Tuesday, May 31, 2011


To spite myself with the mesmerizing post(s), please enjoy the following video. While it is, in a way, mesmerizing, I prefer to view this is a bit more destructive.


Fun fact: after being filmed in LA in the early morning, the LAPD received over 300 phone calls reporting a terrorist attack (yes, this video could only be shot once).


I apologize for getting away from my writing for a bit, but I've been stumbling on a lot of spectacular videos, films, and short pieces that I just have to share.

Soon I'll get back to the stories. It's not like there are a lack of photos for me to create from, its just sometimes my mind wants to be led by moving images and if they're worthy, I feel that I should share them with you.

Of course you know I appreciate your visit(s) to my blog - even if you're disappointed to find more videos instead of fiction.

They'll come soon. I promise.

Today though, the thought of hypnosis popped into my head. I was watching a piece today and I found myself lost in it, almost mesmerized. I'm not sure if it was the movement, the beats of the song pulsating in the background, or the frequent burn-ins (the acid burn of the film that flashes). Something about it just distracted me. It was this piece:

After deciding that my post this evening would follow the path of hypnosis and mesmerizing images, my  mind immediately wandered to this video:

For this video - its a number of things. The lyrics dig deep. Maybe not for everyone, but they somehow, someway ring true for me, moving me. Vocally, the piece is haunting. The whispering vs. the singing creates a tension that just lingers. Visually, I love the close ups of the circuits, wires, liquids, and dust. They're all so unimportant, yet captivating. As if you couldn't figure it out...yes, the director is French (it also doesn't hurt that this is a Partizan production).

Lastly? If you know me at all, you should certainly know this is one of my favorite music videos ever. I'll explain after - but you should know why it mesmerizes me:

Star Guitar from discoteer on Vimeo.

You know what? Screw it. You should know why this is mesmerizing. If you can't figure it out, ask me, and I will explain it.

Also, structurally, it is one of the coolest videos as well. Can you figure out the trick to the video?

Let me know if you figure it out...

Monday, May 30, 2011

Assorted Cool Videos


Keep it simple stupid.

Ok - I will.

I like how each one of these videos was shot. Let me know what you think.

Danny MacAskill Plays Capetown (complete video) from leica camera on Vimeo.

Carving the Mountains from Juan Rayos on Vimeo.

And my favorite...

JELLYFISH LAKE from Sarosh Jacob on Vimeo.

Memorial Day

This weekend was what I would consider a success. It was nice going into it knowing that we had a three day weekend - which helped it feel a lot longer than just one extra day. The work week itself wasn't terrible - but it still dragged (probably because I was excited for the long weekend).

                                           Not a bad view from work

Friday night we went out in Santa Monica to a bar called Q's and just played pool and drank beer. It was an overall good time. The actual pool playing was mainly dominated by Rob as he owned a table growing up and he ran myself and Jordan into the ground in every game we played. I did manage to put my team int he position to win - but tragically, I scratched after putting the 8 ball in the pocket I called. Whomp whomp.

                                          Rob doing work - humbling us

Saturday we got up early, got breakfast and hung out for a while, letting our food settle/digest. Our friend came over and we went to the local bball courts and played for a good 2 and a half hours. We played amongst ourselves some 2 v 2 and eventually some kids who asked us to play 4 v 4. Lots of fun aside - we totally schooled the other team when we played. It was awesome.

Sunday we drove up to Malibu and went hiking in the Malibu Creek Stare Park. It was a good time - beautiful day, no clouds. We saw a lot of wildlife, some hawks, beetles, lizards, even a rattle snake (no, even I wasn't dumb enough to go near it.

And today, we got a group of 9 together and went to a Dodgers game. What made it better was that the seats were only $14 bucks and it was dollar Dodger Dog Day - so I literally gained 3lbs from the game (I weighed myself before and after).

As I said - it was an overall solid weekend. No complaints. And the best part? I only have a four day work week. Hell Yeah!

Oh right....I also got some sun this weekend. You could say I have a bit of a farmer's tan going...

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Muddled Water

As he pushed his boat out deeper into the bay, he knew it was going to be a good day.

A few hours ago, in the early morning, the storm that had rocked their shore town for the last couple days broke - allowing the sun to shine through brightly. He was the first one out amongst his village, getting out on the water as quickly as possible.

He knew it was going to be a good day because of the air. It was cool against his skin. Moist from all the rain that had pounded the ground. The air itself smelled rich and of the ocean. It smelled thick - healthy. He could pick out the different smells - the seaweed that had been churned from the bottom, the salt that escaped the waves and made it into the air, even the fish that were beginning to collect off shore, aware the storm was over and it was was again safe to swim into shallow waters.

The color of the water also told him the catch was going to be big. It was murky brown, full of sediment from the bottom and minerals from the Earth that seeped out with the rain water into the bay. The fish would be thriving in it.

Looking over his shoulder, he smiled.

He was already far out and the other men in the town were only beginning to make their way to their boats.

Today, the fish would be his.

Dive Right In

Alright, bare with me on this post - I'm going to geek out a little bit. Cinematically speaking of course.

So - we have a video below, that blows my mind - for a number of reasons. First of all, if anyone knows me at all, then they should know the most important aspect of composing a shot (still or moving) in my mind is depth of field. For anyone out there who didn't know that - surprise! You do now. And if you don't know what that means? It's however much of the shot is in focus compared to out of focus.

Any who - this video plays with its depth of field the entire time. I hate when shots are composed in a dull way - sticking to a formula. In this video, the depth of field is all over the place. Sometimes its extremely shallow, while other times you can make out everything in frame. In a way, there is almost compositional chaos in this piece and because of it, the audience stays involved - never knowing what the next shot is going to be and what it's going to bring.

Another plus to this video? The color correction. It's an extremely crisp video - probably shot on a great camera. The image really pops, but they messed with the color a bit. It's been desaturated (the color has been faded or washed out) - creating a feel of a blazing sun or unbearable heat (which allows for the pool and water to that much more inviting). Something that makes the color correction even more beautiful? While everything has a look of being faded - they retained the clear, crisp, blue of the water.

The final plus? The overall shots. The camera was mounted to the swimmer in so many interesting, awesome ways. Below him, on his back, over his shoulders, on the bottom of the pool. It's just incredible.

It's really unlike anything I've seen for a long long time.

Also...his body is ridiculous. That is an example of what I would consider perfectly built.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Just Some Doodles

This guy's work is just awesome. Not only is the scale perfect, but the illustration blends so seamlessly with the actual photo.

He's got a whole collection you can check out here.

Fairy Tale

So I received a request today about posting a certain type of entry - and I want to take it seriously, but it's going to be very very hard for me.

I was asked to write a fairy tale with a happy ending.

Seems easy enough right? Well, for me, it isn't. For some reason, my mind just never wants to work in that 'realm.' I've tried before, trust me. Almost every single time, I fall flat on my face, create a shallow and drastically empty shell of a story, or give up even before anything is put into words.

Since I received this request earlier in the day, I have been thinking about what to write - a story I could run with and still, right now, I have nothing.

Ok, saying I have nothing is a little drastic, I have a few ideas that hopefully will mature into something soon.

So I apologize for failing, but something is percolating inside of me - hopefully it'll froth up soon and I can throw it into a posting.

But until then - just remember that in fairytales, everything works out for the people with a good heart (in this case, that'd be you...you know who you are).

Just remember everything will be fine.

And yes - until my story constructs itself, here is a little Celtic blessing to help you on your journey:

May you see God's light on the path ahead
When the road you walk is dark.
May you always hear,
Even in your hour of sorrow,
The gentle singing of the lark.
When times are hard may hardness
Never turn your heart to stone,
May you always remember
when the shadows fall—
You do not walk alone.

(we are here for you)

The Majestic Plastic Bag

I like this video because it is cheeky and snarky.

It makes light of a horrible problem, but in a way that doesn't lose its meaning. It almost desensitizes the view in order to allow the message to sink in (so the audience doesn't refuse it).

Watch it. Learn from it.

We as a globe, have a serious problem on our hand and we need to fix it.

The Majestic Plastic Bag from Heal the Bay on Vimeo.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


I really hope that this is where Peter Parker comes and hangs out when he's not busy.

I mean, if I were him, I totally would.


Mmm mmmm mmmmm

How about some good ol' fashioned messy fun?

BSS | Breakfast Interrupted from Bruton Stroube Studios on Vimeo.

I've also come to realize that this blog mainly consists of two kinds of posts:

A) Cool videos
B) Stories I write based on random photographs

I apologize if this is getting repetitive or old. It's the easiest thing for me to do after a work day - to just be creative. I find it easier than sitting down and trying to type out how things are going with me, how my day was, or describe something fun that happened over the past weekend. I don't really like talking about myself - it feels shallow.

But I will admit that I do need to fill everyone else in on whats been going on in my life recently - so it'd only be fair to post at least once sometime soon discussing those topics.

So I will - but who knows when.

So until then - stick with my imagination.

It' can't be that bad.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Remember that time I cracked a rib in the shower?

I never condone behavior like this....ok...maybe I do.

Could the guy have gotten serious hurt? Of course - thats almost a broken diaphragm, let alone a busted door.


This video is awesome for a couple reasons:

1. The woman chucks the tub at the guy afterwards and just laughs (maliciousness for the win)
2. It's just an awesome idea (if not a bit dangerous)
3 A woman does it!  When was the last time a prank this good wasn't done by a man (I don't mean this is a derogatory manner to the ladies out there - but immature ideas such as these usually stem from males).

This video just makes me laugh and I hope it makes you laugh too.


So, there is this brilliant dude (excuse me for forgetting his name) but he is known for two things:

1. Gigapixel Photos (yeah...not megapixels....gigapixels)
2. 360 degree photos

What happens when you put those two together? A very, very humbling experience.


That is Wembley Stadium in England - where some of the largest football (soccer for all you ignorant people out there) games and concerts in the world are held.

To properly view the photo - make sure you continue without facebook (it's one of the options) and that you make the view full screen.

If you feel a little small, that's because 90,000 people are staring back at you...

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


It was june 10.

The waves were perfect, the sun was beating down, and there wasn't a cloud in the sky.

As he broke through the wave, the water felt cool on his skin.

It was the first day of his surf season and he was going to make the most out of it.


Everyday he came and sat at this bench.

Everyday, around the same time in the afternoon the dog would trot out of the woods. Each day it would venture closer and closer to the man.

He had noticed the dog looked skinny and hungry, that it had no collar on it.

Today was the day. He was going to reach out and touch it - it should come that close.

As the dog came closer, the man began to extend his hand slowly. He was lonely, he could use a companion.  As he stretched out his fingers, the dog stopped and leaned forward, sniffing the air cautiously. Its eyes darted back and forth, not sure what to do.

Smiling, the man reached into his pocket and offered it to the dog again. He had counted on this.

In his hand was a treat. Sniffing the air, the dog began walking toward the man again.

Contact would most certainly be made today.

Forgotten Memories

As he stood by the tracks, his mind was a foggy as the air around him. Thick, dense, nebulous. He wasn't scared, nor was he nervous - he just simply could not remember.

If he couldn't remember, could they?

It had been so long since he had been home. His time over seas had changed things and there was no going back. No longer was he one of them. He had seen things, done things, heard of things that would never allow him back to where they were.

He wondered if they still loved him. It was hard to remember their faces, their smiles, everyones' voices.

When the time came, there was no choice. He didn't want to go, but the government made him. So he spent over a year across the channel, in trenches, bunkers, and platoons. Everyday he thought back to who was back home waiting for him - his family. And everyday as his tour dragged on, it became harder and harder to picture them. He was losing them in his mind, amongst the haze that the battles were causing.

The train in front of him blew it's final whistle - which startled him. He wanted to go home, but he didn't know if he could. He couldn't even remember what home was.

As his first foot stepped aboard the train, a glimmer of home shown through in his mind. His mother. He was beginning to remember.

He pulled himself up onto the train and more memories began to trickle into view.

As the train pulled away from the station - he knew one thing. It felt good to be going home.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Post Apocalyptic

No lie - this will probably be one of the first places I want to go and shoot when I finally buy a camera.

I've always loved the desert - even before I drove cross country and actually saw it. Since I was a kid, back in school, I've always wanted to live in an arid place (I know Los Angeles is on the coast - but we do at least have dry heat). Originally I thought I wanted to live somewhere like Arizona, New Mexico, or Nevada, but then once I decided film was for me - I knew California would be my home.

Anywho - this short documentary is awesome. I didn't even know areas like this existed. I was aware that there were ghost towns, especially out in the deserts of Nevada or New Mexico - but I never expected this stuff to be in California.

Visually, this piece is mesmerizing, because it is so bleak. The colors are drab and the environment is sun bleached and barren - it sucks you in with its emptiness. As for camera movement - there is only still shots (lacking movement) and tracking/steady cams. Its calming and soothing, but somehow haunting. No one is around,  you only hear the wind howling - everything is dried out and dead.

What I find most interesting though is the story driving the documentary and the information presented. I was not aware of this 'sea' or how it once was a flourishing city in CA. It's weird to see something so spectacular turn into something so horrible so quickly.

I'm definitely interested in going there - after all, it is only 3 hours away.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Awe Inspiring

I mean really? Come on now. I can't even say this is show boating.

This is literally just how good he is.

It's why he's number one.

I apologize for the short post as well - Blogger has been down since yesterday and has finally opened up for postings again and with me being at work - this is all I have time for :)

Enjoy the awesomeness that is Nadal.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Devil Amongst the Trees

He had always loved the woods growing up. It's where many of his favorite memories had been made. He'd run through the pine barrens after his friends, playing tag, giggling, breathing hard. Sometimes it was hide and seek. Other times Cowboys and Indians. He and his friends were always allowed to play alone amongst the trees. From his backyard his parents could see endlessly. The trees were spread apart enough to see deep into the woods - deeper than he knew he should go.

But today, he had wondered much further than he knew he was allowed to - out of sight, well beyond the far spread trees, to where the pine barrens began to close in, swallowing the sunlight from above and silencing the word beyond their bark.

His friends from school has said there was something in the woods. He of course didn't believe them. They had said it was something not from this world, from below the ground, something that could take your soul. He knew they were lying, but they insisted they weren't - that they had heard stories of lost dogs, and sightings of whatever it was by adults. There was even a rumor that it smelled of burning wood.

He had decided today was the day he was going to look for it - to prove to his friend's there was no "Jersey Devil." It was just some stupid rumor, born from someone's imagination. He had heard of heaven and hell, god and the devil, but he couldn't believe any of it. It just sounded silly.

As he wondered down the path, he noticed the light seemed to fade and the rain began to lighten - not because the storm overhead was passing, but because the trees were much closer to one another. The forest wasn't wide open - now it felt claustrophobic. It didn't help that he couldn't hear anything either. It wasn't that his ears were blocked, but there was no sound, to anything.

When he realized this, he stopped. He didn't like this. As he began to turn around, he heard a twig snap behind him. He held his breath, not wanting to turn around. There was another snap, closer to him. Holding his eyes shut he turned around and he heard a voice, "hello there child."

Opening his eyes, a man stood before him, in a trim black suit. His head was vacant of hair and his eyes almost appeared yellow.

"What are you doing way out here young man? Aren't you a little far from home?"

Looking down at the man's feet, that's when he noticed his lack of shoes and that each foot was coated in a smoking black substance that looked like tar.

Before he could look up, the man was within a few inches of him.

"Do your parent's know where you are?"

That's when the man's breath lingered down to his nose - it smelt like smoldering ashes, like the forest fire that had torn through the pine barrens a couple years ago.

Without hesitating, the boy turned around and began running as fast as his little legs could carry him. He knew the devil wasn't far behind him, he could feel him, even if he couldn't hear his bare feet as they landed o the pine needles littering the ground.

The boy jumped logs, rocks, ran through trees, cutting his face up.

He could feel the hot breath on the back of his neck.

The boy could see the end of the forrest up ahead. His lungs were burning, but he kept pushing forward, until he felt a hand clasped down on his shoulder. Without turning he flailed his arm, broke free, and burst out of the woods into his back yard.

He yelled for his parents as he neared the porch. His mom ran out to comfort him, fear on her face.

"Where is God's name have you been?!"

She kneeled beside him hugging him.

"We were so worried about you! Wait...what happened to your coat?"

A piece of cloth, the size of a hand was burnt out of the shoulder of the boy's coat. When the boy saw it - he swore he heard a cackle echoing from deep within the woods.


To be honest - I tried to write about this photo and nothing came to my mind.

Literally nothing.

That's how relaxed it makes me.

Time Lapse Part Duex

I know I already wrote a brief post about it once this week - but time lapse videos are so beautiful. Most of the time they're of urban environments, changing seasons, or something decaying, but in the next example, it's of something we take granted every day.

The sky.

It's a wonderful thing, the scope of it, the colors that in inhabit it, the way the clouds move like there is life to them.

It's amazing to see how our perceptions of something so mundane and seemingly trivial change when they are ever so slightly manipulated.

El Cielo de Canarias / Canary sky - Tenerife from Daniel López on Vimeo.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Holla, City of Squallaaa

I can't really explain Vegas other than it was magical this time. Sure, it was magical last time we went for New Years, but this time it was different, because we played Vegas right - exactly how it is meant to be played.

My roommate and I hit the road by 4 on Friday (I took off - he took a half day) and made it to Vegas by 9. Keep in mind, traffic slowed us down by 30 minutes, but last time we drove there it took 8:30 rather than an easy five. We pulled into the Riviera and began the check-in process. A cool moment occurred when we were in the elevator with an Asian family and they asked Rob and I "Taekwondo?" We kind of just looked at each other, and the dad asked "are you guys weighing in for the competition?" Oh shit, right, I had my adidas bag slung over my shoulder and Rob had a nike duffle bag to match, and we were both in shorts and athletic shoes. We had to explain that we weren't, but it was a nice inadvertent compliment.

As soon as we got to the rooms - which was brand new (we stayed there for that reason - we had heard about the renovation) and immediately took our own shower. We then had a quick drink (and a few um, Absinth shots) and left to meet up with my brother (money bags was staying at the Venetian). We hugged, we laughed, I met all his friends (awesome people) and we headed to the Mirage, for the club 'Jet' where we had two VIP tables and bottles waiting. Unfortunately though, a Moto X party (dirt bike riders) had bought out one of the tables out from underneath us - so we only had one. Oh well. We danced, we talked, we drank, we stumbled home. It was awesome.

Rob and I didn't make it back to our room until 6:30am but it didn't stop us from waking up at 10:30 to start our day. We dressed and went out to Caesar's for their buffet, which Rob swore by. After waiting in line for an hour - we were seated and gorged ourselves. I didn't want to say that the food was really bad - but Rob was busy texting his sister, whom he had gone to the buffet a year ago, about how they had redesigned the whole place. She responded back that they had eaten at the Bellagio buffet. Whoops.

We finished our food and met my brother, Will, and Parish at the Cosmopolitan (coolest resort by far) at some random bar and began our bar crawl down the strip (I will post pictures once I get them from my brother). We hit up New York New York, Cosmo, Paris, the MGM and a bunch of random liqueur carts. I drank beers in the street. I took jello shots on the side walk. I even did Irish Car Bombs in front of a Lion Exhibit in the MGM - I completely understand how Vegas is Disney for adults. On the walk home, we even stopped at a random liqueur store and bought some champagne to drink.

Yes - I was toasted the whole day, especially by the time we got back to our hotel room.

What'd we do next? Go out again of course!

While at the MGM some promoter found us so we were suckered into ANOTHER night of VIP and bottle service - this time at the Bank at the Bellagio. It was more expensive, but worth it (Jet still is #1 for me, so go there if you ever make it to Vegas). We had a blast - dancing, laughing, causing a ruckus.

I woke up @ 8am fully clothed, on top of my bed, contacts still in, shoes still on - with no recollection of how I got there. Rob was at least under his sheets.

We slept until 10:45am when I woke rob up, told him we had to check out by 11 - so we threw all our shit together and bolted.

I said my goodbyes to my brother and his friends, and away we went (not before I gorged myself in Taco Bell on the boarder of Nevada and California).

So how did we play Vegas right? We had a fly hotel room, we spent WAY too much money, we had an insane amount of fun, and we were drunk more than we were sober (while in Vegas - never in the car or on the road).

And to add to the fun, I got to see my brother after 6 months - which felt weird since it was on the other side of the country from where he calls home, in the middle of a desert.

Oh god...Vegas really is magical.

I can't wait to do it again in a couple months.

(And yes, this is a politically correct telling  of the story - ask separately for more nitty gritty).

How In The World...?

Are you f*cking kidding me!?

I've grown to despise MTV and their lack of videos and of course music - but this is literally staggering.

So much work. So much preparation. Only one chance. Wow.

Balloons - MTV Brazil from Dulcidio Caldeira on Vimeo.

Monday, May 9, 2011


Vegas KILLED me.

I'm a very tired boy at the moment - so thats why I'm already in bed, falling asleep @ 10. Because of this - I'm not going to be writing a 'real' post this evening, but rather just post some cool stuff.

I promise when I'm recuperated (tomorrow) I will fill in with stories from the trip!

Dogs are awesome - here is an example why:

I don't know how you conceptualize something like this - but it's hypnotizing:

Time lapse videos are awesome to begin with - but the lighting is this particular one is strikingly beautiful:

Timelapse - The City Limits from Dominic on Vimeo.

Like I said...I'll be back in full force tomorrow.

Happy watching!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Round Two

I'm going to keep this post short and sweet.

I hate taking days off from work - I hate taking sick days. I'd prefer to just work all the time. But, I took tomorrow off.

So why would I do that? Cause I'm going to Vegas...again...for round 2. Hell yeah.

And what makes this such a special trip you ask? My brother is there right now. That's right, the Kalicki Brothers reunited...in Vegas. That means only the craziest shit is going to happen. Add into the mix my roommates and you have a volatile mix.

It's going to be a great time. I haven't seen my brother in a long time and I honestly can't wait to spend two nights with him.

God have mercy on our souls....

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Kickin' it Back to the Old School

So I spent a semester in LA, back during my sophomore year. When I was out here, I interned at two different production companies - Anonymous Content and Partizan. Both had their pro's and con's. Which did I like more?

It's really hard for me to say since both balanced out for different reasons. But, if I had to choose which helped me grow as a film maker? I'd have to select Partizan hands down. I got to go to a set every week, work shoots, and most importantly absorb everything I witnessed.

One of my favorite shoots was for a Honda commercial. I was privileged to work with a director named Ace Norton (youtube his stuff, this guy is certainly going to explode soon). What was so special about it? He approached me - asked me a bunch of questions, where I was from, what I was going to school for, where, etc.

But, to top it all off? He actually asked me if I wanted to shoot some of the commercial.

A director, allowing an intern to actually get behind the camera? Unheard of!

Anywho, thanks Ace for giving me that opportunity. It is something I'll never forget.

Oh, and this is the commercial...

Morning Wood

Get your head out of the gutter - this takes place in the morning and involves a lot of wood.

Do I think they actually built this? Most likely not.

Do I hope they did? Absolutely. Because: this is absolutely amazing.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


I want a camera. Everyone knows that. It's kind of a no brainer if you know me, what I believe in, and what my passion is.

What would be even better than a 'normal' camera?

A high speed camera! I know I've spoken about them before, but they're so amazing. Just give it a look and I'll promise you'll know what I'm talking about.

I hope you all think of Bill Cosby when you watch this (oh jello jigglers and daycare - they go hand in hand)

But, still, something could be better than jello to watch in slow-mo.

What about a cake? A big ol' birthday cake?

Why? Well, because it'd be appropriate for today - May 4th. It just so happens to be the birthday of someone who frequents this blog often.

So - Happy Birthday Uncle Billy! I hope you have a splendid day!

I'll be thinking about you from the West coast.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Looky Here

What is this? I haven't been here before. I don't know where I am, but thats ok. The birds are chirping, the sun is shining, and I'm happy.

The ground is cool beneath me, cooling me against the humidity in the air. It feels thick. Wet. I'm not used to this feeling. What is it?

I like the leaves. They crinkle under me as I move - crawling and squirming around.

My dress is getting dirty. Thats ok. I don't need it. I like to run around without it on much more anyway.

But really - what is this odd green shape before me? With it's long green arms and curling head? It feels funny when I touch it. It's furry.

I like this little tree, whatever it may be.

Descriptive Words

I can't say I'm a good writer. Do I think I have some talent? Sure - as do many other people.

But I've noticed recently, and it annoys me to a degree, that people tend to think good writing consists of jamming as many adjectives into a sentence as possible.

Stop it.

They are there to assist the sentence, not literally make the sentence.

Relax a bit - let the writing breathe.