport is amongst the people of India.

It's enlightening though to see how open the people are to skateboarding and how excited it made everyone.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Giggle Fit

Ok Mom...this ones for you (I hope you have a giggle fit).

This isn't going to be a long post, or even a smart post.

Its just going to be a post meant to invoke laughter. So, I hope it does it's job.

Cocoa Loco

Happy post 4th of July!

I know I didn't post yesterday, but I was busy at a Dodgers game (Los Doyers if you want to be an LA local). Unfortunately, we lost to the Mets - but hey, I like New York, so it wasn't so bad.

They even had a fireworks show after the game. It was fun to be able to go down and sit on the field (most meticulous grass EVER), but the show was dwarfed in comparison to LBI's. Oh, how I longed to be on the bricks of Fantasy Island, telling my operators to watch their rides instead of the fireworks. Seriously. I missed it. A lot.

So I guess you can say I had a pretty stereotypical day - beer, peanuts, hotdogs, and fireworks. It felt pretty successful.

So what comes next?

Something as patriotic...chocolate! Ok, well, not really, since it originates in Mexico, but I tried to bullshit my way into a video I watched today and thoroughly enjoyed. Sorry I couldn't bridge the gap between yesterday and today professionally...

Anywho - I enjoy this video, it has a certain characteristic to it. I'd say it's shot well, it's pretty interesting, but also pretty pointless. Sure, it shows the brothers' passion for chocolate...but thats about it. Yet, I think thats why I like it so much. It had the ability to suck me into something that really mattered very little to me. It also doesn't hurt that as weird as they seem, the brothers seem like they would be fun to hang around.

It's got that certain...quirkiness that makes it uber charming.

And the chocolate looks divine - I'm certainly going to order some in the future.

The Mast Brothers from The Scout on Vimeo.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Sleep Walkers

She remembered it being a good dream. A happy dream. One of those dreams where she didn't want to wake up. The dock wash cold below her feet, the water hidden below a think layer of mist. The air was still and silent, for the creatures of the forest were still asleep. Her lungs stung as she inhaled - the air cool and crisp. The trees were barren of leaves and the grass had all but turned brown - with the remaining blades covered in a layer of morning frost.

There was one problem though. The air seemed to still. Looking around, something didn't feel right. That's when the bottoms of her feet began to hurt.

Opening her eyes, she let out a yelp. She wasn't in her bed, in her room, curled up amongst the sheets. She was outside on the dock by the pond in the rear of her house. The wood below her was glazed with ice, which was quickly melting under her soles. Her comforter was still draped around her.

In shock, she quickly turned and walked back into the house.

It had occurred to her in the past that ending up on the dock wasn't the worst case scenario. At least she knew where she was. After all, it wasn't like she was in danger. Sleep walking was a habit of hers - a rare one at that. This would not happen again, she would make sure of it.

She chuckled to herself, content with how the afternoon was going. The sun was slowly setting and the heat of the afternoon was beginning to burn off, leaving a cool breeze to tickle her skin. She had no complaints - she was content. Standing still, swaying with the breeze, she closed her eyes and just listened.

As she stood there, a random thought broke into her mind, "how did I get here?"

Opening her eyes, she was startled to find that she was a top a hill, over looking a valley as it was being lit up by the early morning rays of the sun.

It had happened again...

And this time she didn't know where she was or how she got there.